Saturday, July 27, 2024

A leader with National Character Cannot be Crying Foul over One Province


Patriotic Front (PF) National Chairperson Hon Samuel Ngonga Mukupa has said that only a tribalist can be claiming to win in one province.

Reacting UPND President Hakainde Hichilema’s sentiments that the International community should come to verify the 2021 voter register in order to ascertain why Southern Province has few voters is typical tribalism, Mr Mukupa said that a leader with a national character cannot be crying foul over one province, adding that such a person is not good for the country.

Hon Mr Mukupa said that if Mr Hichilema became a Republican President he can divide the Zambian people.

“Why should someone vying for a higher position in the country start talking about votes in a certain region. As far as am concerned a leader need to have a national character. Even when you win an election you need to get votes across the country,” he said.

Mr Mukupa reminded the UPND leader that why Southern Province has recorded few voters this year it is because others have shifted and others have died.

“People have been migrating and that tells you that you cannot have the same voter like it was in 2016,” Hon Mukupa says.

“And moreover we had ghost voters and now the register has been cleaned that is why you see some provinces having few eligible voters,”.

Meanwhile, Hon Mukupa said that the sentiments by Mr Hichilema show that he has conceded defeat, adding that Mr Hichilema already knows that he has lost the August 12 general elections.

“All what is saying clearly shows that he has already accepted that he has lost the elections and nothing else,” he says.


  1. Zambia is one nation and all provinces inclusive therefore HH has every right to question voter shenanigans in any one part.

  2. Hon Mukupa, you have nailed it so , so , completely. WHY should he be concerned about ONE PROVINCE? By extrapolation, let’s look at all the other aspiring presidential candidates – including the incumbent – which provinces can they be CONCERNED about:
    CK — NW province?
    HK — Eastern province?
    ECL — Western province?

  3. Ba pf, if it is to follow, you have dribbled Zambians on the voter register. So don’t play clever. We are all seeing how kaizer Zulu is already celebrating victory of an election months away all because even he can see the dribbles factored in. So celebrate your cleverness for now. Chiluba also had his nikuvu voters register, you have yours now. There is a saying about fooling people once, but not all the time. Zambians meanwhile are struggling with povertly due to the high cost of living you have created. And meanwhile you are all smiles everyday. Throwing small money’s at them like they are beggers. Zambians are in tears. Living everyday hungry & in tears.

  4. And Lungu is a national character? Hajshahahahaaaaaa he divides the country more than anyone – between ordinary citizens and his band of corrupt cronies!

  5. Both SADC and AU Election Guidelines require a Voters Roll Audit. Why is ECZ refusing to have the New Voters Roll audited? What is ECZ hiding? ECZ has disenfranchised many People especially in Opposition Strongholds. U cannot have a Credible Election without a Credible Voters Roll. To make matters works ECL is imposing himself on Zambians thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. So ECL shouldn’t be surprised when the 2021 Elections are declared not free and fair. As an illegitimate President ECL will face a very hostile environment. Stealing Elections has consequences.

  6. Stop it with your psychobabble!! This new found game of reverse psychology by all politically-charged people is what’s actually fueling hatred amongst each other. How about ignoring what this one or that one said for once, and concentrate on messages of unity plus working together to fix the ailing ecomy.

  7. We are tired of these fools trying to divide us because they want to hang on to power at all costs. Even a blind person can clearly see what you have done to advantage yourself against possible defeat. Fortunate enough the unemployed and suffering youths are plentiful even in those areas you think are your stronghold. We are fully aware of your rigging intentions and plans to shut down the internet

  8. How come the registration of voters has not been an issue all those years in the past until this year? Bembas say “apakomaila nondo ninshi pali ubulema”. The playing field has to be level right from the registration of voters up to the counting of votes. This is why it is very difficult for the opposition to concede defeat. The irregularities start long before the polling day

  9. Actually what might have caused other regions to register in great numbers is the voting patterns that were displayed in the so called opposition party’s strong holds in the last general elections. So to counter these voting patterns, the other regions had to campaign for big numbers of registered voters.

    • But we all know the population of Zambia has been increasing from Independence. It has never reduced. So how come the numbers of voters have reduced in the perceived opposition strongholds? Why haven’t the numbers reduced in the other regions? There’s certainly something fishy here

  10. Face reality, because of the droughts in southern province, a lot of Tongas have shifted to better arable lands in Central and Copperbelt provinces. The reason you find farming areas of Mpongwe are predominatly UPND. You also find people from Southern Province have moved to Mkushi areas of Central province. So if I was HH, would look at where MY people have moved to and make sure that they do not get polluted with PF propaganda. Irrational complaints will not bring you votes . Go out there at get the votes from KASAMA AND MANSA.

  11. I always wonder why PF politicians always want to respond to each and every statement made by HH. Is HH such a threat to your political success that you need to respond to every word uttered by HH? When my president Peter speaks, PF cadres and political leaders don’t react. When PeP president speaks, they are quiet. Maybe there is truth that PF is scared of losing power to UPND. A voter register is a living document and must only be updated. Only in Zambia we do things like we did and to some it is normal. The beauty is TRUST always will stand even when it seems subdued. So let’s wait and see.

  12. @Sichula, your assertion that “to counter these voting patterns, the other regions had to campaign for big numbers of registered voters” does not hold any water.
    WHY have the numbers in the predominant opposition provinces reduced from the previous register? What has caused this reduction in numbers? If the number of electorates were a bit higher than the previous ones,that would have made some sense.
    What a coincidence? All pf dominated areas numbers increased while opposition areas reduced, How?

  13. Under 5 and his supporters claim they have taken over CB and Lusaka. Where is the worry then coming from? It’s admission ni beans yekayeka because the two provinces have the highest number of registered voters.

  14. The voters roll should be independently audited!!! We understand this is a SADC and AU requirement. What is there to fear if there was no crookedness in the voter registration?

  15. A leader with national character cannot always be bragging about taking development to areas that did not vote for him, because taking development to all areas of the country is every politician’s role, a leader with national character will not even talk on a daily basis about people that did not vote for him in the last election, it says much about his heart.

  16. Hon Chikopo is implying that if a leader steals 1 car of 10 government cars; we should not cry foul since it’s only one.. a wrong is a wrong… regardless of the body count…such leaders are reason Zambia will not only be second last in alphabetical order but also in reasoning

  17. PF shouldn’t vend its frustration and anger on the ECL Eligibility issue on HH and UPND. PF should direct its frustration and anger to the Republican Constitution which prohibits a Third Term and Concourt whose mandate is to interpret, obey, defend,protect and enforce the Republican Constitution. All that ECL and PF needs to do is to get an ECL Eligibility Certificate from Concourt to enable ECL stand in the August 12 Elections.

  18. I totally agree with the sentment that other province have recorded more voters because of the voting patern established the opposition party in the last two elections.To make matters worse, the party bragged a lot about it. efilwa balanda ati,”akatanshi takalisha,akalekelesha kalalisha”( whatever bad is done to your friend or enemy will haunt you the worst in future).This has happened and the goodness is that the people themselves have now realised that they were being cheated with the party’s beliefs for too long.So hey said to boycott by not registring as voters to avoid being called traitors if the party concerned lose the elections in their home ground. A lot of lessons have been taught through this low turn our in vote registration.

  19. Eagle man, it does hold water and overloaded for that matter! That’s why leaders must be careful with what they do or say.It haunts them in future.As I have said earlier on, there are many lessons to learn from here.Some of the questions to be asked in these lessons are the questions you have paused yourself, which clearly shouws tha you totally agree with Sichula.This is a sober way of analyzing the situation of this nature!!!!!!

  20. This man Samuel Mukupa must be very dull. Please don’t mislead Zambians over issues that have not been mentioned. HH is not talking about one province, but the provinces that have had the registered voter numbers systematically reduced. Mr Mukupa should justify why WP, SP and NWP voter registration numbers have been reduced and not concentrating on HH’s province and bringing in tribalism. HH has the right to bring this issue to the attention of SADC etc, I really dont’t understand why the PF has gone into hyper drive over something they think is right and able to justify.

  21. If I were HH I would wthraw the letters sent to SADC and AU before I get embarrassed twice this year alone. There are so many factors involved in what he is complaigning about. But agaign it exposes who HH is to the Zambian people who are the real masters of his destney and not the SADC or AU. He requested to have the voters register to be be redone, but again he s saying we need updated one. He was expecting the same ghost voters to be there, very very sad indeed. Zambia deserves better opposition leaders in Govt.

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