Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF will follow the law and adhere to the set health guidelines during the campaign period-Antonio


Patriotic Front Media Director Antonio Mwanza says the party will follow the law and adhere to the set health guidelines to the letter during the campaign period.

Speaking when he featured on ZNBC’s National Watch program that was addressing the topic “peace among political parties during the campaign period”, Mr Mwanza said President Edgar Lungu and the PF party is committed to having peaceful campaigns and elections.

He has since called on political players in the country to be responsible and make the work of police officers and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) easy, by adhering to the set health guidelines and the electoral code of conduct.

“When the Head of State was filling in his nomination papers only 14 people were invited and the 15th person was myself coordinating the program, we just had 14 chairs and it is not that we can’t fill the streets of Lusaka no, but it’s because we realize that as political leaders we must be responsible and make the work of the commission and the men in uniform easy, that is our role,” he said.

“The police must came in when there is a problem, and the problem is often caused by us political players,”.

Mr Mwanza further noted that President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has given very clear instructions to all members of the party, that the police will do their work by ensuring that people engaged in political violence are brought to book.

He added that the party will not shield any member accused of being involved political violence.

Mr Mwanza also stated that the party has come up with a clear road map in dealing with violence in a quest to protect its members.

“Structures lead by Members of the Central Committee ( MCC) have been formed to ensure that violence is not tolerated in the party” he said.


  1. Well said comrade. Message has been received on the ground. I am here busy strategically managing the lower structures because it is these structures which select the president. I am not even sleeping these days. I can assure you ECL is winning with 80 percent of the votes.

  2. These morons are now all the sudden talking about adhering to covid-19 guidelines when during lockdown when covid was severe they were busy campaigning…very small brains indeed!!

  3. You should try your best not to take ANYTHING trolls say seriously. NO matter how POORLY they behave, remember these people spend countless UNPRODUCTIVE hours trying to make people mad. They’re not WORTH your time of day.

  4. 8% pf
    enough is enough
    you can lie to the people some of the time but you cant to the people all thE time

  5. PF following the law! The same people who disregard the Constitution of Zambia, lock political opponents beyond the 48 hours as laid out in the Laws of Zambia, still public funds, fail to treat each Zambian equal under the law…..and so.

    Now which Law do you want to follow? The one you will put up to favour yourselves!

  6. Mwilatubepa. PF has even failed to follow the supreme law of the land, the constitution so which law can they follow?

  7. Yesterday during the campaign rally in Chongwe there was not ONE mask in sight. By the way, PF promised no more rallies until election day? What happened to that clearly empty promise?

  8. Hope the opposition parties had a hunch of this being in the pipeline of strategies by PF of how to keep them off the campaign trail! PF can not own the Covid 19 pandemic and be advocates of MoH guidelines! PF knows that the set health guidelines work for them if only they can have them enforced by the police then the opposition will be restricted to their coops with sound proofing!

  9. PF hasn’t respected the laws of a healthy economy though….and they’ve made Zambians pay the dear price for their mistakes.

  10. Beans! Is nt parading poor people in hundreds with no masks breaking the covid guidelines? Only *****s would buy such crap!!

  11. Mr. Antonio Mwanza, we not children to be toyed with. PF has been behaving as if Zambia is a PF Animal Farm and ECL the farm manager. PF have not been following COVID regulations nor campaign ethics, vote buying, bribes intimidation, why would they start now. You chaps lack Intergrity.

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