Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF determined to implement development in all parts of the country – Malanji


Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Patriotic Front Deputy National Mobilisation Chairperson Geoffrey Mwamba and Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji
Patriotic Front Deputy National Mobilisation Chairperson Geoffrey Mwamba and Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji
has reiterated government’s commitment to ensure that the projected development by the PF Administration is implemented in all parts of the country.

Mr. Malanji indicated that among the many sectors, government has prioritised agricultural activities through early distribution of farming input under sustainable programmes such as the Farmer Input Support programme.

The Minister said that this is so that the country sustains itself and is food secure.

Speaking when he addressed Itezhi-Tezhi Patriotic Front members, Mr. Malanji who is also PF National Mobilisation Member explained that the works of President Edgar Lungu are very clear thus urged the people of Itezhi-Tezhi to support the winning party.

He noted that the district does not have proper representation hence come August 2021, they should vote for PF who will ensure that the district is transformed for the benefit of every citizen.

“The government of President Lungu wants to have everyone on board for the projected development by his government. His works are very clear, therefore I am urging all of you to vote for the PF administration on Agust 12, 2021,” Mr. Malanji told the people.

He asked them not to be cheated by the opposition who are riding on the challenges being faced by the country due to COVID-19.

Mr. Malanji noted that the entire world is grappling with the economy because of the pandemic, hence should trust government who is implementing various activities aimed at restoring the economic hardships.

Meanwhile, PF National Mobilisation Chairperson Richard Musukwa urged Itezhi-Tezhi PF district structure to continue mobilising more members to the winning party.

Mr. Musukwa stated that the district requires PF representation starting from the ward level to Member of Parliament.

He however urged the district membership to support the leaders that will be adopt by the party.

He acknowledged the zeal from candidates aspiring to be adopted but that each position can only be led by one person at a time.

“I would like to commend Mr. Malanji who has gone across the country to mobilise more support for the PF party. Now, let me urge all of you to support those candidates that will be adopted by the party so that we have increased numbers in leadership positions,” Mr. Musukwa indicated.

He therefore called for continued descipline in the party especially with the coming elections.

And Itezhi-Tezhi PF District Chairperson Musonda Mambwe indicated that the visit by the National Mobilisation team was helpful to the district supporters.

Mr. Mambwe announced that the party has continued penetrating even in the opposition strong holds, hence assured that August 12, 2021 will be a walk over.

“We are very humbled by your visit. We can assure you that our mobilisation team is on grown in readiness for the August elections,” Mr. Mambwe stated.

He commended the national Mobilisation team for visiting the district which will boost support for the party.

Mr Mambwe noted that the visit will also look into the challenges being faced by the district team for possible solutions.


  1. Seems like PF is determined to spread Covid 19 with these reckless superspreader political events.What about the unsustainable debt ba PF?

  2. PF had more than 6 years to take devt to all Provinces but they squandered the chances. It’s now too late. PF “ku wire” fiye. Stealing those Elections will create turmoil in the Country . The writing is on the wall.

  3. Development after development. But sure this government is the hardest working government in world. We thank you for your sacrifice. I know of government officials who are working 16 hour days for the betterment of our people. We thank you so much

  4. Broken promises after more broken promises by two obese corrupt liars! This government is good in one thing: stealing money and still pretending projects have been completed while they never started in the first place!

  5. Lol, you have been enabling the Chinese to loot from Zambia and you yourselves have stolen millions of dollars and now you want to come here thinking you will lie to the Suffering Zambians? Go tell your cadres those lies. Lungu and his clowns straight up prison.

  6. This Malanje thing Is costing PF votes, worse than Chi Lusambo.
    Chi Malanje wants to cover up on that useless helicopter? Why is it now out on forefront?

  7. Really laughable….Mr Joseph “Chopper” Malanji and this is the Foreign Affairs Minister the representative of Zambia abroad..from briefcase business man to helicopter flying tycoon in a matter of 4 years only under Lazy Lungu.

  8. If you are determined to develop every part of the country then why is there a big infrastructure development difference between the provinces? Why are you diverting wealth from other parts of the country to develop and consolidate wealth in other provinces? The fact that an Ethiopian airline landed at the wrong airport because you have two major airports a few meters of each other while other parts of the country have zero. If you guys are serious, we need each province in Zambia to have at minimum, a major hospital, university, Airport of international standard, interconnecting highway. You have no reason not to start with North western province when it’s currently the life line of Zambia. Show some respect to the people of Western, Southern, and North Western provinces if you’re…

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