Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let’s now focus on the bigger picture, and not allow our detractors to divide us-HH


By Hakainde Hichilema

After a rigorous primary election process, we have settled for the 156 members of parliament aspirants and hundreds of other candidates in our local government structures. I can confirm to you that this is the most difficult process of our party, yet one that brings joy to those who have made it and a lot of pain and disappointment for those that have not.

My humble and earnest appeal to both categories is magnanimity, respect, understanding, love and unity towards each other. We will be uncaring to our culture of solidarity that has held us together in very difficult times in the past, if we do not give due consideration to each other’s aspirations and anxieties, that have arisen from the above process.

The grassroots did their job for which we profoundly thank them. The NMC also weighed in before the NEC settled on the final list. I ask that this process be respected, no matter the feelings of victory or disappointment we may feel.

Let us now focus on the bigger picture fellow members, and not allow our detractors to divide us, even as they pillage and plunder our nation. We are facing a vicious dictatorship and a collapsed economy, brought about by a most reckless and corrupt regime in the history of our country. We therefore have a patriotic and democratic duty to vote them out and unless we unite, our nation will be unrecognisable in the next five years, if the PF are allowed to continue. We must not allow that and if we do because of divisions, posterity may judge us harshly.

There is a lot of work to be done once we are in power and will need everyone who has demonstrable loyalty to help us deliver the development agenda we have for Zambia.

We therefore have work for everyone, but before we assign you, we will need to get to State House.

I can give numerous examples of men and women who didn’t jump ship in previous rounds of adoptions, who have been adopted this time around. I therefore call on you to be patient and rally behind those that have been adopted and do not split the vote, as this would disadvantage our mission and goals.

I wish all the best to aspirants at MP, Mayor/Council Chairman and Councillor level.



  2. Boring. The elephant in the room which u.p.nd members are scared to ask is, when is this losing tribal boy hh going to give other people a chance to run as president

  3. For how many years has UPND been losing? What makes him so sure he will excel this time? Has he got a strategy or he is stiill banking on the old and odd song of corruption? Now that you have given us those 159 hearty lawmakers, give us too a new song that will land you in state house.

  4. In 2026 please take the lead in choosing your MP adopted list instead of waiting to see who PF have picked or left out for you to scavenge. UPND always fails to lead the way. It was so hard for PF to choose candidates as most of them were serving ministers. If choosing MPs for you was that hard, what more running government. Bu president te bwa baice bane.

  5. @Kaizar Zulu…you not funny anymore….it only shows how dull and ignorant you are if you can call a fellow human being “ugly”……thats so tasteless…find a better way of joking and attention seeking. Am neither PF nor UPND

  6. Thank you for choosing your puppets. The ones you will control from the terraces.
    All unproductive walkouts. The ones you summon to your place to eat hungry lion and dance dununa reverse in your lawns.
    May the Zambian people sentence you to petition after petition again.
    My question is, are you going to stick around even in 2026?. Iyo walikonya iwe.
    Please just retire on 20th August 2021 waumfwa mwaice h²?

  7. “Let us now focus on the bigger picture fellow members, and not allow our detractors to divide us, even as they pillage and plunder our nation” This is what we mean when wsay HH is a parrot. He has no real orignal ideas. This statement of detracors is taken directly from what ECL has been saying, “wewill not allw detractors to derail our focus to deleiver to the Zambian people” So HH has just copied that, not sure what his detracors will detract him from? From selecting his MPs and councilors? or from opposing?

  8. HH’s Message of “LET’S FOCUS ON BIG PICTURE” is tailored to woe the gullible supporters and voters to allow him grab more land from vulnerable people and promote foreign exploitation. A group of “Rudy Giulianis” were hired to twist legal provisions of Zambian Laws. One Zambian Giuliani is based at Wits University, another “Giuliani” based in USA and the local “Giuliani” is masquerading as a Constitutional Law expert just to disparage the Zambian Judicial System. These three “Zambian Giulianis” have systematically earned lots of money from a rich opposition leader in a “Rudy Giuliani- style”. The core theme about HH and his associates revolves on one thing – MAKING MONEY from state and private enterprises. Thanks to God – another 5-years of PF Govt offers hope for peaceful development for…

  9. We thank God in the belief that another 5-years of PF Govt will offer some hope for peaceful development in all parts of Zambia. The peoples of Namwala and Kalomo, as well as the Mines workers on the Copperbelt will breathe a sigh of relief because the foreign funded opposition parties will not be allowed to exploit our natural resources.

  10. We thank God in the belief that another 5-years of PF Govt will offer some hope for peaceful development in all parts of Zambia. The peoples of Namwala and Kalomo, as well as the Mines workers on the Copperbelt will breathe a sigh of relief because the foreign funded opposition parties will not be allowed to exploit our natural resources. There is no place for MAFIAS in Zambia. Unza and CBU that trained some weird Economists and Legal Experts must revise their curricula in Schools of Humanities & Law so as to generate patriotic personnel well placed to prevent the plunder of our national resources.

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