Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government working on climate resistant crops


Government on the Copperbelt Province has embarked on an exercise to identify crops that are climate resistant.

ZANIS reports that the District Agriculture Coordinating Office (DACO) and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) are the two departments tasked to undertake the exercise.

Speaking in an interview, DMMU Copperbelt Province Coordinator, George Akalemwa disclosed that the two departments have been working together and that the findings are yet to be concluded.

Mr Akalemwa pointed out that once concluded, the information will assist government in putting up an intervention that modify the vulnerability of the agricultural produce.

He stressed that most studies covered have interlinked impact of climate change to low yield in crop produce thereby affecting food security at household level.

“The purpose of the exercise is to gather information in the districts on crops which farmers can grow and obtain a good yield in order to maintain food security”, said Mr Akalemwa.

“Climate change is widely regarded as a threat to food security with the worst affected being small scale farmers, ” he added.

Mr Akalemwa added that the impact of climate change is evident in the province and its effects is being experienced from the flash floods and high temperatures experienced in selected districts.

However, he was quick to mention that government did move in earlier and responded to the impact by supporting households with relief foods.

“DMMU unit has mitigated the impact experienced in the just ended rain season and made sure no one died during this period. Whenever disaster is recorded in any part of the Copperbelt province, we are alert as a unit and we move in on time” he said.

Mr Akalemwa said where there is food insecurity, mealie meal has been provided and where floods have been recorded, and settlers are moved to new locations.

“The traditional leaders in the province have also been helpful with providing information, which has enabled this government attended to its citizenry on time,” he said.


  1. “The purpose of the exercise is to gather information in the districts on crops which farmers can grow and obtain a good yield in order to maintain food security”, said Mr Akalemwa.

    This man is talking about GM foods and he doesn’t even know it

  2. Great development. Some sewer cockroaches like the one that has commented above me, will always criticise every good thing our government does. It is because to them, only their fellow Tonga can do right.

    Also Good for chauvin. But I am so concerned because you upnd diasporans arw being killed there abroad by police because you are black. And yet you come here to insult us free zambians everyday. Don’t take your frustrations out on us.

  3. Great development. Some sewer c0ckr0aches like the one that has commented above me, will always criticise every good thing our government does. It is because to them, only their fellow Tonga can do right.

    Also Good for chauvin. But I am so concerned because you upnd diasporans arw being killed there abroad by police because you are black. And yet you come here to insult us free zambians everyday. Don’t take your frustrations out on us.

  4. Climate resistant crops is posh name for GMO! crops should not resist their environment unless you want to change them genetically. We have seasons for a reason. Stop clearing our forest reserves and stashing your pockets if you are serious about climate change. Building houses in places reserved for water collection and you have the nerve to boast ati, I have 70 houses. Ba ka walalala imwe!

  5. @ Futurezed. (Stop clearing our forest reserves and stashing your pockets if you are serious about climate change) I can see frustration from you my brother. The Government is at work. Wishing you all the best in the coming elections.
    Wina azalila. Everything is strategic. You keep on talking without deeds.

  6. @Sthandwa, I’m glad you can see my frustrations. We only have one country and if we start destroying it all the name of politics then you’re not at my level my brother. You PF mambala’s accuse others of selling out but you are the same people destroying this beautiful country at a faster rate than any other party on record. Just remember my friend, value is in the tangible assets given to us by God for free. That dollar in your pocket has a value of zero. it’s your country Stup1d.

  7. FutureZed – And they wonder where the Zambian maize with purple grains has disappeared to? Late Mwanawasa and Mundia Sikatana (his Agric Minister) faced widescale media condemnation for banning genetically modified maize donations during a widescale famine back in 2002. This duo launched a programme that was producing bumper harvests in winter through irrigation …fast forward 19 years later and you have these lazy bums who are contaminating our grain with this GMO foods and ignorant goons are cheering.

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