Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nathan Chanda police post commissioned


The government has commissioned the long-awaited Nathan Chanda Police post in Roan township whose works began in the year 2,000.

The new police post cost of K1.2 million, which covers putting up the infrastructure and furniture.

The funds used to construct the police post came from the constituency development fund, Luanshya Copper mines and Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda’s personal resources.

Mr. Chanda, who was accompanied by District Commissioner Patrick Maipambe and a Luanshya Copper mines Public Relations Officer, handed over the new facility to Copperbelt Province Police Commissioner Elias Chushi.

Mr. Chushi said the construction of the police post was a realisation of the Patriotic Front government’s resolve to create a conducive work environment for the police.

He said in order to effectively deliver, there was need for the provision of office space which he said the local authority and the mines had provided to the people of Roan township.

Mr. Chushi further said the facility will not only bring about comfort but also boost the morale of police officers who had been working in harsh conditions as they operated in the makeshift offices.

The Copperbelt Police Commissioner reiterated the police’s mandate of ensuring national security and maintaining law and order in the community.

He has since urged the police officer to remain dedicated to duty and not fail the residents of Roan township but instead work together to combat crime and make the community safe.

Speaking earlier, Luanshya District Commissioner Patrick Maipambe said government is committed to seeing to it that all communities are protected by police.

Mr. Maipambe said government has further ensured that all police stations had trained security officers to provide security.

He has since urged the police to be professional as they maintain law and order especially as the country heads towards the campaign period for the August 12, general elections.

Mr. Maipambe also implored residents to coordinate with the police and guard jealously the facility that had been built to benefit the community.

And Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda said the construction of the police post was necessitated by the increased population and the upsurge in criminal activities in the area.

He said the new facility would enable police officers to operate effectively as it included office space, three holding cells and toilets for males, females and juveniles respectively.

Mr. Chanda has also called on Roan community to work with police in maintaining order as the nation headed towards elections.

Representing the Luanshya Copper Mines, Public Relation Manager Sydney Chileya pledged the mine’s commitment to partnering with the government in stirring development activities meant to benefit the community.

Mr. Chileya said the LCM was happy to participate in development activities in a way of ploughing back to the community in which the mine operates.

And a Roan resident Doris Mbesuma thanked President Lungu for exhibiting selfless leadership evidenced by the various development activities that Roan township has benefited from.

Mrs. Mbesamu said through the local authority, the government has constructed toilets, sunk boreholes and prioritized women land ownership through the acquisition of plots.


  1. These PiyeF00ls, now naming facilities after themselves. Next, we will hear some Bowman Lusambo police post; we already have Esther Lungu police post. Smh…

  2. Police protecting citizens not in Zambia.To them its generating income thru unlawful idol and disorder,handling civil cases like nkongole,formulation of neighbourhood watch who in turn begin to harass innocent people,coniving with law breakers.
    Ukulyamo over!!!!

  3. This is total madness in PF government.

    Why naming Nathan Chanda?
    Even if he contributed that’s wrong.

    PF takes us for granted.

    PF must go!

  4. Kkkkk ati Nathan Chanda own Police Station.
    So now ka Nathan can do anything kalefwaya without being arrested.
    Instead of Chisushi being abused to commission, he should been there to arrest ka Nathan for that abuse.

  5. “The funds used to construct the police post came from the constituency development fund, Luanshya Copper mines and Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda’s personal resources.”
    Only PF under Lazy Lungu is capable of such stupidity …the audacity of these crooks

  6. Great development to protect our people and communities. Especially so from the evil violent upnd thugs. That post will come in handy soon

  7. He uses taxpayers money then tops it with money from selling illegal council plots then wants the Police Station to be named after him….this is what happens when there is zero leadership.

  8. Roan is a vast Constituency and most of it is peri urban. It shares its boundary with Wusakili. There is a need to construct more police posts in this area, don’t concentrate on the mine township alone. Theft is retarding development in this area, especially that of farmers. Peasant farmers suffer break-ins very often, their chickens are stolen and there’s no trace. Kitwe Police Command can’t help because it’s in another district. Nathan Chanda is hardworking and it’s good that he’s vying for Luanshya constituency. I hope they will build another around Mipundu area and further inside. Now that the area has been de-gazetted nothing should hope development. Consider a health post as well

  9. Naming public and government build should be backed by law not just one day person wakes ati name that building after . Some of these their record of governance is not worth of naming a public infrastructure. Naming of public infrastructure should be after one has left office, then successors propose that exercise not when one are is currently serving in office. That’s abuse of power. and some of these projects are funded by government. What has Nathan Chanda done for the people of Luanshsya? The road network at Luanshya centre is an eyesore.

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