Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sishuwa demands an apology from Emmanuel Mwamba


Respected academic and University of Zambia lecturer Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa is demanding an apology from Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethopia Emmanuel Mwamba for insinuating that he was paid to write an article about Zambia which was published in the Mail & Guardian in South Africa recently.

Dr Sishuwa says he will reserve the right to sue Mr Mwamba if he does not apologise by close of business on Wednesday.


  1. I like the idea of suing. In America we sue and people choose what to say and/or publish. There are no sacred cows. If Zambia was a country, Lungu would be suing for defamation instead of police locking up people. The police have no right to arrest someone on a civil and personal matter unless instructed by the judge. Not the offended. Defamation and libel are personal matters. So, the decision to sue Mwamba is justified.

  2. But Shushuwa you peddled more serious falsehoods than what you are suing for, all in pursuit of wanting your Under 5 to go to State House.

    Whether you were paid or not your article was in bad taste and baseless.

  3. I have never feared anyone in Zambia. My job would be on the line if I did. America does not work like Zambia. There are professional ethics that limit our participation in stupid things like Zambia and its poverty.

  4. Most of you who support ECL and PF are in those fantastic mansions in Misisi with pit latrines and grade 12 education. Most jobless and have no future for your children. You sadly support someone to steal from your children to make his kids super rich for generations. How dolt can one be! To say the truth, don’t worry about me. I am situated and will not suffer a single day. Not even my grand children. So, when we speak, we speak for you whose brains are contaminated with bacteria from those pit latrines to an extent you think your suffering is normal. No it is NOT NORMAL. You are exactly what Trump called you. Figure out.

  5. “machine learning:
    the use and development of computer systems that are able to learn and adapt without following explicit instructions, by using algorithms and statistical models to analyze and draw inferences from patterns in data.”

    PF time out. and don’t expect the IMF soon.

  6. Shisushi wa Chisushi has more to apologize to Zambians than Mwamba. Mwamba suspected that you were paid looking at the way you were coming out. You will sue Mwamba for suspecting. You simply said Zambia will burn if HH does not win. Have you asked the majority Zambians who they will vote for?

  7. The idea of suing is tempting – if it wasn’t for the judiciary being as corrupt as the president and his band of cronies. A case like this would never make it to court before August 12 – and then the judge would surely dismiss it after having received a phonecall from State House

  8. We have people who think everything they say is true and they want everyone else to agree with them. It doesn’t work like that. The fact that you see something wrong in others or in how they do things is fact enough that others will see what you perceive to be right,to be actually flowed. If you can’t take criticism then just shut up

  9. So this is the guy that write for HH. Same wording and bitterness. The Armageddon team will never rule. If you want a broken record to stop repeating itself but. The record has repeated five times.

  10. Mwambas article was full of lies……..

    Ati vibrant civil society ???

    Ask pilato, Laura miti or Sean tembo who was savaged infront of police , what happens to any one who questions lungu ……

  11. A f00l who sprays his faeces all over people but can’t take shlt being thrown at him, is simply a coward. In fact this gay boy has been getting paid for years to write this nonsense. I have access to OP files which show who sent him money over years. We can end this boy’s career

  12. Guy Using pompwe lungu name, You are there bragging and insulting hard working Zambians who have resolved to develop our country and not America. My advise to you is don’t contribute anything here if its so irrelevant to you,and please don’t assume everyone is suffering in zambia just because your relatives are poor in Zambia, we are better off than most immigrants out there who think they become white when they live in US,we have been there but we come back because home was far much better.

  13. As it said learn to accept criticism from others and not thinking that people should accept your thinking. Childish behavior.

  14. Mwamba just apologise so that we move on to more important issues. When respected academics cough you mushanina bwalis and jobseekers should shrink.

  15. Pompwe Lungu
    People from Misisi compound are never here on LT reading your drivel. They cannot afford bundles and they are busy eking out a living by picking up whatever odd jobs they can find. You are proudly saying that you are all set for life and not even your grandchildren will suffer. Please we do not need you to insult on our behalf when you claim to be speaking for us! You are agitating for regime change yet you and many more in the so called diaspora cannot vote.
    People are seemingly supporting PF and Lungu simply because the opposition is not an option – they have not laid out their plans for reversing the downward spiral of the country’s economy and massive suffering. Unfortunately for you, he people from Misisi do vote! and they will place their vote on whoever has given…

  16. Please just sue the moron let him be buying air tickets and paying lawyers from Ethiopia…they are the same WhatsApp group as another bootlicker Tayali they never learn.

  17. Like this from this guy.
    Most of you who support ECL and PF are in those fantastic mansions in Misisi with pit latrines and grade 12 education. Most jobless and have no future for your children. You sadly support someone to steal from your children to make his kids super rich for generations. How dolt can one be! To say the truth, don’t worry about me. I am situated and will not suffer a single day. Not even my grand children. So, when we speak, we speak for you whose brains are contaminated with bacteria from those pit latrines to an extent you think your suffering is normal. No it is NOT NORMAL. You are exactly what Trump called you. Figure out.

  18. Paid for political publications are mainstream tools of persuasion. I would advise Shishuwa to adapt to the arena atmosphere.

  19. continued @17
    ….. Unfortunately for you, the people from Misisi do vote! and they will place their vote on whoever has given them any tangible assistance (mealie meal handouts) or demonstrated that he has their welfare at heart (hospitals/schools within their neighborhood including roads)! They don’t understand your cries about overpriced infrastructure or the difference between macro and micro economics or borrowing from China and IMF.

  20. As learned as we claim to be,we should advocate for constructive dialogue based on ideologies and philosophical stand points.What was wrong by Mr.Mwamba was to insinuate that The Dr. was paid to write the article without evidence or proof.This is what we call mediocrity and it should be amputated so that it does not become a cancer by suing the man.

  21. If UPND and its president Hakainde Hichilema does not win the August 12 elections the Zambia will burn to ashes. But if Lungu Edgar loses there will be total peace.
    This narrative is skewed. It is shouting to the people to rise against a legitimate government.
    I have a lot of respect for scholars like Dr Sishuwa wa Sishuwa. But when your commentaries and analyses are incessantly biased towards UPND it leaves much to be desired. Always looking like you are a hired gun and when you are challenged, you call it libel and sue for damages.

  22. Comments from Emmanuel Mwamba come out as lies in the belief that PF regime will shield, threaten and silence those that express views affecting PF regime’s style of governance that has created fear and alarm at the way it treats those with diverse opinions. To tell lies of such individuals in disguise to be more patriotic than others will attract libel liability on the authors of those lies. Emmanuel Mwamba should face the law, should he fail to apologise for character assassination of an acclaimed academician.


    The Ambassador was SIMPLY quoted to say yr silly article was paid for, for it to appear in foreign Newspapers. NOT that you were paid.

  24. Fair point. Ambassador Mwamba should either apologise to Sishuwa for issuing false allegations or he should produce Evidence that Sishuwa was paid by Mail & Guardian for the Article published in their Paper. Ambassador Mwamba was welcome to critique Sishuwa’s Article but allege a falsehood is unacceptable. That is tarnishing the image and reputation of Sishuwa Sishuwa as a Reputable Writer.

  25. Emmanuel Mwamba and Anthony Mukwita behave like they’re not diplomats. They want to be in the press all the time. What time do they work? They even make pronouncements that should be reserved for senior government officials. An ambassador is a very junior officer in the government structure, he’s just an equivalent of a District Commissioner. Why can’t these chaps keep their lane? I don’t understand why Jpe Malanji hasn’t disciplined them. Mama Inonge had even warned about press statements that were coming from Mwamba and Mukwita. Ka Mwamba even announced about an allocation of covid-19 vaccines when Cabinet hadn’t even made a decision. I think Sishuwa is right to take the stance he’s taken. It’ll help tame these 2 vocal chaps

  26. @David N, kindly tell your supposedly friend that some of us have a lot of relatives living in the Ghettos and eat and mourn with them. There are Family, whether poor or underprivileged. He is rude!!.

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    Bo Sishuwa, please don’t st0op to his level… I was not pursued by his writing even if it was full of l!es… an article’s intellectual standpoint doe not diminish whether paid for or free.
    Just take it on the chin as much as you give it out… you are better off just stating or even commenting on his Faceb0ok page that you were never paid to write your opinion… most level headed people would believe you over this c@dre Mw@mba. I suggest you ignore the f00l and move on… you have to develop a thick skin when you are in the business that criticizes and exposes the wrongs of the govt in power… ask Fred Mmembe during his years at The Post… Saki and Aka had to bail him out on several occasions from govt persecut!0n. I say ignore!

  28. Bring it on.
    That article gave an impression that a lot was put in to write but later proved to be nothing other than illusions kwasila.

  29. This is a classic example of when you bully the bullies – they don’t like it and in most cases it stops them. We have been listening to this Doctor in the History of Politics’ drivel for so long, with UPND sycophants cheering him on, but now that the shoe is on the other foot he starts crying foul. Why on earth did UPND chose this pointless individual to champion their cause?…desperation or what ?

  30. Most of the time the doc writes provocative things about others. no one has threatened to sue him. For him to say he’ll sue Mwamba over his comments is not only laughable but outright childish and silly. Don’t open your mouth if you can’t stand being corrected.keep your thoughts to yourself and stay mute.

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