Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia needs more career Diplomats afteer the August Elections


The Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) says the party that forms the next government after the August poll should ensure that those appointed to serve in foreign missions are career Diplomats who ensure that the country benefits from it’s foreign relationship.

In a statement issued today, Institute Executive Director, Paul Mundia Hakoola, observes that few Career Diplomats are serving in missions hence the country missing out on potential economic benefits from the foreign relations.

“There is need to have career Diplomats to ensure that the country yields tangible results from having different missions and embassies across the world. The current state of affairs were there very few career diplomats and a lot of cadres in foreign service is causing stress on national treasury and the country has not yielded the intend results of the essence of having foreign missions. Some of these cardres that been deployed in these missions have taken a national holiday and there is no professional and economic benefit to the Zambian tax payer,” he said.

Mr. Hakoola has called for an audit on all Zambian missions across the world and assess their contribution towards the country if they are yielding mission goals, the ability to bring Foreign Direct Investment (FDIs) and meet different benchmarks of state importance.

He said the country should put more emphases on economic diplomacy, something he notes is a trend globally.

CLRI also urges citizens to seriously evaluate strategies those wishing to form government will put in place in regards to international relations.

“For instance, Zambia is part of the Southern African Development Community
(SADC) and Common Market for East and Southern African (COMESA) and is currently hosting the secretariat for COMESA, but despite this, the country has not been able to fully utilise the membership with SADC and COMESA. In fact the FDIs from the two bodies have been minimal on the national economy despite paying high annual subscription fees,” he notes.

“In view of the above, the institute calls on all those wishing to form government to have clear policies. The institute recommends that an Act of Parliament is enacted to allow career diplomats to be the ones to save in Zambians missions aboard,” he concludes


  1. It also depends on what “career” means. Seasoned politicians also make good “career diplomats”. If the idea is to weed out sycophants and incompetents that will be a tall order. The next government will still appoint dodgy characters because of this loose definition. Going to diplomat school does not make one a career diplomat; no less than going to Leadership makes one a leader.

  2. Very wise recommendation, those serving in foreign mission should have the ability to negotiate trade deals at high level with host Country, promote Zambia, tap into tourism, mining, machinery, agric, secure scholarships for young Zambians, attend international exhibitions, manage outsourcing of IT and software etc. There is a lot that can be done for the benefit of Zambia with the right calibre of Diplomats. There should be value addition for each mission abroad.

  3. Bwana Mundia Hakoola’s observation is correct but which political party is ready to do that? Ni njuka bwana a lot of cadres have to be accommodated for their contributions to the winning mix. That I doubt if there is a political party going to implement such a thing..

  4. Did you know? Zambians have been saying this since 1990! Every government that comes in fails to do it. There are still very few Zambians whose CVs contain anything related to diplomacy.

  5. We have got your message and will consider this advice. Next time go straight to point and say when pf forms government. Everyone knows we have won

  6. Zambian diplomats are all just as CORRUPT as the PF government. We don’t need more of those! And if they can’t be corrupt they’re not interested, and guess what then the population is also not interested!

  7. As good as the need is to appoint qualified easily adaptable diplomats is laudable political desire for appeasement needs tampering down while embracing complete overhaul reforms for recruitment systems! There is a total breakdown in the whole diplomatic system where once the appointing authority nominates it becomes a done deal with the nominees competencies not put to scrutiny before approval. Parliament has to do its job too but as always in Zambia a lot is either dysfunctional or sleeping!

  8. Imagine stupid cadres like Emmanuel Mwamba whose only noble deed was struggling FTJ Kashortie or that ugly Father Bwanya in Australia representing you anywhere, it’s an abomination!

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