Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ignore deceptive campaign slogans, Kafwaya advises Zambians


Former Minister of Transport and Communications Mutotwe Kafwaya has called on Zambians to ignore alleged deceptive political campaign slogans aimed at undermining the good legacy of President Edgar Lungu ahead of the August 12 general elections.

Mr. Kafwaya said the political slogans that some opposition political parties are devising should not be taken seriously by the electorates.

He said President Lungu is already on top of things as demonstrated by the visible infrastructure development the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has delivered in various sectors of the c economy.

Mr. Kafwaya said President Lungu has also put in place a robust economic recovery plan aimed at transforming the local currency into one of the strongest currencies in the world.

“Zambians should ignore empty political slogans such as ‘this person will fix it’ because the PF under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu has already fixed the roads, hospitals, schools, water infrastructure and many other problems,” Mr. Kafwaya said.

He explained that government’s landmark decision to place the management of mines in the hands of Zambians is another demonstration showing that the PF administration is committed to safeguarding the country’s mineral wealth for the benefit of citizens.

He said the improvement of road infrastructure in various parts of the country will attract investors to set up businesses in rural parts of the country and create more wealth and jobs for Zambians.

Mr. Kafwaya said the PF has so far performed exceptionally well in the last 10 years another term in office to avoid disruption of developmental programmes being undertaken across the country.

Meanwhile, Chilubi PF parliamentary candidate has expressed confidence that the party will record a resounding victory in the general election.

Mr. Mulenga Fube said the PF has scored massively adding that there is need for Zambians to give it another mandate to complete the works that have remained to be done.

But UPND Northern Province Information and Publicity Secretary Edward Bwalya said his party will reduce the cost of agricultural production and work to eradicate corruption.

“Our president Mr. Hichilema means well and will reduce the price of fertilizer to reduce production costs for agricultural products,” Mr. Bwalya said


  1. ….then let him show up for debate and talk of how this so called “massive infrastructural development” has benefited the Zambian people

  2. Kafwaya if u thing ECL has fixed it that is your opinion but People on the ground feel ECL has destroyed the Economy, Governance and Rule of Law. Indications of ECL failure are: Inflation is highest over 18 year period at 23%, Exchange Rate from 5%to 22%, rampant corruption, PF Cadre Violence, high cost of living etc. People have no confidence that corrupt,incompetent and Visionless ECL can turnaround this Economy and our lives. ECL has failed and People want a change of Govt. They will vote for their lives. Our hope is in HH and UPND Alliance. On August 12 Zambians will send ECL “ku wire”. We know your Plan to rig the Election again and we will deal with Election Riggers like KZ, Mumbi Phiri, Chavula etc. We will protect that vote with our lives.The writing is on the wall.

  3. Kafwaya is blind. He cannot see that most Zambians are suffering and cannot afford to buy basic goods for a living. They have no money and prices are just too high. A hungry person cannot ignore hunger becoz he feels it. Kafwaya should admit that the Economy is in a bad shape. At best Kafwaya should be assuring the public that if re-elected the PF Govt will do something for the People. People are desperate and they want to be given hope.


  5. Sonta cabe pamene unaba! We know most of those shoddy projects were just conduits namwe! Nanga wamene Kafwaya alefwaya cani? These must be retired in Voters’ interest!

  6. Yea I agree.those tribal upnd donkeys are using and spreading lies against the pf because they have no message for the zambian people

  7. UNPD is failing to knock out votes from PF because they have a negative attitude towards ECL achievements that voters can clearly see. UNPD free advice, first positively accept what ECL or PF has achieved and then explain how you would do it better. ‘UNPD current response; UNPD will reduce the cost of agricultural production and work to eradicate corruption is a weak response and dwelling in PF wrongs will not earn UNPD votes. Infrastructure development has in reality reduced cost of agricultural production. Institutions meant to stop corruption are in place, explain how you will make them better and desist explaining how you fix people, we tried, it never worked . As of now PF is a better choice.

  8. UNPD is failing to knock out votes from PF because they have a negative attitude towards ECL achievements that voters can clearly see. UNPD free advice, first positively accept what ECL or PF has achieved and then explain how you would do it better. ‘UNPD current response; UNPD will reduce the cost of agricultural production and work to eradicate corruption is a weak response and dwelling in PF wrongs will not earn UNPD votes. Infrastructure development has in reality reduced cost of agricultural production. Institutions meant to stop corruption are in place, explain how you will make them better and desist explaining how you will fix people, we tried, it never worked . As of now PF is a better choice.

  9. “Zambians should ignore empty political slogans such as ‘this person will fix it’ because the PF under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu has already fixed the roads, hospitals, schools, water infrastructure and many other problems,” Mr. Kafwaya said.-LT

    Please vote no, to top-down leaders. GRZ needs to work with Bottom up leadership.

    “Just as the U.S. Constitution gives the rules for how the U.S. government should run, state constitutions give rules for how a state government should run. State governments operate independently from the federal government, and a state’s constitution sets out the structure and functions of its government”

  10. Anyone out there receiving the message from Lusaka times.

    “Your comment is awaiting moderation”

    uncertain in the Country Caused by PF development.

  11. We are already victims of deceptive campaign slogans of lower taxes and more money in your pockets.

  12. If there is anyone who gives us defective slogans it is the PF. It’s now time to give chance to Bally to fix it.

  13. Of course we shall ignore such comments:” President Lungu has also put in place a robust economic recovery plan aimed at transforming the local currency into one of the strongest currencies in the world.” This kind of deception cannot be tolerated – not again. Bye bye PF. We have had enough of you.

  14. Kafwaya the best approach would have been for ECL to at least acknowledge that the Zambian Economy is not performing well and People are suffering. Then ECL would then say what he would do differently if re-elected for another 5 years. People want to be given some hope for the future. To say the State of the Economy is fine while People are suffering is delusional. Like Ostrich ECL is burying his head in the sand pretending that all is well. It is not and makes People Angrier and clamour for change. People need to be re-assured that their lives matter and the re-elected Govt will look after them. ECL is not doing that hence the ground swell of discontent and People chanting “we want change…we want change”. ECL to give some hope should have been promising some changes in the way…

  15. Iam hesitant to comment. Let us say what he said was true, high taxes, high interest rates, high exchange rate, high crimes, reduced democratic space, high cost of living, high inflation, high corruption, no answers to gassing, high cadre violence, high debt, high interest rates, high debt default and this is amidst GREAT infrastructural development. Whoever wins need to fix the “highs”

  16. Bally cannot do anything tangible. He simply wants to go to state house. We don*t want him.
    Let him be the opposition leader forever. Even at the very worst, i will go for ECL.

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