Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Company invest 25 000 US dollars into cassava production


Three Roofs Investment with support from the United States Africa Development Foundation has invested 25 thousand US dollars in a Cassava value addition project in Luapula Province.

Company Board Chairperson Martin Chanda disclosed that Three Roofs Investment will put up a factory in Chief Chisunka’ chiefdon which will be producing hand sanitizer from ethanol which is a by-product of Cassava and Aloe Vera.

Mr. Chanda explained that the Company decided to settle for Luapula Province and in particular Chief Chisunka’s Chiefdom due to high levels of Cassava Production in the area.

Speaking during the training for 30 Cassava Farmers in Chief Chisunka’s area, Mr. Chanda indicated that the company will work closely with cassava farmers in Luapula Province who will be expected to be supplying the Cassava to the company.

Mr Chanda further revealed that Cassava experts will be engaged who will be teaching farmers new ways of growing Cassava so that they can increase their production.

“There will be high demand for ethanol from our side therefore we expect Farmers to be able to meet this demand by increasing their production,” says Mr, Chanda.

He pointed out that through the Company’s out-grower scheme, more Cassava Farmers will be brought on board and they will be supplied with the necessary materials to enable them grow their cassava without difficulties.

And Three Roofs Investment Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Annie Kapapula says she is confident that the project will succeed in Luapula Province as Cassava is one of the major crops which is grown in the area.

Mrs. Kapapula disclosed that the company wants to create a market niche and use Luapula Province as the hub for Cassava production and its related by-products.

“As an industry, we need to evolve if we are to remain contemporary and sustainable and that is the reason why we have embarked on this journey in Luapula Province,” notes Mrs Kapapula.

Mrs. Kapapula has since urged farmers in Luapula Province to embrace and support the Cassava project as it is meant not only to better their lives but also to improve the way they grow Cassava.


  1. You people are not serious! $25,000 is an amount one would use to clear a vehicle imported into Zambia. Taking money packaged as empowerment fund from Americans is not just embarrassing but questionable. What are they looking for in this venture. Ordinary Zambians can take up such, why do we have to sell our soul for that small amount of money? What sort of investment is this? Please share because I would like to invest if the returns are good.

  2. This is a positive development. These are projects that we all need to support. This is an indictment on the Zambian financial sector. Our banks are comfortable with lending money to Boma in Treasury Bills. We can’t grow our economy like that. Our banks fail to even execute Order Financing, they want to profile SMEs for short term finance like they want to borrow on long term and they always ask for title deeds for residential property. Who told them that the only collateral is a house? I don’t know what Christopher Yaluma is doing at Commerce, obviously he’s dozing like his colleague at Religious Affairs. We all need to contribute to the growth of our country, no one will build Zambia for us. Even if you run ramshackle vessels somewhere at least you’re adding to the GDP of the…

  3. @FutureZed. Don’t lie and try to show that you know it all. Why do you UPND sycophants want to create a negative picture about Zambia? The tax on your ka used car is an equivalent of £1,000 in Zambian Kwacha. $25,000 my behind!!!

  4. @ Future Zed. You are the people letting us down. If that is little money why dont you support SME’s to start up businesses with even $10,000. Do you know what that amount is to an ordinary Zambian? Stop bu some of us and speak the truth. You call over K500,000 small.

  5. Why not locate the factory in Mansa and leave Chief Chisunka’s area for purely farming activity? That way u let the chiefdom maintain its rural status.

  6. @IllSayWhatIWant and Timbwi you need to learn how to read and articulate things. Do you even know the terms of that investment? It’s loggerheads like you who are letting the country down by thinking we need a messiah from outside the country to come and rescue us. Maybe you didn’t understand muchizungu! why munfuna kutenga ndalama from bantu bamene ba konda kuti pasa ndalama nama conditions when we have so many Zambians who can invest that amount? If you think that’s too much money then you should be questioning why useless plots are so expensive in Zambia when 95% of the land is not even titled? Malabish!

  7. @IllSayWhatIWant, F00l1shness is when you clearly see money laundering in the country and you say nothing. You see people being given cash in dollars as empowerment funds and you say nothing. You see ministers with unexplainable wealth built over a short period of time and you say nothing. We have convicted criminals openly mocking the Zambian people with impunity and you say nothing. I’m not a UPND supporter by the way! can’t never! I believe disgruntled UPND supporters are just waiting for their turn to steal and outdo their PF colleagues. The only sensible looking party at the moment is UNIP, the rest are opportunists.

  8. Hello all. This is Annie Kapapula the C.E.O. of Three Roofs Investment Limited the recipient of the $25,000.00 and implementer of the project. First of all thank you for reading about us. For the longest time l couldn’t get financial support to execute my dream of supporting the poor Cassava farmer’s of my home town until help came through the Academy for Women Enterprise (via which USADF-Bless them–supported 9 women run companies in Zambia were supported with $25,000.00) which l truly thank God for. I held my first TOT workshop with the farmers just last week at Chitonga Village 50 kilometers outside Mansa which will impact 600 other farmers with new methods of planting the cassava for greater yields, which will bring better sells, which in turn will lift them out of poverty……is…

  9. The factory is located there because that’s where we own land (inherited from our late parent). Locals have already benefited from the works during the building which l proudly announce is going smoothly.

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