Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu can’t Decide how Campaigns should be conducted,he is also a player in the Game-UPND Youth chairperson


United Party for National Development (UPND) Lusaka provincial youth chairperson Mr Anderson Banda has charged that the directive from President Lungu to ban rallies during this year’s election was rhetoric and hypocrisy of the highest level.

Mr Banda said this when he appeared on Diamond TV live show at 09:09:00hrs anchored on campaigns in the COVID-19 era.

Mr Banda charged that whilst Mr Lungu was making a directive of banning rallies as a measure to address COVID-19 pandemic at Mulungushi conference centre, there were huge crowds of people outside Mulungushi conference centre which was totally against his own directive.

Mr Banda said that Zambia was not the only country to have elections during COVID-19 period because many countries like USA, Tanzania, Malawi and other countries conducted elections in Manner they deemed fit while observing COVID-19 guidelines.

Mr Banda wondered why many Donations towards COVID-19 are not seeing being given to the intended people even when huge amounts of money and other resources have been donated to caution the impact of COVID-19 to the wellbeing of our people.

Mr Banda vowed that UPND will conduct campaigns according to their wishes and no one will stop them from doing what is suppose to be done and that President Lungu who is a player in this case shouldn’t be seen or heard doing the role of a referee.

Mr Banda called on the people of Zambia to use this year’s election as an answer to the many challenges they have been facing for the past 10 years PF took over power.

Mr Banda assured the people of Zambia that voting for UPND and President HH was the best decision to liberate themselves from this high cost of living PF has brought.

He stated that the youths in Lusaka province will not be intimidated by anyone who would wish to provoke them even when they are peaceful people and that whoever will bring violence will be himself to blame


  1. ECZ is supposed to Manager these Elections but they are aloof and not Managing the Elections at all. ECZ is reneging on its mandate to manage these Elections. ECL is a Candidate in this Election and cannot issue illegal directives banning Rallies during the 90 day Period. ECL cannot be a Player and a Referee at the same time. International Election Monitors and Observers must intervene quickly to bring ECL to order and allow ECZ to manage these Elections.

  2. “…. whilst Mr Lungu was making a directive of banning rallies as a measure to address COVID-19 pandemic at Mulungushi conference centre, there were huge crowds of people outside….”

    Imwe…….that fraud convict corrupt theif moron of a lawyer has no clue…….

    He is perplexed and bambozelled as why Zambians won’t give him 100 % vote after so called development……

  3. ECZ is supposed to Manager these Elections but they are aloof and not Managing the Elections at all. ECZ is reneging on its mandate to manage these Elections. ECL is a Candidate in this Election and cannot issue illegal directives banning Rallies during the 90 day Period. ECL cannot be a Player and a Referee at the same time. International Election Monitors and Observers must intervene quickly to bring ECL to order and allow ECZ to manage these Elections.

  4. Mister Anderson Banda is 110% right, Lungu can’t be both a player and referee at the same time.

  5. The referee is ecz. But if their mouth is zipped someone health conscious like Lungu Edgar can take the initiative. Somebody needed to say something so timely. At least he showed you leadership.

  6. Anderson you are a nobody. Leave important decisions like these for experienced mature leaders in the pf government to make. Your leader and yourself are under 5s

  7. You shall meet the newly recruited sondela boys in the field. They have already done their slaps training and only waiting for you for field experience. Try them and become an example. Kindly ensure that you only invite your relatives for this exercise.

  8. Last kicks of a dying horse. Can’t wait to see the back.of this corrupt, devisive, gready, crooked, dictatorial, measles, bully of a PF leader. 12th Aug is too far!!!!

  9. Lungu very much predictable. This directive has nothing to do with covid 19. As an evil man that he is, he is hiding his true intentions behind covid. Even a child would know that he intends to disadvantage his opponents in this electio. wake-up zambia if you still value your multiparty democracy, you have only 12/08 defeat this dictatorship, come in numbers and make your vote count.

  10. The AG or ECZ must advise ECL what his Role is after he is nominated a Presidential Candidate and the Official 90 day Campaign Period has started . As a Candidate ECL can’t issue directives to ECZ on how to manage the 2021 Elections. ECL cannot issue directives to ZPS on how to Police the Elections. ECZ should be left to manage these Elections without interference from ECL. ECL cannot be a Referee and a Player at the same in these Elections. ECL in his usual overzealousness left alone is likely to commit more illegalities for which he will be prosecuted in future. International Election Monitors and Observers should intervene and advise ECL on his Role is in this Election. ECL doesn’t realise that he is now a nominal(lame duck) President without Executive Powers as a Candidate…

  11. According to the current constitution the President and VEEP are in charge of government even after dissolving parliament and cabinet. He has all the executive powers until a new president is sworn in. You had an opportunity to revise the constitution and limit the president powers during the period parliament is dissolved. You chose to play and walk out on the debates. There You are ….Lungu is still in control and has even powers to declare a state of emergence and cancel the elections should covid get out of control.

  12. UPND people should not worry about the campaign strategies of PF because in reality, they don’t need one. President Lungu is the clear winner of the August 12, elections.

  13. Look who is talking! ??????? UPND’s whole campaign agenda is based on targeting and spreading lies about PF and grabbing Zambians attention.

  14. UPND must answer one thing, are they going to take complete responsibilities if the third wave of the coronavirus arises in Zambia??????

  15. Sure, now UPND wants rallies when the known coronavirus is still present in Zambia. Do they want to create a death trap for us as rallies and gatherings are bound to be a super spreader of the virus!

  16. WHO has claimed that the Covid-19 cases are spreading rapidly in Africa and being the President of this nation, President Lungu is protecting its people. All the health guidelines of Covid-19 such as wearing face masks, avoiding gathering, and hand wash are issued by WHO and not by the President. So, dull people should stop targeting Mr. President for no reason.

  17. What else we can expect from UPND members! It is known to everyone that they famous for insulting our President.

  18. Banda has lost his mind I guess. For almost two years the country was under the effect of the deadly virus. Later year HH was demanding lockdown, and now when elections are their HH and his team acting as if no Coivd-19 exists in Zambia.

  19. Wonder how some people even follow this disgusting losing party? All of them are so disgusting that forget about votes, we don’t want such unpatriotic people in Zambia.

  20. It is ok Mr. Banda! It is proved that you people have nothing to do with the lives of millions of Zambians. The party just wants to fulfill its dirty political agenda. Glad that we didn’t vote HH in any general elections, feeling proud!

  21. This is what HH and his team do in the rallies. Never talked about development vision, future plans, only talking nonsense, criticize #ECL, and create destruction. We are so fed up with UPND.

  22. When you ban the rally it means you ban the people who are suppose to vote for you. How then does one become a clear winner?
    only by dubious means.All parties who have paid to EZC should demand ECZ to give them a TRANSPARENT election.Believe this Zambians as long as there will be No transparency by ECZ on 12thAug in the manner they will conduct,handle and announce results elections the players who will loose will deem the election as a sham and fraudulent election ever held in Zambia.ECZ has a mammoth task to produce a credible election which an elected President and MPs will be respected,honored and recognized by the Zambian people.

  23. A Banda, the President is acting on behalf of the Zambian people. You collectively gave him the mandate of Republican President. He is merely following medical advice. COVID-19 can also prey on UPND people. See you in ICU.


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