Friday, October 25, 2024

It’s highly irresponsible for anyone to endanger the health and lives of the citizens all in the name of politics


By Antonio M. Mwanza PF Media Director

Yesterday, His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu directed the Zambia Police Service and Health Authorities to ENFORCE the statutory ban on all public rallies in line with the Covid-19 health guidelines as guided by the Public Health Act Cap 295 of the Laws of Zambia.

It is important to note that restrictions on huge gatherings have been in place since last year when Government signed Statutory Instruments Numbers 21 and 22 to curb the spread of COVID-19 by banning huge gatherings which have scientifically proven to be super-spreader causes of COVID-19.

With the new Covid-19 variant and the third wave, which is deadlier and more contagious, it is only right that the Police and Health Authorities get to the ground and ensure STRICT ADHERENCE to the Covid-19 health guidelines as outlined in the aforementioned SI No. 21 and 22 to curb the spread of the disease and protect the health and lives of our people.

It is highly IRRESPONSIBLE for anyone to endanger the health and lives of the citizens all in the name of politics. Campaigns and elections must be conducted within the health framework that guarantees safety of individuals and the general public.

To claim that the President’s directive is meant to stop the opposition from campaigning is mischievous and gross misinformation as the ban on huge gatherings has been in place since last year and it affects all political parties, PF, included. No one is at an advantage. In fact, the PF has already taken the lead in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 by banning all its public campaign rallies.

There are so many ways in which political parties can effectively engage voters; they can use radio, television, social media, small gatherings and door to door events among many others to campaign. Rallies are not the only mode of campaigns. Moreover, life and public health is more important than public rallies.

We must learn from others, such as EUROPEAN countries who have banned all forms of huge gatherings such as public protests and rallies to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to promote public health and protect their citizens.

We have lost a lot of people to COVID-19 and we have many others who are currently in hospitals, battling for their lives.

We should not take the issue of health and life, lightly. Elections will come and go but a life once lost can not be replaced hence we must all be responsible enough and strictly adhere to the health guidelines as stipulated in our statutes.


  1. Remain alone without campaigns and people will vote for you.

    UPND is going round campaigning and never use police because people shall against police and cause anarch.

    Edgar Lungu’s legacy will be ruins.

    PF must go!

  2. Are you saying Llungu is irresponsible? Because he had a huge crowd when he appointed his campaign Managers.

  3. This boy Mwanza is just plain annoying.

    Let us flush these expired bodies out of public life.

  4. PF has been endangering the citizens’ lives ever since they were given the mandate to govern the country. People are not interested in PF campaigns and rejecting your calls, so the strategy now is no crowds. The president has been mingling with his circles in huge numbers without even following the guidelines they themselves have put in place, yet busy preaching to follow the guidelines, this clique never seize to amaze me really. Has now the entire PF party and its structures been mandated to enforce the health guidelines like the other buffoon was busy chasing and beating up people. Let the police enforce it only way people will probably adhere. Strangely everything else is running and working like there is no covid-19, yet banning campaigns!

  5. Mwanza is being dishonest and hypocritical. How many People attended the PF Campaign Launch? The pictures showed ladies not wearing masks and not social distancing as per Covid-19 Protocols. Until recently ECL was attending gatherings disguised as “working visits “,inspecting Projects and launching Empowerment Deals. Was ECL not aware that such gatherings are Covid 19 Superspreaders? Was the PF Campaign Launch not a Covid 19 Superspreader event. ECL is weaponising Covid-19 to stop Opposition Parties from Campaigning during the 90 day Campaign Period. ECL is trying to stop UPND Alliance Campaign Launch on Sunday in CB. ECL has no Powers to direct ZPS to ban Rallies during the 90 day Campaign Period and as such that illegal directive will be ignored. ECL is Candidate in this…

  6. The PF Campaign Launch was attended by many PF Supporters. So was this not a Covid 19 Superspreader event? UPND Alliance is laughing its Campaign on Sunday on the CB and ECL is issuing illegal directives to stop the Launch. These are Double Standards by PF. What is Good for the Gueese is good for the Gander. During the 90 day Campaign Period Political Parties are allowed to disseminate their Campaign messages direct to the Voters. ZPS runs the risk of implementing illegal directives by ECL. UPND Alliance have a Right to launch their Campaign on the CB as scheduled and ZPS has no right to disrupt the Launch. If ECL seriously want free, fair, credible and peaceful Elections he must stop issuing such illegal directives to ZPS. UPND Alliance should go ahead with their Launch. If ZPS is…

  7. Lungu signs law to allow jailed criminals to go home have sex ?? KIKIKI

  8. It is the hypocrisy that is worrying! Ever since the law was signed, this has been ignored throughout. How can suddenly one realizes and ask to put a stop after ignoring it all along? At no point was the SI 21, 22 and 61 lifted and the leadership said it was new normal. Last month the secretary to the cabinet even ordered Reverting to normal government hours. Veep is going round the country with the new running mate meeting people. As my president spoke, thousands gathered outside. What is going on?

  9. Wisdom and sense. We have told them the rules. You disobey up0noka. Don’t blame us. Ba police you have been given the green light to sort out those that choose to defy rules

  10. Yaba! I knew Zambia had its share of dunderheads but damn! PF has brought them out in large numbers. Being a dunderhead must surely be a prerequisite to join PF. Fools in large numbers are running the country. These hyenas cannot think of anything tangible. PF claims to be popular but they are doing everything in their little minds to handicap their opponents. It will not work. You are going this time around.

  11. SELECTIVE AMNESIA is when a president is only interested in being voted into power at all cost. He heard or sow gassing, violence, corruption, tribalism, nepotism … and did nothing. All along he has been campaigning using govt resources at the height of covid-19 now he wants to deceive the masses that he cares. Kwe!

  12. ZPS and other Electoral Institutions should be careful in accepting illegal directives from ECL who is a Candidate in this Election. Should a New Govt come into Power on August 12 those who implement illegal directives from ECL will be punished. Even Concourt Judges who are acting on directives from ECL will be punished in their individual Capacities. ECZ cannot ban Rallies during the Campaign Period. ECL launched PF Campaign which was attended by many PF Supporters. So Opposition Gatherings are Covid-19 Super Spreaders but PF Gatherings are not? We can’t accept such hypocrisy. Leave UPND Alliance to Campaign freely and urge them to adhere to Covid-19 Guidelines for Elections. Why should Zambia be the only country banning Election Rallies under Covid-19 conditions? ZPS is being…

  13. Which clown was busy officiating at bridges with large crowds at the peak of covid. A task that could have easily been managed by a mayor with no crowds. These jokes!!

  14. People are dying of lack of medicine in hospitals. COVID deaths are negligible in Zambia. You need to close dirty markets, minibuses and churches. Political rallies are taking place outside where there will be control and low risk of infection!

  15. Well PF in thus campaign message is saying the covid 19 has been successfully controlled so why restrict people? The superspreader event would be releasing prisoner for a 2 week holiday to go spread STIs into the community.

  16. These simple minded PF morons are sooo predictable you want to hope to be wrong but are always disappointed just like the unsustainable borrowing…its just a matter of time before Ugandan style MU7 internet black out kicks in !!

  17. We Kaiser walitumpa sana mwaiche iwe. Zambia is not your farm wanya.

    People power is not something to joke with. Very soon you be hiding mubwendo na Lungu Kobe.

    Just wait for 14 August when people shall rise up. This time HH will be mute. In 2016 you dogs got away with rigging because HH advised supporters to follow the concourt process which disappointed every one. This time around police akaponokela limo na iwe na ka chakolwe ka chagwa.

    PF and Lungu must go.


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