Wednesday, October 23, 2024

ECL Multipurpose cooperatives empowers Mambwe youth and women


The Edgar Chagwa Lungu Multi-purpose Empowerment Cooperative has empowered various youth and women groups in Mambwe district with assorted items as capital to enhance their livelihood.

The empowerment given to cooperatives includes broiler chicks, starter and grower chicken feed, roofing sheets and cement, water pumps, sewing machines and groceries.

And presenting the empowerment in Mambwe, Edgar Chagwa Lungu Multi-purpose Empowerment Cooperative Coordinator, Fuli Msimuko urged the beneficiaries to put the empowerment they have received to good use so that they are able to sustain themselves.

Mr Msimuko stated that the cooperatives were being empowered because President Lungu hates poverty that is why he does not want to see his people suffer.

“The empowerment you are receiving today has nothing to do with politics. The president has friends who help him and with the help that he receives from others, he is sharing with you who are benefiting today because it hurts him to see people languish in poverty,” he said.

Mr Msimuko further encouraged recipients of the empowerment to work together instead of fighting.

“It is common for chaos to erupt when money and other things that bring about profits are involved. However, I’m urging you as the messenger for the president that you must strive to work peacefully with each other so that the businesses that you will engage yourselves in can bring about fruits,” he stated.

He further added that the ECL MPEC team will keep on monitoring and evaluating from time to time how the beneficiaries make use of the different items they have received.

Meanwhile, Chiyambi Cha Zimayi Women’s Group Chairperson, Violet Zulu thanked President Lungu for his efforts in trying to better the lives of citizens especially the vulnerable in society.

“We are thankful to the Republican President for all the good things he keeps doing for us. We now see that our votes that helped him be in that position were not in vain,” she stated.


  1. A great leader who does more than he talks, unlike that villager hh who behaves like he has only started using social media.

    Also, Good for chauvin. But I am so concerned because you upnd diasporans arw being killed there abroad by police because you are black. And yet you come here to insult us free zambians everyday. Don’t take your frustrations out on us.

  2. “Speaking Out on Gay Rights and Corruption Costs Ambassador His Job
    Zambia’s president wanted U.S. Ambassador Daniel Foote gone after he criticized the government for corruption and for sending a gay couple to prison.

    But analysts said that the main reason for his departure was that he had repeatedly declared that ministry officials had misappropriated millions.”-The New York times.

    PF time out we want GRZ, that does not exhibit double standard especially time of elections.

    “In an unusually combative public statement for a member of the diplomatic corps, Mr. Foote had said that the Zambian government “wants foreign diplomats to be compliant, with open pocketbooks and closed mouths .”-The New York Times.

    “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”

  3. The word “empowerment” is a typical corrupt PF invention. The rest of the world calls it BRIBE.
    And KZ we’re still waiting for that WhatsApp photo of HH that you say you received…… but I’m guessing that this was just another PF lie. Does anybody in PF ever speak the truth on anything???

  4. “The empowerment you are receiving today has nothing to do with politics. The president has friends who help him and with the help that he receives from others, he is sharing with you who are benefiting today because it hurts him to see people languish in poverty,” he said.-LT

    GRZ You’re blessed with natural resources now your children have to look to other people for help what’s happening.

    PF time out. Give way to someone who’s going to take the oath passionately.

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and…

  5. The eagle minus one. The laziest and most incompetent president the country has ever had. And it proves once more: a bad lawyer doesn’t make a good president. August 12 can’t come soon enough!

  6. Very fooool wants to put his name on everything even when they’re using taxpayers money…to them because of corruption they see no difference!

  7. Empowering who these Mwanks, ask MMD who used to empower Zambians thru corrupt gotten money, can one show me the all those projects which MMD did today?

    This is the worst kind of delusional used by these self centered politicians.

    What we want good policies in place ranging from education to a man in the street.

    PF must go!

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