Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu warns against tribalism as Mwila is reappointed PF SG


President Edgar Lungu has reappointed Davies Mwila as Secretary General of the PF and cautioned the party against embracing tribalism and regionalism.

President Lungu said he was displeased that the PF Eastern Province was exhibiting traits of tribalism and regionalism after complaining that the region had just three people elected as Members of the Central Committee at the just-ended party convention.

“ Let’s not be regional and tribal . I didn’t expect Easter Province to start being tribal… You have the President, the big one, as a Member of the Central Committee,… ” said President Lungu.

President Lungu said the recently endorsed list of members of the PF’s Central Committee was done taking into account regional balancing and proportionate representation in line with the country’s inclusive policy and One Zambia One Nation motto.

The Head of State said all PF members have a democratic right to participate in the affairs of the party but the interests of the party supersedes individual aspirations.

He said the party constitution allows him to ensure that unity is enhanced through inclusive leadership and governance.

President Lungu has since called for unity, and loyalty from the PF membership stressing that he wants to lead a party that has loyal, humble and respectful members.

The President urged party members to double their efforts and mobilize the party across the country

Officially closing the PF Convention, President Lungu appealed to the PF membership to work with the new Central Committee to achieve the party’s goals and vision of winning the August 12, 2021 general elections in order to continue working on Zambia’s socio-economic transformation and improve the lives and welfare of Zambians.

President Lungu has since re-appointed Davies Mwila as PF Secretary General and tasked him to continue building on the successes of the party’s convention and ensure that the party structures are mobilized and organized to sell the party to Zambians ahead of the August 12 polls.

He directed Mr Mwila to ensure that the PF’s inaugural Central Committee meeting be held by April 17, 2021 in order to look at pressing party matters among them the party’s manifesto and adoptions.

The Head of State assured women that the Party will strive to ensure that more women are adopted as candidates in the August 12 general elections.

He said he will continue appointing more women to positions of authority and influence in order to give women more opportunities to participate in the development process of the country.

President Lungu warned Zambians to desist from experimenting with leadership that has not been tested which can plunge the country into troubled waters.

The President said he has an impeccable track record of private and public sector service which cannot be compared to other political aspirants wishing to get to State House.

President Lungu stressed that Zambia, just like the PF is not for sale to the highest bidder and warned politicians with a habit of seeking foreign financing and sponsorship to win elections to desist from such as Zambians will never let their country be sold for a penny.

He said Zambia will continue to look for solutions to problems that affect the country as opposed to selling the country to foreign interests as other political parties are bent on doing.

The President appealed to PF founding members who strayed away to come back to the fold and be part of the legacy of late President Michael Sata of developing Zambia into a modern state for the benefit of all Zambians.

President Lungu said much as he would love to go and seek PF members that left the party , like the biblical shepherd that leaves his 99 sheep for the one that is lost, he was wary that as a mortal , his many members could be devoured if he opted to go and bring back PF prodigal sons and daughters.

He said the PF will always remain open to anyone wanting to return or join it and serve Zambians.

President Lungu stated that he was confident that the PF will retain power in the August 12 general elections because it has met the expectations and aspirations of Zambians.

The President said the PF will continue to work with the traditional leadership, the Church and Civil society in order to govern the country well and improve the lives and welfare of Zambians.

During its elective convention held from 10 to 11 April 2021, the PF unanimously adopted and endorsed President Edgar Lungu as its President and sole Presidential candidate for the August 12, 2021 general elections.

The PF Conference also elected 54 members unopposed as members of the central committee with 18 being women.

Below is the details released by PF for the composition of the new Central Committee



  • President Lungu received 170 valid applications for the position of member of central committee (MCC).

  • In line with Party Constitution, President Lungu also presented his list of 54 MCCs he called a “One Zambia, One Nation” list as he balanced all the regions, provinces and ethnicity in the supreme organ of the party.

  • His “One Zambia, One Nation” list of 54 MCCs is what was openly debated widely seconded and unanimously approved by the 1,100 delegates in all the 10 provinces sitting as National Council and General Conference respectively.

  • out of the 54 “One Zambia, One Nation” MCCs approved by both the national council and general conference, 20 are women (37%) visas 34 men (63%); and 15 are youth leaders-(28%).




Hon. Dora Siliya


Hon. Vincent Mwale


Hon. Charles Zulu


Hon. Stephen Kampyongo


Hon. Mumbi Phiri


Hon. Mwimba Malama


Hon. Silvia Chalikosa


Hon. Alexander.B. Chikwanda


Hon. Ng’onga Mukupa


Hon. Brian Mundubile


Hon. Godfery Bwalya Mwamba


Hon. Chomba Sikazwe


Hon. Davies Chama


Mr. Musonda Mpankata


Hon. Godfridah Sumaili


Hon. Davies Mwila


Hon. Renald Chitotela


Dr. Chilufya Chitalu


Hon. Antony Kasandwe


Hon. Emerine Kabanshi


Hon. Nickson Chilangwa


Hon. Tutwa Ngulube


MCC. Philip Kosama


Dr. Jestone Mulando


Mrs. Monica Mwansa Mwale


Mrs. Annie Tischer


Prof. Nkando Luo


Hon. Jean Kapita


Hon. Elizabeth Phiri, MP


Hon. Bwalya Ngandu


Mr. Paul Moonga


Hon. Richard Musukwa


Hon. Jonas Chanda


Hon. Micheal Katambo


Hon. Kampamba Mulenga


Hon. Frank Ng’ambi


Hon. Joe Malanji


Mr. Charles Kakoma


Hon. Kabinga Mpande


Mrs. Maureen Kalema


Ms. Kutemba Konga


Her Honour Mrs Inonge Winna


Captain Lyambela Lyambela


General Peter Kazhila


Mr. Glenn Chingumbe Kalimbwe


Ms. Mundia Mulute Mundale


Ms. Kavumbu Hakachamba


Hon. Syacheye Mandyakhukhu


Hon. Given Lubinda


Mr. Kebby Mbewe


Dr. Edify Hamukale


Ms Annie Kayula


Ms. Catherine Chama Chileshe


Ms. Majorie Nakaponda


  1. Our father who aren’t in heaven hollow is thy name
    Thy kingdom cometh to an end, you will be done as you have done unto others, you failed to give us our daily bread, and lead us into sin and temptation, and bondage with unstainable debt, for this is our kingdom and the power and glory
    For ever and ever Amen

  2. Bwana Lungu the truth is PF only sees tribalism when it comes to UPND for their potent political threat.

  3. The worst tribalism is the one being shown by current PF stewardship of Zambia – creating extreme poverty for many amidst a few corruptly enriched.

  4. To some religious fanatics here, note all politicians are constantly using Gods name in vane to justify their actions or to solidify their statements that to me is blasphemy, We are all masters of our actions and not our God, so he should never come into this political arena, he should remain in our thoughts and in churches, and his name should not be thrown around like confetti. Look at the world around us the total turmoil, wars, killings etc etc. this proves he doesn’t interfere in such matters, so let him guide you at home or in church and follow the bibles 10 commandments, which most politicians never mention

  5. Where is the democracy here…Lazy Lungu is handpicking stooges all over the place…where is the foundation for PF if you are letting one useless man hijack your party. Sampa bites the dust as they dont really know where his loyalty lies Lazy likes morons like Paul Moonga to kiss his “£$%
    Look at the Grandma Bo Inonge what is she going to contribute at her age.

  6. Testament of mr. Mwilas hard work over the years. Well deserved sir. I cannot wait for us to now engage election mode. You know when I get into election mode that I don’t play around.

    What is shocking is that upnd members especially these a55holes the upnd diasporans appear to be criticising our party methods. What has that got to do with you? Why not concentrate on finding a way to replace your tribal demigod leader who has been losing elections since before the pf was created Haha. A perpetual loser. Fuseke

  7. Self proclaimed Number 1 Chief Bootlicker has been left out …kikikiki

    Lesson – Grovelling in life earns one no respect, not even from the owner of the boots

  8. You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of the day.

  9. He can dare speak of tribalism when his entire cabinet and foreign service is full of Bembas while others are retired in “national interest”…what a hypocrite! PF out!

  10. ECL talking about tribalism!!! Look at the names of the MCC he handpicked and you will see what tribalism really is. With this pick, he has just signalled a worsening of existing tribalism in appointments in public office should be be re elected.

  11. Your excellence, tribalism is when you as Head of State say a Tonga will one day be President of Zambia and but not the current opposition leader (HH), that’s tribalism at the core of government. You are the one is subtly encouraging tribalism. Its not you, who should decide who should be president of Zambia but the people of Zambia through their democratic right and no else. Not even church leaders, Civil Society groups, individual. You have not done enough to unite the country, thank God, he has head our prayers this year. PF ku wire this August 2021

  12. Haha “engage election mode”, very laughable. Like someone who has taken Viagra, Teka ayube panshi you will loss the ligging password.

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