Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu dates North Western Province


President Edgar Lungu is expected in Northwestern Province tomorrow for a two-day working visit.

Northwestern Province Permanent Secretary Willies Mangimela said the plane carrying the Head of State will land at Kalumbila airport tomorrow, 12 July, 2021 in the morning.

Mr. Mangimela told ZANIS in Solwezi today that President Lungu will then proceed to inspect government programmes and projects before returning to Lusaka on Tuesday, 13 July, 2021.

He said more details of the programme will be availed in due course.

Vice President Inonge Wina speaking to Senanga residents on her arrival at Senanga School grounds yesterday. July 10, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Vice President Inonge Wina speaking to Senanga residents on her arrival at Senanga School grounds yesterday. July 10, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

Meanwhile, Vice President Inonge Wina has said government was aware that some civil servants in rural areas were lIving in ramshackle structures.

Mrs. Wina however said this situation will change in the next five years as the government will construct decent accommodation for teachers.

She further revealed that the government will recruit more teachers that will be posted to schools, especially those in rural areas.

She said this when she addressed civil servants under the auspices of the Zambia Civil Servants Initiative Association (ZACSIA) in Mwandi district.

Meanwhile, Mwandi ZACSIA district chairperson, Wakung’uma Museta said the association was on course encouraging and convincing civil servants to support government programmes.

Mr. Museta said the Patriotic Front government has provided a conducive atmosphere for all workers in the country.

He said the government has initiated numerous programmes such as the construction of the Lutaba mini hospital and the opening of a water scheme in Lipumpu in Mwandi district.

He said people will now have access to clean and safe drinking water and to quality medical services in the district.

Mr. Museta further said the government has equipped all secondary schools with laboratory equipment that will enhance the teaching and learning of sciences in schools from vague experiences to tangible applications.

The ZACSIA Mwandi district chairperson said the beneficiary schools of the science laboratory equipment include Lipumpu, Ilute Yeta and UCZ Mwandi secondary schools respectively.

And UCZ Mwandi secondary school head teacher, Crispin Sitali has appealed to the Ministry of Education to ensure that the school’s management is provided with PMEC identity numbers as the school has been in existence for ten years.

Mr. Sitali also said that the school, which offers co-education from grade 8 to 12, has scored several successes such as over 80 percent pass rate at both Grade 9 and 12 levels since its inception in 2010.

And the Mwandi district Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) representative, Induna Imonga of Magumwi has lauded the government for the massive developmental projects in the district.

Induna Imonga said more developmental projects should be initiated for the Mwandi chiefdom.

The traditional leader has however, appealed to the government to ensure that the road from Sesheke to Kazungula, which is in a bad state, is worked on.

Vice President Inonge Wina is in the province to interact with various traditional leaders and civil servants to learn the challenges being faced by the people in the region


  1. Nope its not a working visit .Lungu will be in Northwestern province to campaign in disguise and also engage in Covid superspreader events.

  2. So others have been told campaigning is still banned while ECL and mama Inonge are campaigning under the guise of ‘inspecting govt. programmes and projects’? This is outrageous! Here she is even addressing residents in Senanga. Meanwhile we saw police stopping and harassing Kalaba who was on a door to door campaign.

  3. There is distinct difference between party & govt business. By mere fact that ECL on his “working visit” there is always PF regalia tells you he is campaigning. The vise presidents podium had PF chitenge & PF govt thinks we are stupid. Using tax payers money to seek another 5yrs mandate to a group of thieves & dishonest lot. 12th Aug you all gone!

  4. So ECL and VEEP are campaigning under the guise of ” working visits and inspecting Projects ” while Opposition Parties are banned from Campaigning? ECL needs to lift the ban on Rallies and Road Shows if these Elections are going to have a semblance of being free,fair and credible. If ECL thinks People will vote him while blocking Opposition Parties from Campaigning then that is warped thinking. If anything ECL is decampaigning himself by engaging in an unfair Election Campaign. The International Election Monitors and Observers have no choice but declare this Election not free,fair and credible. This will have dire consequences for Zambia. The writing is on the wall.

  5. No shame at all as soon as he is feeling ok …he has started campaigning …what a very irresponsible selfish man.
    These people need to go ..I bet you in rural areas they are telling people that opposition dont care!!

  6. Opposition have to be brave …and go out there and campaign even risk arrest…you will be complaining till August and no one will listen to you!!

  7. Let ECZ allow opposition to least 150 anywhere and Znbc should endeavour to show that because ECL and lnonge can’t stop working and inspecting projects just because there are elections and the two don’t see more than 150 people in one place in their tours. The incumbent will always have an advantage so its up to ECZ to find a way of accommodating the opposition

  8. Campaigning where?. Even if PF spent 5 whole years Campaigning in North West they know winning is practically impossible. So just call it a holiday. Most people this side bashowingafye ivory but kunuma kukubytinga…Lungu is smarter than that come on guys.

  9. HH and others will and should use this unfair campaign tactic by Lungu/PF as petition weapon to have election results thrown out.Kenya /Malawi election nullifications now loading in Zambia….

  10. Since he claims it’s a working visit, the president must explain the following:

    1. How much in terms of revenue is this province contributing to the country.
    2. Why is there no University or modern hospitals covering Western, NW and Southern.
    3. Why is there no international standard airport? You have no shame landing at an airport designed to loot our natural resources.
    4. What happened to the projects started by Mwanawasa designed to benefit the people of this province.

  11. These PF people with their agents in governance institutions have never been honest but that has been their known trait, he is going on a campaign trail whilst stopping others. The Zambian dictator has gone too far.

  12. This trickery cant continue in a Christian nation where others are campaigning others are stopped. Since the opposition is part of governance, let them be allowed to also go and inspect developmental projects as it happens in civilized countries

  13. This man ECL has really abused state macinary to his advantage without shame. He is abusing the office of the president to say he is inspecting projects meanwhile he is campaigning what projects in Kalumbila are there for him to inspect.
    Each of his trips are costing over k3 million in allowances for his team, fuel and accomodation. Yet the projects are far less.
    Please Zambians vote wisely to remove this selfish government who have looted our country to be millionaires within 5 years.

  14. ECZ if you cannot control the president then let opposition also go on a working visit. After all they are also workers.

  15. Where is ECZ on this. PF have openly been campaigning with mama Inonge the main culprit for weeks now. Displaying even the PF regalia at will without remorse or shame. Meanwhile opposition is banned from campaigning freely. And you got people like Jean Kapata saying in Lungu we have a leader who fears God and that Zambia is a Christian nation….wow what a huge lie. Using God’s name in vain. I hope the people in rural areas open their eyes and ears this time to vote PF out despite cash handouts.

  16. Whether they dish out cash for the people of North western province,PF is going no where,let them share with people what is in their pockets, believe me vote turn out it will be something else, #talebwelelapo auwe#

  17. I like your assurance and confidence bro @Henry HK Kalekesha. Away we go….August 12. I month away. Vote wisely bane.

  18. “No Soldiers On The Streets”: Malema
    No soldiers on our streets! Otherwise, we are joining. All fighters must be ready… they won’t kill us all. We need a political solution to a political problem, not soldiers.#NoToSoldiers


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