Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Emmanuel Mwamba Reports Sishuwa Sishuwa to the Police for writing and publishing seditious material


Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, Emmanuel Mwamba has reported the University of Zambia Lecturer, Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa to the Police for writing and publishing seditious material.

In his letter dated 26th April 2021 written to the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Mwamba contended that the article written by Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa and published by the Mail & Guardian of South Africa was seditious as it portrayed Zambia as a country on the verge of civil war and widespread political unrest.

He said Sishuwa’s article also painted a picture that all State and Democratic institutions in Zambia had collapsed or were about to.

Mr. Mwamba said the newspaper enjoys wide coverage across Africa and the assertions by Sishuwa in the article were meant to scandalize the country and its leadership.

Mr. Mwamba also stated that Dr. Sishuwa’s assertions that institutions such as the Judiciary and the Electoral Commission had lost public faith were dangerous and had the capacity to instigate a public uprising.

Mr. Mwamba said Dr. Sishuwa’s assertions that the international community had conspired with the Zambian Government to remain silence on the alleged extensive human rights abuses and what he termed as murderous attacks against democratic institutions, portrayed a country suffering a collapse of democracy.

Mr. Mwamba said, Dr. Sishuwa as a political analyst and academic acted with treachery against his country when he published assertions he knew were false.

Mr. Mwamba said Sishuwa peddled the dangerous lies to scandalize the government of President Edgar Lungu internationally and to harm the good and democratic standing that Zambia has enjoyed for over 56 years in Africa and the rest of the world.

Mr. Mwamba gave an example of thriving state and democratic institutions by citing the Electoral Commission of Zambia which recently conducted a voter registration where over seven million Zambians turned up to register as voters.
He said the act to maliciously attack and scandalize democratic and state institutions by Sishuwa was an act of sedition


  1. Failure to control violence, cadres Supposedly or acting in the name of the ruling party do as they please. Please just go to bus stops (city market, kulima tower) and in nearly all cases involving cadres, our own police are helpless.
    Listen to “I heard segment” on Millenium radio and you will be amazed how many people complain about the state of lawlessness on the road and in places of dwelling. As to whether it has reached those levels, time will tell. Hope also you know that the ruling party has been campaigning and their friends are arrested for unlawful assembly under the Public order law!

  2. Why can’t he use his academic to create jobs or invent something that will employ youths rather than inciting violence.

  3. By the time this case goes to court you would have been recalled as ambassador and would be too busy looking for a job with no time to attend court.

  4. These idyots may arrest Sishuwa po fye.
    If Kampyongo could arrested queen Mukuni, what more Sishuwa with charges from Ethiopia.

  5. It’s about time. That f00l has been testing his luck for too long. Just look at him, nakamutu koyuma. A very dry looking man with anger. Paid by upnd

  6. You will see how quick PF office will act meanwhile Nawakwi is busy holding innocent children hostage.

  7. Mwamba has already been sued by Dr Sishuwa for Defamation of character over his Rebuttal of the Article. So why is Mwamba jumping the Gun when the matter is subjudice. ZPS should just ignore the Report and leave the matter to the Courts to determine. There was nothing Seditious in what Dr Sishuwa and EIU Report predicted. Even the three Church Mother Bodies predicted that the 2021 Elections will be violent, rigged and disputed if there is no level playing field. ECL’s imposition of a Third Term could ignite Social Strife in Zambia. The Republican Constitution prohibits ECL from standing for a Third Term becoz he has held Office twice,was elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016. So No Third Term for ECL in terms of the 1996 and 2016 Amended Constitutions.

  8. Is it because Sishuwa has already sued Mwamba before the courts that he has prompted him to report Sishuwa to police? Why did Amb. Mwamba not report Sishuwa to police initially when he first read his article? This is where the issue is. Mwamba just wants to survive by creating confusion where the ocourts will be summoning him and the police will be summoning Sishuwa.

  9. If a civil servant can be dragged out of a suposed gvt office and threatened before their boss by party carders. It means there is no law or gvt institutions to talk about.
    Sishuwa is right.

  10. Well Sishuwa is not lying. The country really is on edge! Not all of us can enjoy as part of the govt of the day, but all of us have to pay off the nkongole that a few lucky ones get to enjoy.
    The police service in the country as well as the public institutions are at the mercy of political cadres, who can be sent to harass civil servants and only get fined 12,000 zmk for threatening to burn down a civil servant in her public workplace.
    Hopefully this coming election will correct our 2016 sins.

  11. But if what Dr. Sishuwa wrote is actually obtaining here, how is it sedition? In my opinion, the Ambassador is not the right person to complain or ask the police to arrest him because he’s not here to witness any unlawful acts obtaining in Zambia or lack thereof. It would have made more sense if someone else living here in Zambia, 24/7 to report such to the police. I therefore think that this is the ambassador’s twisted way of responding to Dr. Sishuwa’s lawsuit against him, period!! His Excellence Mr. Mwamba, i know you’re more than capable to own up and fight your own battles, and please leave the innocent Police out it!!

  12. Ambassador Mwamba did an Article rebutting Sishuwa’s Article. Sishuwa’s Article said if Zambia doesn’t take corrective Measures then the 2021 Elections will produce a violent, rigged and disputed Electoral outcome. The fact that Mwamba commented on a “seditious” Article he must committed Sedition as well. Sishuwa only expressed an Opinion that Zambia could burn if corrective action is not taken. The Article was based on Conjecture rather than Reality. ZPS should leave this Article alone as it is now subjudice.

  13. Sisure Sisure is just a ttibal element in society. These are fools with degrees and diplomas! How do you paint your own bedroom black to outsiders. Fortunately the international community has just rated Zambia as one of the safest countries for tourists to go this summer! Shame to Sisure and his UPND cohorts, Larry Mweetwa, the brother to Larry, and the biggest lier, Sammy Hichilema!

  14. Is this not the same chap who killed Chiluba by strangling Kafupi? Maybe the only one good gesture he has done to society.

  15. Ba Ambassador Mwamba just keep your mouth shut if you have no substance to report to police. Are you not ashamed and feel sorry for the Zambian people and the government when cadres can go in the police station and beat police officers; go to government office and drag out a civil servant worker, cadres who stop opposition party from airing programs. Police can hold people in cells for more days than allowed by the constitution; etc. What Dr. Sishuwa is saying is the truth.

  16. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Fun this dude has failed intellectually debate Dr Sishuwa and so he is resorting to the outdated dictatorship tactics of running to the police with sedition n0nsense. He’s doing the very thing Dr Sishuwa was talking about in his article… my gosh, what’s wrong with these numskulls and scared little men. They have the power and govt machinery at their disposal and yet they are so insecure when someone reminds them of their weaknesses.
    If I were the police, I would arrest Mwamba himself for wasting their time. Mambala Mwamba didn’t even understand the article and tried to respond to it intellectually but failed miserably. If it was seditious why did he try to debate it in the first instance? Unbelievable!

  17. He has reported him to the police because he wants police to come in, so that his defamation lawsuit is put on the sideways. In that way he doesn’t have to defend it. It’s the Nawakwi unproved formular of dealing with lawsuits. It has a very limited life span.

  18. Ambassador Mwamba made false allegations against Dr Sishuwa. He was asked to retract those false allegations but he refused to do so. Dr Sishuwa has since sued Mwamba for Defamation of character. Instead of dealing with the Defamation of character Case Ambassador Mwamba has reported the Victim to the Police. The Police shouldn’t entertain that unjustified Report. The Police should decline being involved in a Matter already b4 the Court. Mwamba shouldn’t hide behind a finger called “Sedition “. The Police should leave Mwamba to defend himself in the Defamation of character Case.

  19. An objective and Professional Police Service shouldn’t entertain that “Seditious ” Police Report. Ambassador Mwamba should produce evidence in Court showing how much Dr Sishuwa was paid for publishing the Article in Mail and Guard Newspaper. Ambassador Mwamba shouldn’t hide behind Seditious Allegations.

  20. There is nothing new in what Sishuwa Sishuwa did. People like him who are in government job are on pay roll of anti national forces. Their single point agenda is to demean our motherland and set the narrative that suits their pay masters. He is being loyal to his handler. It is for us, the people of Zambia to decide who much seriously this Sishuwa and his ilk is to be taken.

  21. What Sishuwa Sishuwa wrote definitely amounts to sedition. He must be punished for that. As the first and foremost action, he should be sacked with immediate effect. He can’t be paid from tax payer’s money and act against the country.

  22. The likes of Sishuwa are threat to the nation. They need to be jailed immediately. After all, national security is paramount. The miniscule professors like him are not at all important for the society. The moron needs to be cut to size.

  23. This Sishuwa is trying to fuel unrest and violence in Zambia. He is using his liberty to write whatever he wants to in foreign media and claims that democracy is collapsing in Zambia. He should realise that had the democracy been collapsed, he would have been behind the bars by now. Since he is still a free citizen, allowed to rant whatever he wants, proves that he is doing it under a sinister plan hatched by anti Zambian forces.

  24. That does not give right to Sishuwa to defame country. He must remember that he is paid from the taxes we pay. If he is so adamant, then resign from the job.

  25. We can’t tolerate this in the name of freedom of expression. No one can damage the motherland to further his political agenda. He is nothing but a slave of anti Zambia forces.

  26. Sishuwa Sishuwa is a traitor, no doubt. Now, just check who all are supporting him, you will get the idea about who are his accomplices. Don’t be shocked to see Hakainde Hichilema as his admirer.

  27. Good that someone lodged police complaint against this buffoon. He had been taking too much advantage of his freedom of speech and expression. He must remember one thing, the freedom comes with lot of responsibilities and restrictions. If he crosses the limits, he should be ready to face the music.

  28. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Comment 24 to 33 same person masquerading as many commentators… desperation to stay relevant knows no bounds!

  29. Until recently Zambia has been blessed with the absence of messengers of sedition and has enjoyed peace over the years. Recently we seem to be having these messengers of doome and self proclaimed prohets of doome seeking fame for wrong reasons. Indeed freedom of speech comes with responsibility. Sishuwa lacks proper judgement and he lives in his own imaginery world. Not sure what his PhD is all about but he seems to have missed some natural wisdom.

  30. Didn’t Mwamba choke FTJ to death? Why do you think the state did not conduct autopsy on the cause of death? FTJ was going to campaign against Sata. Sata had promised BY Mwila contracts and business redemption. They sacrificed FTJ because he was to support MMD’s candidate RB. So, tell Mwamba we know how he killed FTJ for Sata.

  31. Ba LT Why are downvotes for anti-Sishuwa articles blocked? Hpwever when you click on the upvote it registers,I dwnvoted 29 Kaysee and nothing showed but when I upvoted the same post it registered! What game are you playing?

  32. Ba LT Why are downvotes for anti-Sishuwa posts blocked? However when you click on the upvote it registers,I downvoted @29 Kaysee and nothing showed but when I upvoted the same post it registered! What game are you playing?

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