Friday, October 25, 2024

President Edgar is the best option for the office of the President of Zambia-Given Lubinda


President Edgar is the best option for the office of the President of Zambia says long time parliamentarian and political analyst Given Lubinda.

In an interview recorded live for Zambia National Broadcasting Television (ZNBC), Mr Lubinda said the best decision the Zambian people could make in the forthcoming 12th August polls would be a re-endorsement for Lungu.

“He has a proven record of delivering development,” Mr Lubinda, a four-term popular parliamentarian for Kabwata constituency said, “I know what I am talking about because I have been in the opposition as a legislator and have also served other Presidents apart from Dr Lungu so I can safely place my entire weight behind his candidature.”

Responding to some tough questions from ZNBC top anchor Grevazio Zulu, Mr Lubinda encouraged Zambians to stick to a candidate that has “a record of practical delivery instead of experimenting with unknown candidates or candidates whose claim to firm is losing elections.”

Mr Lubinda who recently broke the Zambian political glass ceiling by standing down as a candidate in Kabwata at the peak of his popularity cautioned Zambians to stay in the lane they know.

“President Lungu has been on the right side of Zambians and improved the energy sector, added value to agriculture and perhaps has taken some of the most radical but progressive economic decisions under and very harsh circumstances such as the COVID epidemic,” Said Mr Lubinda.

The veteran politician conversely asked Zambians to heed President Lungu´s call for ´distancing ‘under the covid cloud to avoid super spreading events such as rallies and do smart campaigns as Zambia braces for another covid wave.

“President Lungu has taken a lead and avoided super spreading events such as huge rallies even at the peak of his popularity and stellar oratory skills in order to avoid sacrificing lives that could be lost at public political rallies,” said Mr Lubinda.

“He is a President who knows he can fill up a stadium with a 24-hour announcement but has instead chosen to fly below the radar,” said Mr Lubinda, “This is a mark of true leadership every political player must drive their campaign on. We don’t want a victory written in blood due to political selfishness.”

The Ministry of Health, Office of the Vice President Inonge Mutukwa Wina, including the Inspector General of Police Kakoma kanganja have advised that public rallies that could lead to a needless loss of lives would not be allowed ahead of the 12th of August polls.

“President Lungu takes the lives of Zambians much more seriously than a mere political victory,” said Mr Lubinda, “the developmental projects we promised and have delivered especially in infrastructure will speak for us.”

Mr Lubinda said as far as he is concerned, “President Lungu and the PF have already won and sealed this election by the time the polling stations close at 18:00hrs on 12th August.”

A myriad of opposition parties and leaders are in the race for plot 1 which according to analysts if being led by President Lungu whom analysts say is a “sure front runner” for re-election.

President Lungu´s PF has been commended from within and outside for the massive infrastructure development, energy expansion and economic diversity.

Mr Lubinda made most of the comments on the side-lines of the Sunday Interview.

“It is very important for our good people of Zambia to always remember the good under President Lungu above political rhetoric from the tired opposition,” said Mr Lubinda.


  1. Just as well that Given Lubinda only has ONE vote on August 12, and the remainder of the Zambians consider Lungu the WORST president the country has ever had!

  2. Count me out, PF’s best is simply not good enough for me. Not In a million years can I side with PF.

  3. Webs Lubinda, wani foseza onafa, haiba wena ona mandwani a Lungu ni Inonge wahae kuwena ki mubuso hande, ute ukaise!

  4. “ Mr Lubinda encouraged Zambians to stick to a candidate that has “a record of practical delivery instead of experimenting with unknown candidates or candidates whose claim to firm is losing elections.”

    I wonder before President Lungu became head of state what was his truck record.
    My point is change is not for everyone and can be experimental at best. You don’t know until some has the power and now they don’t want to give it up… I remember one FTJ MHSRIP who came out openly and said I didn’t know power was so sweet.
    That is usually the problem in so call developing nations with our leaders, when they get there it’s the shock surprise of how much power they have and if surrounded also by unprincipled and cowardly people, we’ll let’s just say they can’t see beyond there nose.

  5. How can Gift claim that the PF President takes seriously the lives of Zambians than a political victory then why is he standing for another term and also failing through his appointees to resolve the impasse with resident doctors. This industrial will claim more lives than covid-19 which has been politicized. The words are quoted with honey to blind people. Gift should not pretend that all is well, the campaign team should visit rural areas and hear how disappointed people are. The cooked assurance that all is well is like dreaming to become a millioneer overnight. Things are not well on the ground and better pull up the socks or else PF is gone. You can’t treat frontline staff fighting covid-19 with arrests if truly there is serious spike in cases. One can tell that there is serious…

  6. ECZ and govt my provide a level playing field for the campaigns for Aug polls to be free, fair and credible. Selective application of laws and regulations will create problems in the country. As an independent observer, I am concerned with the blindness of the ruling party, police, ECZ, ACC, DEC and other agencies appointed to protect and take care of our country. We are a multi-party democracy and it is this tenet that ushered PF into power. And so PF must guard, cherish and respect the rule of law as well. “Let us by our deeds be judged”. I am still weighing all candidates with a democratic and integrity lens. We all should in the spirit of one Zambia one nation one people.

  7. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. We know too well that ECL is their only way of accumulating riches. Wait till ECL leaves State House and we shall see if this loyalty continues

  8. ECL is the worst Option for Zambians. More corruption, PF Cadre lawlessness and violence, higher prices, higher debt, more gassing of people,continued mismanagement of the Economy etc. Zambians on August 12 must vote to liberate themselves from ECL and PF Tyranny. To vote for Corrupt, incompetent and Visionless ECL is as good as Zambians committing suicide. Vote 4 change of Govt and that Change is HH aka Bally will fix it.

  9. Zayello, even my garden boy back home can archive those developments if given borrowed money……..

    If the criteria for president says

    ” will use borrowed money for developments and fails to pay back those loans while destroying the economy…….:”

    Every Zambian, including mental patients can do a better job than what lungu has done……

  10. Za.yello, even my garden boy back home can archive those developments if given money……..

    If the criteria for president says

    ” will use borrowed money for developments and fa.ils to pay back those loans while dest.roying the economy…….:”

    Every Zambian, including men.tal patients can do a better job than what lungu has done……

  11. “Don’t feed the trolls (aka Kaizar Zulu).” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.
    You SHOULD try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how POORLY they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re NOT worth your time of day.

  12. How can Mr lubinda speak against the president?He has benefited from PF and
    Will continue benefiting.He is not right person
    To give opinion about the president.

  13. Lungu Out.Corruption Out.PF Out

    Re-endorsing Lungu & PF will simply be extending the purge of this Criminal Enterprise of a Government.
    Five more years for a President is Constitutionally NOT Eligible to Hold office.
    Five more years for a President whose Legacy is Corruption ,incompetence & Economic Disaster.
    Five more years for Scandal after Scandal.
    The country is $20 Billion in Debt with no Solid plan of how to repay it back.Zambia is now openly defaulting repayments with no shame. Shameless & Clueless Lungu is simply banking on the IMF for salvation to dig us out of this sewage of debt he has plunged the Zambians into.The IMF are simply playing with us ,they will Never lend to a Criminal Enterprise of a Government.They will Lend to repay debts incurred through Corruptly…

  14. And when is ZNBC going to invite people from opposition? As for this yellow belly coward Bo Lubinda he always goes for the easy way out, Wynter Kabimba used to put his in his place. What PF should be doing now is looking for a back up candidate….do fear this lazy man who lacks leadership acumen.

  15. The people who matter in Zambia are even surprised that others are advocating for change when change is not needed. We all deal with change everyday and change inside PF is the only constant. UPND has failed grade seven five times. What change is there for them?

  16. Over the last 6 years ECL has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that he is the worst President since Independence in 1964. He is Corrupt, thuggish, incompetent and clueless. If Zambians want to continue suffering let them re-elect Lungu for the Third Time. If Zambians want the Economy and their lives to turnaround they should vote 4 HH and UPND Alliance Economic and Financial Managers. People of Zambia want hope and HH and UPND Alliance will give them just that. Another 5 years of Lungu Rule will be suicidal for Zambians. The writing is on the wall.

  17. OMG THERE SOME ST up !D people blogging here
    ECL the best option REALLY ?? when some in his own party disagree !!!
    why is he hiding anyway ?? Why no answers on that one

  18. Given Lubinda is clearly delusional ,corrupt +compromised or he’s sold his own country for personal gain.Actually he’s all of the above.Zambia atm has wrong direction and no vision so change is needed.

  19. Have you head a Kainyokolola Zulu brag about how good Lungu is doing as a president? Behold, you must forgive him because Kumawa Kumodzi where they have from the nearest comparable to leadership is Kamuzu Mbumba Mbanda who was a vile and senile dictator, and he is dead!

  20. Thank God Zambians now know how corrupt and brutal he is after 6 years of his misrule. Re-electing Lungu for an illegal Third Term would be the greatest mistake that Voters will make. The Economy will collapse and People’s freedoms will taken away and People will be arrested and detained at will and for no apparent reason. PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes will be in charge and all our rights will be taken away. On August 12 Zambians have a chance to get rid of the ECL Oppressive Regime. Our only hope is HH and UPND Alliance. Let’s give them a big vote. With ECL Once bitten twice shy! The writing is on the wall.

  21. Lubinda is totally Deluded by a life of gains from a Corrupt regime.He has totally lost his Moral Compass .
    Five more years PF & Lungu will subject Zambians to a Life of Crushing Debt .
    This Government & Regime is Totally Rotten.
    You know a country is Rotten when the New emerging Millionaires are Not the Entrepreneurs,Businessmen,investors,traders, commercial farmers,BUT Government Officials and Political elite .
    And that is the case in Mr Lungu’s Zambia

    Rotten Rotten Rotten

    People Wake The F…. Up

  22. What can Given Lubinda, a beneficiary of PF Corruption and Patronage say about his Corrupt Godfather? Of course Given Lubinda wants the Corruption and looting to continue under ECL ,the most Corrupt,incompetent and Visionless Leader in Africa. It will the greatest mistake if Zambians were to vote for ECL for stealing a Third Term. We stopped Chiluba from his illegal Third Term Wish and must stop ECL from stealing an illegal Third Term. ECL thinks Zambians are fools. On August 12 Lungu will get the shock of his life when we boot him out of Power. This Election is about ECL versus the People of Zambia. People are Angry and Hungry for Change and are determined to liberate themselves from ECL Dictatorship. The writing is on the wall.

  23. I can’t be stupid to vote for Lungu who admitted to being a thief that stole a widows’ money only to be exposed and suspended by the law association of Zambia! By his own mouth he admitted as proved by the widow who sought recourse and because he was forgiven by Sata (MHSRIP) for political expediency Mr. Lubinda can not brag that an embezzler is the best option for the office of president of Zambia! Only in Zambia are people so forgiving that they can sing praises of a self confessed thief and elect them to oversee the national wealth and treasury! What is Lungu’s status, did LAZ absolve him of his misdeed and declare him clean for reinstatement of practicing certificate?

  24. Given continue doing your good works for the party and the nation, sure you did a fantastic job while at justice ministry despite being a non lawyer but I understand you have been study law.

  25. Given continue doing your good works for the party and the nation, sure you did a fantastic job while at justice ministry despite being a non lawyer but I understand you have been study law. I think more that what Mwimbu may do in unlikely event that munshilumbulwa became president

  26. To u he can be bt not to the Zambians, don’t promote your benefits whn the majority are not. Given u’re one of most useless minister ever severed the Zambians, ad no wonder who appointed u had no vision

  27. A simple question. Why is Mr. Lungu going for third term? Why Mr. Hichilema fixated to get into state house, after losing elections 5 times?

    Is it not selfish on both parts? Why PF and UPND could not give the privilege to somebody younger, fresh blood?

    By talking all the time of Mr. Lungu and Mr. Hichilema, are we not saying that Zambia will not be there if these two lose elections.

    If that is the mirage these two politicians and their parties are creating I ny views voters shall give the shock of their life to these self-appointed entitled mindset bourgeous.

    Vote for any candidate but any of the two.

  28. “Responding to some tough questions from ZNBC top anchor Grevazio Zulu, Mr Lubinda encouraged Zambians to stick to a candidate that has “a record of practical delivery instead of experimenting with unknown candidates or candidates whose claim to firm is losing elections.”

    So According to Lubinda with all due respect, did ECL have any experience to govern let alone be President of the Republic of Zambia..? The guy even said he had no vision yet they(PF bafoons) made him President. Astonishing circumstances indeed like hello… ba Lubinda lucky you are that you had this opportunity but bye for now. We don’t need recycled politicians like you ever again. We will one day as a nation rewrite the constitution and insert such clauses to bar people like you to not ever stand.

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