Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Party President Peter Sinkamba endorses the President Edgar Lungu for the August Polls


Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has endorsed the candidature of Edgar Lungu in the fourth coming August 12 General elections.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, Mr. Sinkamba said that his party has decided to support President Lungu because the PF is already putting in measures to stabilize and improve the economic status of the country through initiatives such as the legalization of medicinal marijuana.

Mr. Sinkamba charged that the PF government under the leadership of President Lungu should be allowed to continue beyond 2021 as voting them out will derail the implementation of cannabis production.

“We are happy as the Green Party that the PF government decided to work with us to implement the legalization of cannabis businesses,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

“And we have been running with it from the word go and as you will recall by yesterday we had three Bill’s in Parliament coming up for Committee stage processes and everything being equal we anticipate that by Tuesday or Wednesday next week they’ll go through the third reading,” he added.

The Green Party President further charged that it would be disastrous to vote out the PF government and usher in a new party that would come and reverses all that his party has fought for; for so many years as an alternative to dismantle the country’s foreign debt.

And Mr. Sinkamba is hopeful that Zambia’s external debt can be paid off if the country engages in full-scale cannabis production.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sinkamba has charged that there is no wind of change in the country adding that President Lungu is headed for a landslide slide victory come August 12, 2021.
He stated that he does not see any of his colleagues in the opposition unseating the PF in this year’s polls.

Mr. Sinkamba has however said that his party will field in candidates at Parliamentary, Mayoral, and local government elections.

The Media


  1. While some are calling it a silent revolution, in other camps, it is as loud as thunder. The difference is even wider than before. Edgar is getting it easy.

  2. Seems Sinkamba only had one political agenda which was to legalise farming of industrial hemp, because obviously he’s got a farm.
    Anyway, he still doesn’t have any political clout to call shorts even if he went into an alliance with the mighty PF.

  3. Hey y’all PS! You’re right PF ought to continue. They are doing a wonderful job at developing this thing. She has produced another bumper harvest and it’s not about ganja alone.
    It will be up to the Zambians to determine if PF should go beyond 2026. You know Zambians are intelligent people, yeah.
    We’re not going to give h² a chance until he is gotten to the sidelines, out’a politics and to his business.
    For now Zambians know that it’s gonna be PF100%; ECL100%, Elite Zambians 100%; Development 100%; Peace 100%; Citizens Empowerment 100%.

  4. Odd counterintuitive opposition misleaders in Zambia.My dog would make a smarter opposition leader than Peter Sinkamba.

  5. @Rasheem We have Opposition in Zambia, its just other Elements that muddle the waters. UPND has stood firm all these years, but PF know that Zambians have a mild form of dementia, they tend to forget major events now and again. Even when you chop their hands off, the very next day they forget they have no hands and forget who chopped them. They line up and vote using the big toe to vote for the people that chopped their manja.

  6. Don’t insult the electorate. They always know what they want. If they vote against you they become gullible, suffer from dementia, illiterate, brainwashed and ignorant. How do you draw voters to your side when you always trash them?
    I repeat, it is not a revolution. If it were so, it would have already shown by now.

  7. “verifiable: empirical evidence; practical; pragmatic; derived from or guided by experience or experiment. Not to be confused with: empiric – a person who depends on experience or observation alone.”

    PF third term, your making us look bad. PF time out.

    “The licensing fee to grow is $250,000, and only some of those requesting permits will be allotted commercial licensing abilities to grow for exportation. Licenses to grow are issued by the Ministry of Health, while the Zambia National Service will supervise the cultivation operations.”

    $250.000? Who are you representing?

  8. Even if sinkamba was to stand how many votes would he get?Some of these opposition leaders are just wasting time.
    Most of them end up saying we are merging
    With PF.But they are one man party.

  9. When I told you that ECL is a threat to upnd, some f00lish ** diasporan upnd supporters insulted me and called me names. The truth is slowly coming would have to be a mad cow to believe that a tribal f00l like hh can lead a country which has rejected him over 5 times. you need to get rid of that tribalism element within upnd and completely restructure that party. Upnd ended with mazoka. Now it is just a bus for **tribal politics

  10. Why are we not surprised Peter Sinkamba sold out immediately he paid Stephen K’s outstanding ministerial salary …all Peter is interested in is license for his Green Weed Farm.

  11. Most of these so called opposition parties in Zambia are tutemba type of parties they cant show people what they stand for?nor what there Ideologies are?We only see them fight there fellow opposition parties instead of pressing for check and balances to the party in govt. They have knelt down to the point of being surrogates to the ruling party even offering to pay for Ministers who overstayed in office why not just say my party as no large following so if it competes in an election the results will be a laughable

  12. Over 60% of the Presidential candidates who paid the nominations fees are from Luapula and Northern provinces.
    This means that the vote in these PF strongholds will be split.
    Good strategy by the opposition as a whole.

  13. You shall know them by their fruits. Although I respect this move, I am not particularly surprised by this decision by the green party leader. I heard the rules of funding presidential candidates by the cooperating partners is going to change and so the smaller parties are yielding to pressure. Ba Peter’s real colors are out. Let all those still in hide and seek come out. Aug 12 is very close.

  14. No surprise here! One is left to wonder what is the objective of this party? My view is this is a one agenda party/cannabis. He is looking to be given the contract as one of the growers of cannabis. In such a transactional relationship there is probably a gain of one vote or none to PF. The optics are very bad for the Green Party!

  15. Ladies and gentlemen looks like we are stuck with PF bandits till we get proper opposition…UPND is a Joke…how do you even bring Mubita Nawa a known struggling crook to be Presidential spokesman…HH has no brain i think HH enjoys losing elections….

  16. Dr. Field Ruwe: “Sinkamba’s concentration on the legalization of marijuana shows how he is possessed by illusions and delusions, at times noble to the point of utter selfishness and absurdity, and at other times to the point of amorality. His Green Party is not a political agenda, but a cannabis business plan for himself to grow marijuana and benefit financially from it, while the populous is left psychotic.” One fraudulent “politician” to go, more to follow. With this endorsement, the Green Party is the biggest joke in the country. Sinkamba is one of the greatest conmen in the history of this country. Period.

  17. Sometimes in life its best to get up smell the coffee and see the light…some UPnD parliamentary candidates will win in their constituency…but for Plot 1 someone is headed for his highest defeat ever…why? He does not listen see whats happening in Mazabuka, Choma, Pemba, Luapula,, nORTH…You name a Vice but when not well you appoint a struggling MP to act?…..Look at nec…many who did well at council level…..fialed at national level because of tribal balancing….wait its not to far now prepare your retirement speech

  18. The moment he baled out PF ministers he became PF. He only talks against the PF when he smokes the stuff.

  19. @Anonymous , Its you who is FOOLISH and BRAINLESS…..Just Stay where u are… Commenting from a council flat as if you will even come to VOTE. Give chance to US who will VOTE

  20. This Green Party has got no green credentials whatsoever, if you support or endorse the corrupt PF that makes you just as guilty of corruption!

  21. Endorsing 22 point something percent inflation, 22 point something kwacha exchange rate to a dollar, endorsing completely depleted reserves, endorsing unsustainable debt, endorsing record high unemployment, endorsing lack of medicines, endorsing loan defaults

  22. Endorsing 22 point something percent inflation, 22 point something kwacha exchange rate to a dollar, endorsing completely depleted reserves, endorsing unsustainable debt, endorsing record high unemployment, endorsing lack of medicines, endorsing loan defaults…..

  23. Endorsing 22 point something percent inflation, 22 point something kwacha exchange rate to a dollar, endorsing completely depleted reserves, endorsing unsustainable debt, endorsing record high unemployment, endorsing lack of medicines, endorsing loan defaults………..

  24. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Another conman dude, masquerading as a principled, independent thinker. I could see through his ramblings and writings all these years that he is a sold out pretentious dude. What a country this is!

  25. These people should understand the meaning of opposition, but anyway if you have nothing to offer why not endorse someone and alternatively disband your kantemba party which never gives hope the sufferers and those lacking. Our politicians are clueless and have no ideology to even follow hence these groupings do not even inspire the would be voters. How can a party only have an agenda to legalise maryjane?

  26. ……through initiatives such as the legalization of medicinal marijuana. The song is clear getting value from medicinal marijuana to help achieve quality life in Zambia. There are many Zambians in the villages who have been secretly growing medicinal marijuana. I salute Sinkamba, he sang a progressive song and won. Money in the pocket for Marijuana villagers for they will freely exploit our land, water to grow marijuana. Alliance show how you will make better of this achievement to earn my vote. PF has done well to legalize it. Cassava-Kawambwa project is another money in the pockets. PF to some extent has fulfilled its promises. Alliance my vote is drifting towards PF.

  27. Note that Ghana makes billions of $ from Cocoa, we can do the same with Medicinal Marijuana. Alliance dream big to earn my vote.

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