Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rather than being violent explain PF manifesto – Prof Luo


President Edgar Lungu’s running mate, Nkandu Luo has advised PF members throughout the country to explain the contents of ruling party’s five year manifesto instead of engaging in political violence.

Professor Luo explains that rather than focusing on Political violence PF members throughout the country need to concentrate on explaining contents of the new manifesto she says is the developmental agenda by the PF for the people.

Speaking when she made a stopover at the Rufunsa District PF campaign camp on her way to Eastern Province yesterday, Prof. Luo said PF members should go flat out and tell electorates what the party has done and what it intends to do.

She said the party under President Edgar Lungu has done a lot in infrastructure development and Social protection programmes which have benefited the people across the country.

And condemning the recent violence that occurred in Mpulungu, Chaisa and some other parts of the country, Prof. Luo further called on PF members to desist from violence and saying the vice should not be tolerated by any peace loving Zambian.

She urged the PF members to conduct peaceful campaigns and tell people what the party will continue doing when voted into office.

And PF Presidential campaign Coordinator, Given Lubinda likewise urged the members to desist from violence but to tell people to vote for people with leadership qualities.

Mr. Lubinda said President Lungu and his running mate are seasoned politicians who have served in a lot of top Government positions and the have the people at heart.

He urged the PF members to go flat out and tell the electorates what the party will do for the people which it has been doing.

Meanwhile Rufunsa Constituency aspiring candidate on PF ticket Patson Mumba called on the people to continue embracing the One Zambia One Nation Motto and not to involve themselves in violent campaigns.

Mr. Mumba said fighting each other will not benefit the country as we are one people and are all Zambians


  1. Which manifesto. Ife tisebenza kulingana namwene kwachela. Ngati kuli mpepo, Tikuba za malasha. Ngati kuli zuba, tikuba zogula aircon. A cadre party cannot have a manifesto.

    Petrol: January 2015, K7.60 January 2020, K17.80 134% increase

    US Dollar: January 2015 K6.45 January 2020 K15. 00 133% depreciation

    Mealie Meal: January 2015 K68 January 2020 K170 135% increase

    External National Debt:January 2015 $4.7 Billion January 2020 $11.2 B 138% increase

    Inflation: January 2015 7.81% January 2020 13.9% 80% increase

  3. {1}.. This is something refreshing. It should always be about the Battle-of-Ideas and not the Battle-Of-Throwing Stones, Blows, Pangas, etc.
    People need to vote based on Ideas, Objectives, Visions, Roadmaps and the list goes. And because he/she speaks my language.

    This is the road map that UPND should have taken a long time ago, to keep selling the ideas to the people. Yet, they have failed and got with the so-called 10 Point A4 Paper Sheet. And concentrated on making personal attacks Lungu. Such is a strategy that has failed to work. And there comes a time one has to wake up.

  4. {2}… A Robust, Idealistic and Progressive opposition party is good for the nation because Checks & Balances are put on the frontline of politics and not at the backroom of politics. I expect HH to send his VP to do the same. He is always playing catch-up.

    To be fair, the two main political parties have heavily concentrated on feeding the cadres with Hot Air. That has led to missing out on the importance of Stock-Taking and Inventory Management to what matters.

  5. Non-violent and tolerant free campaigning is what the Zambians pray for. As it has been said before, only the president of pf has the power to disbandand control the numerous pf militia in existence. Violence is avoidable. We are all Zambians and differences in ideologies, colour, tribe or sex must not divide us.
    pf leaders tell your militia groups to stop attacking Zambians.It is as simple as that.

  6. If PF can avoid violence, HH will be toast. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out his strategies.

  7. At least she has recognized that most violence was being initiated by the PF cadres. That’s a good beginning in resolving this situation.
    Now UPND should also make a similar announcement.

  8. Madam with due respect, your manifesto has lamentably failed to sort out our economy, look at the economic stats which have been prevailing even before covid, I am neither PF nor UPND but independently I can tell you that things are not okay, I don’t expect a saint to come and take over but honestly your manifesto cant cure the disease of negative stats which you created

  9. I am really suffering without meal allowance, please which party has a manifesto which is going to restore my meal allowance

  10. I agree with you on stopping violence but definitely differ with you over explaining the PF manifesto that has put us in this mess. Remember immediate past Bank of Zambia governor was very explicit before he left office that our economy was already in a mess before covid

  11. Tribalism is your Manifesto and thanks Zambians have seen through your deceit.

    Come rain or sunshine, endesheni chapwa longeni (ECL).

    PF must go!

  12. KBF, Mutati and other alliance UPND members encourage Zambians to conduct peaceful campaigns. UNPD leaders look at the youth the same way you look after your own children. The way you are adhering to convid-19 protocol, you should encourage your supporters to do the same. Do not fear HH, tell him violence is not the way to go. I, as a concerned Zambian, want him to say no to violence. ZAMBIANS teach a violent party a lesson on 12 August 2021.

  13. I had a lot of hope in the PF and I voted for them in 2011, I want to publicly apologise to my family and friends for that poor judgement because all what they promised then has turned negative now, they said more money in peoples pockets, that is not what is currently obtaining, they said lower taxes, there is no tax which has been lowered, and they said more jobs, the army of the unemployed is unprecedently high, I don’t even understand why they want to be on the ballot, democracy has its own pittfalls surely.

  14. Very wise message. This is why she is a professor and you are not you f00Iish upnd diasporans. You cannot match her intelligence so you resort to cyber bullying to feed your insecurities. Continue cleaning after whlte people there abroad you f00Iish kunta kintes. Any upnd cadre who I catch causing problems I will fcuk them up and effect citizen arrest.enough is enough

  15. Luo thru this Statement has admitted that PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilante Groups are violent. The PF Security Wing has deployed Commanders in all Townships to stop Opposition Parties from freely Campaigning during the Campaign Period. PF Cadres are the Aggressors and ECZ should tell PF to withdraw its violent thugs from Constituencies becoz they are provoking violence. ECZ should spell out how Political Parties should Campaign during the Campaign Period. The writing is on the wall.

  16. This is a very positive message to the people and the beginning of sorting out the violence. The solution is very simple. Let PF concentrate on their own work without disturbing others. The fact is that UPND can never go to PF and provoke them. Read between the lines. I salute Professor for coming out in open and say the truth. She is the ONLY brave PF cadre who has told the nation the truth. PF holds the key to halt violence and not UPND. If more senior leaders come out to spread similar messages violence will be a thing a the past but the PROBLEM is that they are NOT willing.

  17. Kaizar feeling kuzinyela, mubwelebwele, kupolomya na diarrhea when he thinks of losing the elections. They want to enjoy when the majority are suffering after all you came into government nama bamba yong’ambika opanda kantu bakolwe bamicila itali imwe. Those that participate in corruption are the ones that are gooing to vote for PF. Apart from those, the mentally retarded will vote for PF.
    It doesnt requires anybody to conduct a research to know that things are not okay. Sata left 1kg peanut butter at K13 now it is at K50 when ground nuts are grown locally.

  18. Not surprised at all, true colours of Professor Luo, those of us that have worked under her before,know this. This message may not be popular and resonate well with the main stream PF members, but it is a well come message given what the Country has been witnessing. She needs support.

  19. At least on this Luo is being honest. ECL made a grave error by forming PF Vigilante Groups as a PF Security Wing. These PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes are now unruly and out of control. These vigilante Groups in PF are the Perpetrators of Violence. They are the ones provoking and attacking UPND Youths . To survive these attacks from PF Cadres and thugs UPND Alliance Youths have no choice but defend themselves. Unless ECL withdraws these unruly PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes from the Streets and Townships free,fair,credible and peaceful Elections are impossible in Zambia. To get rid of these unruly PF Cadres from the Markets ,streets and Townships Zambians have vote ECL who is the Commander in Chief of these Cadres,Militias and Vigilantes. The writing is on the wall.

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