Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kanganja given 72-hours ultimatum to find the abducted Pheluna and Milton Hatembo connected to HH’s land case


Democracy And Motherland Defenders Coalition has given Inspector General of Police Mr Kakoma Kanganja 72-hours ultimatum to find the abducted Pheluna and Milton Hatembo.

Speaking during a briefing in Lusaka today, the Coalition’s spokesperson Andrew Ntewewe called on His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to find another Police IG if Mr Kanganja fails to act on the matter within the mentioned period of time.

The Hatembos are the witnesses in a court case concerning leader of the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Mr Hakainde Hichilema who is alleged to have fraudulently acquired farm number 1924 located in Kalomo.

Mr Ntewewe, who is also Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) president said that the abduction of the “two fully grown adults” is savagery and unZambian.
He inferred that Mr Hichilema is the one behind the abduction of the duo.

“We wonder what kind of a situation our county will be going through when citizens should be afraid of disappearing. That they should be afraid of abduction. That they should be afraid of being kidnapped just on a basis of raising matter relating to their property,” he said.

“We reasonably infer that their disappearance has to do with the litigation against Mr Hakainde Hichilema. We infer that they were abducted, kidnapped and illegally imprisoned by agents of Hakainde Hichilema unknowingly or knowingly. We never though in a peaceful country such as ours we could pen a statement such as ours that the abduction is not politics. This is a sadistic, savagery type of behaviour.”

Mr Ntewewe further called on the Head of State to retire Southern Province Police Commissioner if the Hatembos are not found within a reasonable period of time “before the end of this month.”

He however stressed that the Coalition will stand up and defend the rights of all citizens.

Other member institutions in the Coalition are Advocates for National Development and Democracy and the Zambian Institute of Governance and Civil Liberties Advocacy Platform.


  1. He should begin by firing the DCIO because he’s directly responsible for the case. When it comes to cases involving senior members of the UPND, most police officers in that Division are compromised. Isn’t that the chap that failed to testify in a matter Kadansa was accused of insulting police officers? How did he find himself at that residence? Mwami 1 can’t add 1+1, the same goes for Kampyongo. But why should Ntewewe issue ultimatums to the IG? It means Kanganja has lamentably failed. Even Kampyongo is a disappointment. The gassing story has died but the Hatembo sibblings won’t just disappear like that. God is watching. All collaborators in this matter shall be smoked out one day

  2. Motherland Defenders albeit not Defenders of Zambia or its Democracy. Indeed the devil is in the detail if one could only pay particular attention to the inclination of this lot’s language. it’s a facade! I’m no fan of HH, but some people have really gone to the extremes with their hate for that man.

  3. Kanganja knows where the Hatembos are being held in captivity but cannot reveal his Boss’s dirty scheme. The Hatembos are being used as a bait to block HH filing his Nomination Papers on the 17th of May 2021. As Jezebel Nawakwi revealed recently ECL and PF will not rest until HH is removed from the 2021 Ballot Paper. ECL is working on various schemes to stop HH from contesting the 2021 Elections. ECL knows that if HH remains on the Ballot Paper he will defeat him at the Ballot Box even with Rigging. Meanwhile ECL is walking on a tight rope over his Third Term Bid. If Concourt is impartial, Objective and Professional it will find that ECL according to the Constitution is not eligible for Election as President in 2021. The writing is on the wall.

  4. The president is on record that public confidence in the police is low. The president was just shot of firing him. This is the same person who failed to find gassers, arsonists etc. I bet he can manage to find the Hatembos. Hatembos went to seek protection from him via the choma office and he failed them. The safety of the Hatembos lies in PF stopping witchhunting. #GodPunishTheDevil!

  5. Every citizen has the to complain and seek help for their properties.
    Let the police tell us what is going on and not just keep quiet.
    We are watching.

  6. Ntewewe, is really at pains to find what case can stick on HH. Time is running out for him and his PF to try and prevent HH from filing his nomination in a months time. These are desperate times indeed.

  7. Karma has a way of dealing with undesirable people like hh. As we speak hh is in a coma, suffering from suspected covid. I still wish him well because unlike him, I don’t wish people death.

    I have woken up with a bad hangover and an annoyed wlfe. Today am not in the mood for f00lish comments from upnd diasporans. Do not mention my name today at all.!!

  8. Kanganja is Powerless to do anything. ECL has ordered the abduction of Hatembos as ransom to stop HH from contesting the 2021 Elections. The idea is to remove HH’s name from the Ballot Paper by Hook or Crook. They are scheming on how to stop HH from filing his Nomination Papers. Ideally ECL wants HH to be convicted in a Court of Law so that as a Convicted Criminal he will not be eligible to be elected President in 2021. Will the Plan work? We shall see!

  9. If Zambians ever make a mistake of Voting for the tribal cult leader, there will be a lot of abductions and disappearances. Mapatizya formula should remain were it belongs not anywhere near state house.

  10. Indeed KZ nobody should mention your name at all. Lowly corrupt creatures like you only deserve to go to jail. You will feel right at home there with all the other PF rats that will be locked up on August 13!

  11. @Kaiser Zulu, can you eff off. A*sehole! You little ugly jerk! You have a face only your mother would love. Is that annoying enough? You do not have to reply, just stay away and stop annoying us!

  12. I said don’t mention my name, and yet seconds later you can see the above f00ls doing exactly that. What is wrong with some of you? Cant you read?

  13. What does UPND and HH have to hide in that Farm 1924? They went extra miles to hide the witnesses. But it is in public domains that UPND admitted keeping hold of the Hatembos. Why has the entire Zambia Intelligence and Zambia Police failed to push through when Cornelius Mweetwa gave us a resounding clue of who’s holding on to those previous Kalomo farm owners?

  14. Kanganja should arrest that Mtewewe, all what he wrote is criminal and treasonous. In other countries these groups are called insurgents.

  15. Oh no not this filthy bootlicker again Andrew Ntewewe …Lazy Lungu please give him a job its cheaper for you….thieves have stolen from the Bank who are on the run, HoneyBee Investigations case files where defective condoms, gloves and expired drugs sold to poor citizens are lying in DPP’s office gathering dust yet this moron Andrew is quizzing IG on this matter…surely what is wrong with us Zambians; when his relative dies in hospital due to expired drugs who is he going to blame.

  16. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “DONT FEED TROLLS.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take ANYTHING trolls say seriously. NO matter how POORLY they behave, remember these people spend countless UNPRODUCTIVE hours trying to make people mad. They’re not WORTH your time of day.

  17. The State knows where the Hatembos are being held Captivity. Messrs Ackson Senjani,Fines Malambo and Mayors of Choma and Mazabuka are also being held at undisclosed place linked to the same issue. All these abductions are State Sponsored and are Politically motivated. It’s ECL’s grand strategy to remove HH’s Name from the Ballot Paper by incriminating him for these abductions. The main objective is to get HH arrested and imprisoned b4 he files his Nomination Papers so that his Name doesn’t appear on the Ballot Paper for 2021 Elections. ECL knows that if free,fair,credible and peaceful Election are held in August 2021 he will lose the Election to HH. ECL now wants to eliminate HH from the Presidential Contest. Hence ECL is desperately trying to find how best to eliminate his…

  18. For all you know, these people are hiding because they don’t want to be used by PF for this scam. They made it clear they don’t want to pursue a case against HH, they got what they wanted, proof the sister didn’t sell the land. Let it go, it’s getting old.

  19. Jezebel Nawakwi the ECL and PF Surrogate revealed that she will not rest until HH’s Name is removed from the Ballot Paper. The Hatembos have been abducted by the State so as to incriminate HH in the abduction. The idea is to arrest HH and charge him with the abduction of the Hatembos and then Convict him in Court. With that Conviction HH will not be permitted to contest the 2021 Elections and ECL will left without a Real Competitor. HH will be arrested, prosecuted and blocked from filing his Nomination Papers with ECZ. That is the Plan to eleminate HH from the Presidential Race. The whole World should be alerted to ECL’s Election Rigging scheme.The writing is on the wall.

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