Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vice President asks church to pray for peace


Vice President Inonge Wina has appealed to the Church to pray for the country so that it is not engulfed in political violence. Mrs. Wina said there is need for the church to continue praying for peace and engaging political players to desist from violence.

The Vice President said this when she paid a courtesy call on Kabwe Diocese Bishop Clement Mulenga at Stephen Luwisha House in Kabwe today.

Mrs. Wina said government continues to appreciate the role the church plays in supplementing government efforts in the provision of socio-economic services especially in the health and education sectors.

Responding to Bishop Mulenga’s declaration that there’s rampant poverty in Kabwe in Central Province and across the country, the Vice President said government has been scaling up social protection to vulnerable Zambians through increased social cash transfer and provision of empowerment funds to women.

Vice President Inonge Wina, Presidential running mate Prof. Nkandu Luo flanked by Central Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba on arrival at Kabwe trust School grounds the Vice is in the province for the two day visit. Yesterday, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina being welcome by Provincial Security Chiefs at Kabwe trust School grounds the Vice is in the province for the two day visit. Yesterday, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

And President Lungu’s running mate Nkandu Luo urged the church to help change the mindset of Zambians. Professor Luo said time has come for Zambians to wait for government to work for them while they (public) take the initiative to manage the country’s resources.

Prof. Luo said there is need to put the economy of the country into the hands of Zambians.

She said the robust infrastructure development programme is laying the foundation for economic development in Zambia.

She noted that Zambia has lagged behind in terms of development due to lack of infrastructure development.

Prof. Luo said government has prioritised infrastructure development to support economic development through Zambian players in the private sector.

She has since asked Bishop Mulenga and the Catholic Church to bless and pray for her as she seeks to serve Zambia in a higher position of Vice President.

Vice President Inonge Wina being welcome by PF officials at Kabwe trust School grounds the Vice is in the province for the two day visit. Yesterday, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina being welcome by PF officials at Kabwe trust School grounds the Vice is in the province for the two day visit. Yesterday, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

And Bishop Clement Mulenga bemoaned the high levels of poverty in Kabwe and the entire country.

Bishop Mulenga, who was flanked by his assistant Monsignor Rodgers Kabwiri, has since urged government to provide equitable development to Central province.

He however commended government for the massive infrastructure development taking place across the country.

The bishop said Kabwe General Hospital needs a facelift in order for residents to access quality health care services.

He noted that Central Province has several mineral resources but the region does not benefit from them.

Bishop Mulenga further urged government to coordinate the development and exploitation of mineral resources in the region for the benefit of people.

The bishop also appealed to government to find a permanent solution to the problems that have beset Mulungushi Textiles and Kafue Industrial Fabric Company in Kabwe.

Bishop Mulenga said there was need to recapitalise the two companies or find viable alternatives.

He said the church will continue to work with and supplement government efforts but will continue reminding the powers that be about the need to provide services to the public.

And Central Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba disclosed that government has sourced investment for both Mulungushi Textiles and Kafue Industrial Fabric Company.

Mr. Chomba said the two companies will soon spring back to life and create employment opportunities for Kabwe residents.

He meanwhile revealed that ARZ Contractor, who was engaged to work on 34 kilometres of township roads in Kabwe has challenges with machinery.

Mr. Chomba said the Central province administration had secured K13 million for the township road works, promising that some roads will be done soon.

The Vice President is in Central province for a two-day working visit.

Mrs. Wina is expected to tour the Chibombo multi facility economic zone and engage cross border traders in Kapiri Mposhi district.

While in the province, the Vice President is also expected to hold talks with traditional leaders, meet Patriotic Front (PF) party officials and engage PF candidates at parliamentary, mayoral, council chairperson and councillor levels in the August 12 general elections.

She is accompanied by Prof. Luo, and PF Central Committee members Sylvia Chalikosa and Given Lubinda.


  1. Busy campaigning with Luo using public resources while stopping the opposition even though they are using their own resources. This woman is going to hell!

  2. Prayers without Action are futile. PF has deployed its Military Wing on the Streets and Townships to stop Opposition Parties from holding their Rallies and Road Shows. PF Cadres are provoking UPND Youths and UPND Youths and Supporters have no choice but to defend themselves. Instead of Praying PF Leaders should give Orders to their Military Wing to Campaign peacefully. Alternatively PF should withdraw their marauding Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes forthwith from the Townships so that violence can be avoided. PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes should stop interfering with UPND Campaigns and Road Shows. In all these incidences PF Cadres are the Aggressors. The only solution is to vote out Lungu who is the Commander in Chief of these Cadres,Militias and Vigilantes . On August…

  3. Thais is now becoming embarrassing by day. Why is this woman old hen mama Inonge campaigning with Luo without shame and even asking God for prayers honestly…..kwena balitudelela sana ba mwankole aba. Kabwe General Hospital has been in need of a facelift for decades now but none has been done so far. And why are these Bishops compromised and always involved in politics..?? It’s about time the new government of HH separated the church from the state. We do not people like these PF crooks. Luo is campaigning for free.

  4. Thais is now becoming embarrassing by day. Why is this woman old hen mama Inonge campaigning with Luo without shame and even asking God for prayers honestly…..kwena balitudelela sana ba mwankole aba. Kabwe General Hospital has been in need of a facelift for decades now but none has been done so far. And why are these Bishops compromised and always involved in politics..?? It’s about time the new government of HH separated the church from the state. We do not need people like these PF crooks. Luo is campaigning for free.

  5. This is now becoming embarrassing by day. Why is this woman old hen mama Inonge campaigning with Luo without shame and even asking God for prayers honestly…..kwena balitudelela sana ba mwankole aba. Kabwe General Hospital has been in need of a facelift for decades now but none has been done so far. And why are these Bishops compromised and always involved in politics..?? It’s about time the new government of HH separated the church from the state. We do not need people like these PF crooks. Luo is campaigning for free.

  6. Prayers and then when people’s eyes are closed, you steal? No kaizer, we want no part of these fake, hypocritical prayers. God wants no part of that neither.


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