Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu will win this year’s elections without a re-run-Hamukale


SOUTHERN Province Minister, Edify Hamukale, has predicted that President Edgar Lungu will win this year’s elections without a re-run.

Dr. Hamukale has therefore encouraged other UPND members to leave the opposition party because it has nothing to offer. Meanwhile, some chiefs in Southern Province have vowed to work with the government of the day to bring development to the people. Dr Hamukale predicted that President Lungu would score over 60 percent which did not require a re-run.

According to Dr Hamukale, the President would emerge victorious due to his development agenda and commitment to improving the living standards in the country. He said this yesterday in Choma when Transport and Communications Minister, Mutotwe Kafwaya, launched a communication tower at Nakeempa Secondary School. “I just want you as fellow citizens to publicly know that the statistics and predictions show that President Lungu will this year win elections without any re-run, zero rerun. If first time he got 50 point something, this time around he will score 60 percent.

“President Lungu is for you and we are very happy that most of you are seeing the need to work with the Government of the day. Long live Zambia, long live President Lungu and long live Nakeempa,” Dr Hamukale said.

Dr Hamukale called on all members of the UPND to leave the party and join PF which had a lot to offer such as development. He cited the communications tower project being among the initiatives President Lungu had prioritised in Southern Province. “You have these towers because of President Lungu and if you give us more councillors, more Members of Parliament, you will see how much trickle down effects will come into this area. “So why are you remaining in a party that you and your family are not benefitting, come and join us. This tower is a demonstration that President Lungu is for all of us.

UPND has nothing to offer,” Dr Hamukale said. Earlier, Chief Cooma of Choma stressed the importance of working with the government of the day. Chief Cooma said: “we do everything with the government of the day and I am one of the traditional chiefs who are working with the government of the day. President Lungu is a very flexible leader.” And Chief Chinkanta of Kalomo said he would also work with the government and urged the people of Southern Province to support President Lungu’s administration.


  1. Kaizer Zulu, chicken farmers who are ordering chicks (broiler, layers, village) are crying over a 30 to 60 day waiting period before they can collect chicks they paid for all because all hatcheries have now prioritized Congo dollar market were we hear they are making upto 4 times than here. So tell us, is this how PF agriculture policies are being implemented, proudly?

  2. Hamukule is obviously hallucinating and drunk with Power.ECL is no longer Electable. He cannot win free and fair Elections in 2021. Even EIU has acknowledged this fact. Suffering Zambians are just waiting to send ECL “ku wire”. Given his unpopularity its impossible for ECL to garner 50% + 1 Vote threshold. If these Elections go for a Re-run ECL will be wiped out. ECL has no choice but to massively rig the Election if he is to retain Power. An illegal and unconstitutional Third Term and illegal Power grab will bring Social Strife in Zambia. The writing is on the wall.

  3. This is public knowledge now that we are going to win. In fact the other day the EIU came out to say that ECL is winning. This has angered the tribalists in upnd. The sooner they realise that they are wasting their time then the better for them.

    Zambia only has one party and that is the pf. The rest are just jokers.

    @twende I have not received such a report or intelligence. So I cannot comment on unsubstantiated statements like that. I would recommend you make contact with our ministry for agriculture and ensure you have evidence of your claims.

  4. You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of the day.

  5. In 2016 ECL promise Money in People’s pockets but we didn’t see the Money. Now cost of living has skyrocketed and People are starving and their lives have been ruined. So why should People vote for continued suffering and misery? It’s only PF Elites and Cardres who have plenty of Money and are living well. Ordinary Zambians are languishing in Poverty and are anxious to send ECL and PF “ku wire” on August 12. Can’t wait!

  6. I’m afraid Hamukale and KZ are correct. They both know the elections have been cooked and will be totally rigged around August 12. And Lungu tells all diplomats and the Botswana president the elections will be free and fair. And the opposition including HH is not smart enough to stop it. So another term of thievery and corruption. I guess you are proud of this “achievement”, chief of corruption strategy KZ?

  7. Southern Province has suffered a lot. People have paid heavy price of voting UPND candidates. This is the time to rectify the mistake.

  8. Every citizen in Southern Province should give a serious thought to what they got? What the UPND MPs have done for them? They should ask them what have they done to CDF?

  9. The mood in Southern Province is changing rapidly. We have seen how HH and his goons have sold everything to foreigners. How many of you have noticed sharp increase in the number of foreigners in the Province over last four – five years?

  10. I knew this was bound to happen. Even the Chiefs in Southern Province have realised they put their subjects in trouble by supporting UPND. But it is never too late to improve. Better late than never!

  11. There are many reasons to vote for President Lungu. Infrastructure development, agricultural reforms, business reforms….. the list is unending. What has HH to show and seek votes on?

  12. President Lungu has transformed the country in last five years. Today, we have good roads, good houses, and good healthcare. He fought Covid19 from the front. HH was hiding in his house when people died due to the infection. We have not forgotten that.

  13. ECL is working for the country round the clock, irrespective of what happens in the election. He is more concerned about welfare of Zambians than the politics.

  14. We would be digging our own grave if we voted UPND and HH. Everyone must keep this in mind. If at all, HH comes to power, we will be enslaved again and this time the dictator would be HH. So, vote wisely.

  15. Now that UPND spokesperson has quit and joined PF, more will follow him. After all, everyone has dignity and can’t be just ‘yes man’ of an autocratic leader. We live in democracy.

  16. Re-run is just out of question. Don’t even think of it. President Lungu is going to win with convincing majority.

  17. Hamukale is jumping the Gun and Daydreaming. How can he talk of an ECL win and Re-run. The Republican Constitution prohibits ECL from standing for a Third Term. ECL needs to get Concourt to declare him eligible for him to contest the 2021 Elections. The Constitution says: “A person who has held Office twice is not eligible for Election as President “. It is illegal and unconstitutional for ECL to seek aThird Term becoz he has held Office,been elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016. We need an Objective and Professionally Ruling b4 we can talk of ECL winning Election or participating in a Re-run. We need to respect, obey, defend and enforce the Republican Constitution.

  18. This man, from Southern Province, hon. Hamukale want to take Zambia to one Party era, where President Lungu will contest with a frog which has no people. We opposition to expose corrupt and critic ruling party where necessary? HH should should given credit for standing up. Chiefs work with any gov. of the day.

  19. @Henry Mulosa how is ECL going to win when his Eligibility is being Petitioned? The Constitution bars ECL from contesting the 2021 Elections. Has PF got assurance from Concourt that a Certificate of Eligibility will be issued to ECL to enable him contest in the 2021 Election? PF runs the risk of counting chickens b4 the eggs are hatched. ECL’s Eligibility is a very serious Constitutional Problem which PF Cadres are not taking seriously. If Concourt is Objective and Professional it will Rule ECL ineligible then Confusion will reign in PF. Let’s wait and see!

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