Saturday, July 27, 2024

More urge Zambian leaders to emulate KK


Some residents of Kabanda area in Shiwang’andu district in Muchinga province have urged Zambians to emulate the late first president of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda’s ideology of unity at all times.

Kennedy Mutale told ZANIS in an interview that the late Dr. Kaunda continued to preach peace and unity even in his old age.

Mr. Mulenga described the late father of the nation as a strong and patriotic man who united every Zambian.

He noted that Zambia has lost a leader who played a vital role in advising the nation in times of difficulties and during election time.

”We will miss Dr. Kaunda, the man who used to give advice on national matters among other things he did,” he said.

Mr. Mulenga said he would be happy to see other leaders in the country embrace and emulate the late Dr. Kaunda’s life and leadership.

“We will not forget Dr. Kaunda’s contributions to the struggles against colonialism and apartheid,” he said.

Another resident, Astone Kangwa said Zambians should continue living in peace and unity which the country’s forefathers, including Dr. Kaunda fought for.

Mr. Kangwa has since called on Zambian leaders in various positions to emulate the life Dr. Kaunda in order to continue promoting peace and unity.

He further called on young people to imitate the determination, vision and courage that the late former president had.

The body of the late Dr. Kaunda is expected in Chinsali’s Lubwa mission, the birth place of late former president on July 4, 2021 before being put to rest at the presidential burial site in Lusaka on July 7, 2021.


  1. “His regional leadership in maintaining Zambia as a bastion against Apartheid has earnt him a place in history.” -LT

    Do we still have roadblocks around?

    * Baby Boomers: born 1946 to 1964. …
    * Generation Jones: born 1955 to 1965. …
    * Generation X: born 1965 to 1980. …
    * Xennials: born 1977 to 1983. …
    * Millennials: born 1981 to 1996. …
    * Generation Z: born 1997 or after. …
    * Generation Alpha: born 2010 or after.

  2. At the moment only ECL is emulating the great man KK.

    As for black rasheem you are a little rat who deserves to be beaten.

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