Friday, October 25, 2024

President Lungu set to re-contest PF presidency as Mwila says anyone is free to challenge him


President Edgar Lungu will officially file his party nomination papers this morning at 08:00hrs at the PF Party Secretariat.

According to Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila, the party has set Wednesday and Thursday as days for members to apply for the party Presidency.

Hon Mwila said that he will start receiving applications this morning around 08 hours from those who want to contest at the general conference.

“Anyone who wants to stand as President must submit a letter of application to the Secretary-General of the party. So we expect anyone who want to stand as party President to apply from Wednesday to Thursday. Those are the days which have been fixed,” he said.

Hon Mr Mwila disclosed this yesterday when Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo applied to be considered as a Member of the Central Committee.

Patriotic Front (PF) Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo has applied to be adopted as Member of the Central Committee.

The Secretary-General said that PF is a democratic party and as such people are free to contest any position in the party.

“So I am receiving the applications on behalf of the party President. So far so good the response has been overwhelming and by tomorrow it will be above 50 for those who have applied to be adopted as MCCs,” he said.


  1. So ECL has chosen to disregard Article 106(3) of the Republican Constitution which prohibits him to seek a Third Term? The Constitution is very clear:”A person who has held Office twice is not eligible for Election as President “. ECL held Office, was elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016 and therefore doesn’t qualify for a Third Term. Does it mean ECL has got assurance from Concourt that it will grant him his Third Term Wish. If Concourt does this that is the end of our Constitutional Democracy and a Return to a One Party State Dictatorship. It is up to Zambians to vote wisely on August 12 and send ECL and PF “ku wire”. Voting to give ECL another 5 years is as good as Zambians committing suicide. The writing is on the wall.

  2. Ati KBF, those are just loud chickens. Believe me he won’t even show his face to submit anything. He likes are cowards, they are only loud through the press & social media. Zambia needs real men, not scared loud chickens

  3. The big day is here. I will be there preparing to receive his excellency. Eagle one patali. The man is very presidential. You can feel it when you are next to him that you are in the midst of great leadership. Unlike when I met hh years ago, there was a very strong smell of lchlshupu cha mabisi. My suit is ready. Today am wearing my Armani suit

  4. It’s a big day, today am wearing a 10,000 dollars sult and driving there in my 2020 Mercedes shani shani uko. I can’t even remember the name. Life is good

  5. PF and Edgar Lungu know that the Zambian constitution does not provide for a third presidential term.Shamelessly pushing forward their agenda to breach the constitution in August 2021 while Zambians watch.They even call themselves christians with their evil schemes.

  6. Article 106(3) of the Republican Constitution ”A person who has held Office twice is not eligible for Election as President “. Office and not term. You can be in an office for 1 day. Its simple and clear, but this is Africa where money talks and poverty is used to stay in office. All things have an end.

  7. Useless ka worst president on earth with a fossile which is supposed to be in a museum, F1sush1 fyi….. useless

  8. Nomination is for president of PF. That’s why it’s being received by the party SG. He hasn’t filed for nomination for president of Zambia which is received by the Chief Justice. There’s a whole world of difference.

  9. Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding.

  10. Pardon KBF and let him contest as
    You say we don’t keep hatred .You
    Also say politics is about numbers.
    You also say we welcome old members.Lets test KBF popularity.

  11. Useless drunk fraud convict……..can’t even pay back them debt he over borrowed with his theiving rats…..

    Article 106(3) of the Republican Constitution ”A person who has held Office twice is not eligible for Election as President “. Office and not term.

  13. Yes we have seen the excitement of the PF National Mobilisation team, and trotting everywhere, but understand one thing, there is a time when frogs croak a lot and there is another time when they go quiet.

  14. “You will get fat like me” GBM says, as he points at his flabby belly, while telling a malnourished defector.
    The defections to PF are not about popularity of PF, or PF policies or even ECL.
    It’s about eating, enrichment and selfish motives.

  15. ECL would be elected party president once again. There is no doubt about it. After all, he has done so much for the people of this country.

  16. The beauty of this election is that anyone can contest opposite ECL. This is called democracy. Everyone gets level playing ground.

  17. This convention will tell the UPND how to uphold democracy and conduct any election. Did anyone notice that there are not hefty nomination fees for contesting any party post.

  18. Instead of indulging in futile debate over term in office, UPND surrogates should concentrate on how the party survives. Leaders are abandoning HH. They are joining PF. The number is unprecedented. I think ther…

  19. The constitutional court, in its judgment has said that the Presidential term of office that ran from 25th January 2015 to 13th September 2016 and straddled two constitutional regimes cannot be considered as a full term. What Hichilema and his gang is doing amounts to Contempt of Judiciary. We the law abiding and God fearing people can’t allow this to happen. Let’s all stand up and stop this foreign mafia stooge from taking over our freedom and enslaving us to his masters. let’s do it for Zambia. Let’s do it for our future generations, for our freedom.

  20. Hakainde Hichilema is so desperate to come to power that he is ready to go to any extent. He has crossed all the limits. To grab the power, by hook or by crook, Hichilema had insulted the Constitution of Zambia. He is spreading falsehood about second term of President Edgar Lungu. Hichilema and UPND are not only misleading you, but also violating the Constitution. Hakainde Hichilema has no faith in the Constitution of Zambia. According to Article 106 (3) and (6), a presidential term of office that ran from 25 January 2015 to 13 September 2016 can’t be considered as full term, as it is less than three years. Hichilema and his gang is doing everything it can to tore apart the Constitution. His only intention is to grab power and hand over Zambia to his masters sitting in foreign countries…

  21. It is open for everyone who is PF member. It is not UPND or HH who intimidated his competitors and deterred them from contesting against him.

  22. Those celebrating the falsehood that President Edgar Lungu is not eligible to contest 2021 General Elections are in fool’s paradise. The selfish opposition leader is taking them for a ride. The Constitution of Zambia is the supreme and no one can surpass it. Those day dreaming need to wake up and smell the coffee. According to Article 106 (3) and (6), a presidential term of office that ran from 25 January 2015 to 13 September 2016 can’t be considered as full term, as it is less than three years. Even the constitutional court, in its judgment has said that the Presidential term of office that ran from 25th January 2015 to 13th September 2016 and straddled two constitutional regimes cannot be considered as a full term.

  23. There is no way Zambia have a free,fair and credible Elections on August 12 when the Incumbent President is breaching the Republican Constitution Article 106 (3) .Without Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, Good Governance and respect for Human Rights Zambia cannot have a Credible Election. Further more the New Voters Roll has already been manipulated in his favour ECL and as such u can’t have a Credible Election without a Credible Voters Roll. All indications point to a violent, rigged and disputed Elections in Zambia in August 2021.We saw recently Tanzania going thru a smooth and peaceful transfer of Power from the late John Magufuli to President Samia Siluhu Hassan. Tanzanians managed its Transition guided by Democracy,Rule of Law and Constitutionalism.Zambia should emulate Tanzania in…

  24. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is ineligible to contest a 3rd term – this will be illegal according to the supreme Zambian law.

  25. And KZ will parade his 10000 Ngwee second hand suit, and park his 1920 Corolla behind Bellmarsh prison. It may still be there when you get out in 8 years time!

  26. The future of Constitutional Democracy in Zambia is in danger and now lies in the hands of Concourt. If Concourt grants ECL another 5 year Term it means that by 2026 ECL will have served 11 years 6 months. This exceeds the maximum limit of 10 years. Once ECL steals the Third Term he can Amend the Constitution to serve another Term of Office. Zambia will have regressed to KK’s One Party State Dictatorship and Multiparty Democracy will cease. Zambians need to vote wisely on August 12 otherwise they will be committing suicide by giving ECL another 5 years of Corruption, Mismanagement,misrule etc. The writing is on the wall.

  27. Lets look at this rationally, not the eligibility of president but the ability of the president to run a country. Economically and financially, the president and his govt have done an appalling job in just a small time frame of just over 6 years.

    1. The pandemic is not responsible for the current state of the nation, all the virus did was exploit already vulnerable economies worldwide at the time.

    2. Infrastructure development is meant to stimulate economic growth and improve the quality of life. Not at the cost of the peoples well-being and the country’s financial future, that is not infrastructure development.

    3. Empowerment is meant to provide support to people to think beyond immediate daily survival and to exercise greater control over both their resources and life choices…

  28. This move is a breach of the Republican Constitution by ECL becoz a Third Term is illegal and unconstitutional. The challenge is now with Zambia Concourt. Will Zambia Concourt “dismiss” the Petitions against ECL’s Eligibility in the same way they illegally and unconstitutionally “dismissed” the Presidential Petition in 2016? The Constitution is very clear: “A person who has held Office twice is not eligible for Election as President “. ECL held Office, was elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016 and therefore doesn’t qualify for a Third Term. We anxiously wait to see how Zambia Concourt will interpret, defend, protect and enforce the Republican Constitution. If Zambia Concourt breaches the Constitution and grants ECL another 5 years Term then that will mark the end of…

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