Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Police have arrested and charged Chief Mukuni’s wife for Abduction


Police have charged and arrested Chief Mukuni’s wife Veronica Mwanakasale Mukuni with the offence of Abduction contrary to the laws of Zambia.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said this is a matter in which Pheluna and Milton Hatembo are reported to have been abducted.

“Police have charged and arrested Veronica Mwanakasale Mukuni with the offence of Abduction contrary to section 253 of Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia,” said Mrs Katongo.

Mrs. Katongo said she has been jointly charged with Fines Malama, Ackson Sejani, Javen Simoloka and Vincent Lilanda.

“This is a matter in which Pheluna and Milton Hatembo are reported to have been abducted. She is detained in police custody,” she said.

 Women from the Mukuni Royal Establishment of Kazungula District yesterday protested outside the Livingstone Central police station demanding the release of Chief Mukini's wife who was arrested on Monday. Picture by KELVIN MUDENDA
Women from the Mukuni Royal Establishment of Kazungula District yesterday protested outside the Livingstone Central police station demanding the release of Chief Mukini’s wife who was arrested on Monday. Picture by KELVIN MUDENDA

And several Mukuni village headmen and elderly women protested outside the Livingstone Central Police Station sounding traditional drums demanding the release of the chief’s wife Veronica.

And Minister of Home Affairs Hon Stephen Kampyongo has said he will deal with people issuing veiled threats regardless of their state in society.

Hon. Kampyongo said during a briefing in Lusaka yesterday that the Law provides for the prosecution of those issuing the said threat and that his Ministry will deal with such without fear or favor.

“We, at Home Affairs, which is the Ministry to preserve the security of this country, we work without fear of favor. It is not a ministry for the faint hearted. So those who are issuing veiled threats, the Law is provided for such,” he said.

“And if we investigate that those veiled threats an individual, be it chief or anyone, they shall be dealt with. And I will say without fear or favor.”

The Minister said the following threats issued by Chief Mukuni when Police requested him to provide information about the missing Hatembos.

Pheluna and Milton Hatembo are the witnesses in a case involving the leader of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Mr Hakainde Hichilema where he is accused of fraudulently acquiring farm number 1924 located in Kalomo.

The abduction of the duo has caused public alarm as some Civil Society Organizations and well-meaning Zambians have called on the His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to fire Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja for failing to deal with the matter.


  1. Let the Police do their work. This is what we meant when we said that the UPND is an axis of evil. What kind of people are these?

  2. Oh okay I now understand, let the police do their work and if it comes up that she is innocent then sue the state.

  3. These State Sponsored Abductions are targeting HH. The Plan is to also abduct HH and prevent him from filing his Nomination Papers with ECZ on May 17,2021. While HH is in Captivity ECL will order that he be poisoned and killed then the State will claim that HH died from Covid-19. The main objective is to remove HH’s name from the Ballot Paper and eliminate him from the Presidential Race. ECL knows that with HH on the Ballot Paper he cannot get the required 50%+1 vote even with Rigging. Yes the Youth must maintain vigil and protect HH during the 2021 Elections. Even after Nomination the Youth must stay alert becoz the intention to eliminate HH remains. After failing to get HH arrested thru dubious Privatization Crimes the remaining trump card is State Abduction. Zambia is now a…

  4. The target is HH. ECL is determined to remove HH’s name from the Ballot Paper and eliminate him from the Presidential Race. With HH on the Ballot Paper ECL knows that he can’t garner the required 50%+1 Vote. So to win the 2021 Elections during the first round ECL has to eleminate HH from the Ballot Paper. ECL knows that he cannot win an Election Re-run against the Popular HH. A Re-run will disadvantage ECL becoz it will be a Referendum on him. Based on ECL Performance during the 61/2 years Presidency he will loose the Election to HH. Time will tell.

  5. who reported the case of a missing person/s of the (Hatembo’s) to the police? Otherwise the story that the abduction charges have put before the persons in detention is far fetched a charge.
    Why would police in the first place lie to the soon to be accused person that -come to the police we want to ask you a few questions about—and only to transfer that person to station miles away…this is now something bad of a state to be used by individuals to settle personal scores.

  6. Ackson Sejani?? How does a senior politician like him get involved in such an act??? However, let ZP do their work and let us not judge these people as they are innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law.

  7. @Zambian Citizen, haven’t you even heard about the Mapatiozya Formula? Ackson Sejani was the architect . This case will affect a lot of people it seems.

  8. The Queen was bundled out of a Nursing Classroom and abducted by ZPS to Lusaka. How cruel is this? Zambia is now a Police State with no respect for the Republican Constitution, Rule of Law and Respect for Human Rights. The ZPS is now politicised and is acting as PF Dept. All the Arrests,Detentions and Abductions are targeting HH. As Jezebel Nawakwi revealed PF and her surrogates are not going to rest until HH is arrested b4 August 12 Elections and his name is removed from the Ballot Paper.That is the ECL Plan becoz with HH on the Ballot Paper he cannot get the required 50% +1 Vote threshold. ECL’s grand Plan is to eliminate HH from the 2021 Presidential Race by any means. We shall see if this will work.

  9. Thank you zp for being fearless and working in difficult tribal situations.

    This woman should count herself lucky because our police force are very professional and humane. Had she been in America, chances are she would have been lynched by the police like George floyd. Just ask the f00lish upnd diasporans how they are treated there abroad.

  10. Good for chauvin. But I am concerned, so are you diasporans being killed there by police abroad because you are black and are seen as violent bab00ns. I am enjoying my freedom here in Zambia

  11. Its so strange that the individuals who are alleged to have been abducted are not even the complainants.
    So who reported the abductions ?
    Since Pheluna and Milton Hatembo never did so.

  12. So let me get this straight: after the court dismissed the civil suit involving these two they were abducted? How? Why? Why were these guys abducting people who had no reason to be abducted. Pa Zed things can be confusing mwe. Anyway, we shall wait for the courts to weluza as usual. Please bring them before the courts swiftly pela.

  13. There is a lot at stake. That’s why the royal family of Southern province took a risk to get involved in this reported abduction.

  14. @Independent, stop thinking with yourAnus, how do you report yourself to the police when you are abducted. The people that reported the missing persons to the police are the relatives. Even if they did not report cases of murder, abduction, treason the state can be the complainant. Let the police do their job.

  15. If you want to be a politician step into the arena stop sitting on the like your boss hh after pretending his interest was business he stepped into the spot light and took what that entails…when he broke the law? He was the ballot he was thumped…in court battered… join in but be law abiding….if he didnt grab anything from the haateemboz then whats the fear….This is not about hh we want him on the ballot box we know how we shall vote….

  16. Some indicators pointed to the chiefdom to be part and parcel of the kidnapping and abduction to help HH get away with fraudulent criminal trespass on his Kalomo neighbour’s farm.

  17. Did he sleep at the grave yard to experience that ‘pitch black’ again for the Sangoma antics? Since the queen is away, no one will miss the chief for the long night out!

  18. Dictators in the making should and must learn a lesson from Chad, stubbornness, crookedness and deceit are your own deadly enemies and do not pay. One person cannot, should not and will not hold the whole country at ransom as if it is country ya anyina or ya atate wake. Leave when it is your time to leave and do not cause confusion. That is wisdom.

  19. PF govt is like a group of silly children who close the entrance to garage door behind them so they can get rid of a large hornets nest inside.

  20. The Desperation of lungu to get HH is astounding………..

    One wounders why a so called humble , popular leader who has spend billions developing zambia can be do desperate ???

  21. Who is the complainant in this Case? Where is the evidence that the Queen and 4 others abducted the Hatembos? Shouldn’t the Hatembos sue their Abductors? The farm was bought thru a Willing Seller/Willing Buyer Agreement. Why is PF and Jezebel Nawakwi involving themselves in a bilateral matter? The target is HH in all these Arrests, Detentions and Abductions. After failing to prosecute HH based on fake Privatization claims they now want to use fake Abduction of the Hatembos to incriminate HH. ECL wants HH removed from the Ballot Paper and eliminated from the Presidential Race. Time will tell.

  22. Up to this point, only the police have reason for detaining the queen and the rest in custody. All the comments here are speculations. Wait for the day in court. The judge will prove the police wrong. Non of the bloggers can because we do not have details.

  23. ZPS is discredited after its Officers shot and killed Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda in cold blood. These two families haven’t received Justice and Compensation for their loved ones today. On these suspected Abductions who is the Complainant in this Case? What if the Hatembos come out of hiding and say they were in hiding running away from the PF Surrogates and they were never abducted by any body at all and that the Queen,Ackson Senjani and three others never abducted them. What does the State say? Arrest the Hatembos who are victims of the State? This business of ZPS arresting Citizens in order to investigate must stop.

  24. Kampyongo says he uses the law without fear or favour ….(but he forgets to say its only when it comes to the opposition figures)

  25. “Dear Stephen Kampyongo

    Young man, release my wife within and not later than 48 hours or else you shall blame yourself and those that sent you. I have spoken.”
    There will be no lunar eclipse or solar eclipse. Baseless and intimidating threats from the chief are put to the test. The “Young Man” refuses to be swayed from executing his duties.
    If you become political, you allow yourself to be mud slung publicly.

  26. How does ZPS prove Abduction without evidence from the Abductees? Hatembos will have to confirm and produce evidence that the Queen, Ackson Senjani and three others indeed abducted them. When interviewed recently the Hatembos said they were hiding from Jezebel Nawakwi was harassing Hatembos to appeal a Farm Case they don’t want to. Jezebel Nawakwi has been promised by ECL to be appointed his Running Mate should she succeed in getting HH arrested, convicted and his Name removed from the Ballot Paper. These State Sponsored Abductions are targeting HH. The idea is to eliminate HH from the 2021 Presidential Race. ECL is afraid of failing to achieve the 50%+1 Vote threshold if HH is on the Ballot Paper. That is why ECL is desperately trying to remove HH’s name from the Ballot Paper. ECL…

  27. The PF were not happy that the land case was dismissed. The Hatembos went into hiding because they were being harassed to appeal – an orchestrated case that the PF had hoped would deal with HH. Kampyongo is only doing this to get at Chief Mukuni who is his big critic and also hopes to twist matters to get to HH. Kampyongo is a typical GESTAPO being used by ECL for the purpose of instilling terror in all opposition and critical voices. They rule by oppression using state machinery and resources because they have failed lamentably to govern or fulfil any of their promises. Desperate to stay in power to avoid ‘lynching’ when they are kicked out. Despicable regime!


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