Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government procures two cars in Western Province


Government has procured two vehicles for the Internal Auditor’s office and Cashew Infrastructure Development Projects (CIDP) at the total cost of K2 million in Western Province.

Handing over the donation, Western Province Permanent Secretary Danny Bukali expressed optimism that the two vehicles will increase the mobility of workers in the Province.

Mr. Bukali said government was losing colossal sums of money for purchasing such equipment and has since urged auditors and CIDP Officers to use the two vehicles for the intended purposes.

Speaking shortly after receiving the donation, Principal Internal Auditor Bugar Chilala thanked the government for buying them the vehicle.

Mr.Chilala said there were a lot of pending audit quarries in the Province added that the car will easy the movement of workers in dismantling the audit related cases in the area.

The donated two cars were a Nissan Navara for the Provincial Auditor General’s office and Toyota Landcruiser hard body for CIDP programs in Mitete district.


  1. @ Tarino and Tikki
    You are so petty. This is our country and we need to know what is happening everywhere in our country. Check your HH has released the manifest with his face on it. It is a one man show. What a party?

  2. The Auditor should now audit how the purchases came about. Soon after he will not thank Lungu.
    @Sthandwa Lungu’ Eswathini cousin, Lungu has been sole candidate since 2016, he has been receiving endorsements since then same like HH.

  3. The Zambia Revenue Authority crack squad comprising of forensic auditors and enforcement officers raided Chambishi Metals following the company’s failure to pay over K800 million principal tax.
    how else will pff fund their campaign if the stupid pipo dont pay

  4. excuse me petty to you and relevant to others ….. you see it looks normal to the unknowing but this is nothing more than a ploy to ganner votes
    wake up please look at the timing nothing or very little in the past

  5. This is very sad!! I don’t know, i could be wrong but this kind of news does not sit well with me especially after 50 plus years of independence. Kinda what it would sound like if word went round that my next door neighbor has bought 2 bags of mealie meal…this news is ironically good sad news!!

  6. Excellent developments all around. Whether elections are around the corner or not, government work continues. We have responsibilities to serve our people. We don’t have time for silly boys like hh who spend their time on faycebook posting childish things like that other clown Simon mwewa. Remember these childish boys have nothing to lose because they are already comfortable. Hh believes no one else in upnd can ever be president if he can’t. Niwofunta hh

  7. Slow news day…

    Btw what are “audit quarries”? Are they going to check what rocks are still around? I guess good thing they spent over $95k per vehicle to keep the auditors moving. Sounds like they need some heavy duty 4×4 transport with all these quarries! And here’s me thinking a small sedan would do for visiting offices in town…

  8. Audits must not end at verification of documents, go and do expenditure tracking. Apart from loss of money through shoddy procurement, Government loses a lot of money through undelivered projects or shoddy works. You can’t expect a person in Lusaka to always raise concerns when there are officers on the ground

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