Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu given an Adoption Certificate as the official Presidential Candidate for PF in 2021 Elections


The Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has handed over an Adoption Certificate to President Edgar Lungu as the official Presidential Candidate in the August 12, 2021 national polls.

The document was signed by PF National Chairperson Samuel Mukupa, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila, and PF President and Republican President Edgar Lungu.

This came to light following an MCC meeting at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka yesterday.

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said the PF Members of the Central Committee (MCC) deliberated on the matter as per PF Constitution which indicated that a person elected as PF President is automatically adopted to represent the PF in the elections.

Vice President Inonge Wina, PF National Chairperson Samuel Mukupa, the MCC, among others attended the event.

Constitutional Lawyer John Sangwa stresses a point at a recent public discussion on the Constitutional Amendment Bill
Constitutional Lawyer John Sangwa stresses a point at a recent public discussion on the Constitutional Amendment Bill

The official adoption paves way for the people that opposed to President Lungu contesting to go to court. Last month Lusaka Lawyer John Sangwa confirmed that he will go ahead and petition President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility to contest the August 2021 general elections.

Mr. Sangwa said now that it is abundantly clear President Lungu wants to stand as President in the August polls, he will go ahead and challenge his eligibility in the Constitutional Court.

Speaking on Phoenix FM’s Let the People Talk radio programme, Mr Sangwa said it is now up to the Court to determine whether President Lungu qualifies to stand or not.

“I have deliberately avoided the eligibility matter on this programme because I know that this is a matter that will be resolved by the Courts and I think we would have all the indications on the ground that the matter would have to be resolved by Court soon,” Mr Sangwa said.

“I think we have debated enough, I think people have given their positions, I think the one camp is saying this issue is already resolved by the Court and I am saying that no it has not been resolved by the Courts but you know you can have a debate up to a certain point and when you are stuck in your respective positions, the only civil thing to do is to allow the matter to be decided in court.”

“And it’s not fair, it’s only next month and of God willing, we will still be standing then we will see how the matter will be settled,” Mr Sangwa said.

“You see, we need to have faith in ten institutions that we have, we have our judicial system, although they are lowly paid but the truth is that these are the only institutions we have and when there is a dispute and we are falling to agree on, we take the matter to court for interpretation.”

He said,” There has been a lot of time expended on the issue of eligibility and we can’t seem to agree and the next thing we have to do is leave it for the Court to decide.”


  1. You foolish upnd supporters especially those in diaspora, how does it feel to know that you will be facing ECL, a man who you fear so much that you fought to try and make the courts believe that he is not eligible. If ECL has failed this country then why are you scared to face him? If I were in opposition, I would let a failed opponent contest because it would increase my chances of winning. So why are you doing the opposite? You know that you cannot beat ECL. This was a great ceremony. My work on the ground is now proceeding as it is official. I am on the ground, and you know what the means. CIA1

  2. You f00lish upnd supporters especially those in diaspora, how does it feel to know that you will be facing ECL, a man who you fear so much that you fought to try and make the courts believe that he is not eligible. If ECL has failed this country then why are you scared to face him? If I were in opposition, I would let a failed opponent contest because it would increase my chances of winning. So why are you doing the opposite? You know that you cannot beat ECL. This was a great ceremony. My work on the ground is now proceeding as it is official. I am on the ground, and you know what the means. CIA1

  3. In fact I already have the results for the August elections. Even a baby born today knows the outcome of those elections in advance. Contact me for the predicted results.

  4. The corrupt fraud convict moron can never win any free and fair election……..

    The moron Pays lip service to none violence while the thugs under his command are engaged in an orgy of violence , savegry and intimidation

  5. What is an adoption Certificate and where does it fit into our constitution and laws? Perhaps this story should have been left to PF cadres and not published by LT to all of us disinterested citizens

  6. Both RB and ECL held Office for the first time under the Amended 1996 Constitution. RB held Office from 2008 to 2011 which is a Full Term of Office of 34 Months. ECL held Office for the first time from 2015 to 2016 which means he held Office for 18 Months. This also a Full Term as per 1996 Constitution. The issue is why is RB’s 34months in Office a Full Term while ECL’s 18 months in Office is being questioned as a Full Term? RB as a 4th Republican President was granted Pension Benefits having held Office for One Term as President. If both RB’s 34 months tenure and ECL’s 18 months tenure are not Full Terms why is the National Treasury paying RB a Pension? ECL held Office for the 2nd time from 2016 to August 12,2021 which means that ECL has held Office twice and has been elected and…

  7. Lungu will then be given an official rejection certificate by the Zambian voters on August 8th 2021…though he’s not even eligible to begin with.He’s completely ruined Zambia economically.

  8. Interesting unfolding development for Zambia to test it’s supreme law. It has been tested in Malawi by dread sporting lawyers and smoothly administered in Tanzania but abused in Uganda! Since the economy is biting such that we all can not grab some popcorn for snacking on as we follow Sangwa’s next action! By the way, will it be only lawyer Sangwa to petition the ConCourt? (The abbreviation ‘ConCourt’ as if it is a bench of con persons!….funny!)

  9. ECL needs a Certicate of Nomination from Concourt. ECL will need to convince Concourt that he has held Office Once from 2015 to August 12,2021. Crucially ECL needs to convince Concourt that the 18 Months he held Office in 2015 is not a Full Term becoz its less than 3 years. ECL’s First Term is under the 1996 Constitution while his 2nd Term is under the 2016 Constitution. RB held Office for 34 Months in 2008 under the 1996 Constitution and was granted a Full Pension even though he served for less than 3years. ECL having held Office twice, elected and sworn in twice and is therefore ineligible for a Third Term. Concourt needs to uphold the Constitution in vetting ECL Third Term Bid. Can Concourt interpret, obey,defend and enforce the Republican Constitution impartially ? We shall see!

  10. Our father who aren’t in heaven hollow is thy name
    Thy kingdom’s rule cometh to an end, you will be done as you have done unto others, as you failed to give us our daily bread, and rations and unjustly claim your power and glory, So forever and ever goodbye

  11. Adoption certificate is just a waste of paper you foooools even if you have govt resources to waste …I can not wait for this lazy bum Edgar to file his nomination at ECZ

  12. KBF, the PF secretary general is still waiting for your application for adoption to stand as presidential candidate. Look, KBF u are not wht u want people to believe.

  13. Tarino it is our paper you f00l..we do as we want with it. For example I now use copies of the upnd manifesto to wipe my a.s.s.

  14. The PF Adoption Certificate is of no use. What ECL needs is a Certificate from Concourt granting him permission to seek re-election for the third time. Concourt has a huge Responsibility to interpret ECL’s Eligibility. At issue is whether or not ECL’s 18 months in office in 2015 constitute a Full Term in terms of the the 1996 Amended Constitution? Related this is whether or not RB’s 34 months under the same 1996 Constitution constitute a Full Term? RB is receiving his full Pension Benefits becoz he is deemed to have served a Term even though he held Office for less than 3 years. We shall see what shenanigans Concourt will play to give ECL his Third Term Wish. Concourt must realise that its main responsibility is to uphold the Republican Constitution in discharging its duties…

  15. Using that HARD paper to wipe your A.SSS? Hmmm… by now you should have your bottom look like a Baboon. Oouu ch!

  16. Please ignore the UK based troll/ impostor its simply itching for its daily has absolutely zero affiliation to PF or know what it stands for…it has and will just change aliases and political parties simple as that!! @ N£z

  17. STUPID AND DULL KAIZER YOU SHOULD DIE WITH YOUR evil mind> lungu does not qualiFy iTs the TRUTH>

  18. @skylab the economy is only biting f00lish stubborn tribal upnd members. I enjoy wiping my a.s.s. with pages from upnd manifesto because upnd are full of s.h.i.t

  19. Tarino you are calling for the ignoring of a so called imposter, and yet you are f00lishly addressing the so called person in the process. Do you see how f00lish you are

  20. The prince you will cry again in Tonga when the results are announced in August. As for general kanene, don’t be a punk

  21. ECL’s lifeline is a compromised Zambia Concourt. If it was in the West where the Judiciary is independent ECL was not going to seek a Third Term. Article 106(3) is very clear: “A person who has held Office twice is not eligible for Election as President “. The moment u establish that in 2015 ECL held Office, was elected and sworn in and therefore that is a Full Term then there is no justification for a Third Term for ECL. ECL’s First Term is covered by the 1996 Amended Constitution. While his second Term from 2016 to August 2021 is under the 2016 Constitution. We hope Concourt will redeem itself and impartially vet ECL’s Eligibility in terms of the Republican Constitution. All eyes on Zambia Concourt.

  22. Good morning fellow countrymen. If Edgar is not the choice of Zambians as largely spoken by upnd and other political parties, why are opposition parties talking against his adoption.

    I personally feel that if Edgar is not the choice of Zambians, let the upnd beat Edgar through the ballot box.

    Edgar is a threat, that’s why upnd and other parties want to use other means to dethrone him so that they can easily beat Edgar’ replacement.

  23. The signs of a violent, rigged and disputed Election in August 2021 are visible. ECL has made up his mind to breach the Constitution by imposing himself thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. Concourt is under pressure from ECL to issue him with a Certificate to seek re-election. Concourt is between a Rock and a Hard Place to play ball. It’s now up to the Voters to pass the Verdict. It can be done if the majority of Voters vote for change. Another 5years under the Corrupt,incompetent and Visionless ECL will be a disaster for Zambians. Protection of the Vote will be crucial becoz PF Plans to rig the Election Results are advanced. The writing is on the wall.

  24. This is Mission accomplished by PF. With a PF Adoption Certificate in his pocket ECL is the process of getting a Third Term Certificate from Concourt. Concourt is in ECL’s pocket so Concourt Certificate is assured and in the Post. After getting the Third Term Concourt Certificate the next step is how to rig the August 12,2021 Election smartly. Plans are underway. Possession is 9/10th of the Law. After Rigging the Election and retaining Power ECL will promise to deal with the Economy and Illegitimacy issues but nothing will succeed. Fasten your Seat Belt. The ECL flight 2021 is now Airborne. The writing is on the wall.

  25. Stretching the law to the letter, utter desrespect for the Constitution. It is better not to assume the judgment of the ConCourt, this already adds undue pressure on the judges. Anyway, God always wins. Mark these words.

  26. @Henry, this about the rule of law. If our constitution says he cant stand then he shouldn’t. Unfortunately we are all flip flopping regarding the interpretation of the clause. So let the empire (con court) guidance us.

    I don’t believe ECL is stupid to insist on standing without an ear to the ground from the judges that the law is in his favor.

    Either way, let the con court tell us.

  27. surely Edgar will use the concourt outcome to further his support. the court verdict will be used as a publicity stunt. what opposition could have done is let it be, campaign hard to win the election then sue Lungu for breaking the law.

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