Saturday, July 27, 2024

VEEP calls for robust response against climate change


Republican Vice-President Inonge Wina says there is need to implement a robust response to address the effects of climate change in Nalolo District.

Mrs Wina says there has been so much over dependence on maize cultivation which has proven to be challenging for the people of Nalolo when natural calamities like drought occurs.

The Vice President was speaking on arrival at Kalamba Primary School in Nalolo West Bank where she held a series of meetings with stakeholders as part of her working visit to Western Province.

Mrs Wina has also called for crop diversification among the people of Nalolo so as to venture into farming of other crops unlike relying on maize.

“Crop diversification will help the residents of Nalolo to avoid depending on handouts from the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) every farming season,” she said.

Mrs Wina has since called on the people in the area to start learning about Smart agriculture so that they can benefit from some of the government programs that seek to improve agricultural practices in rural areas.

“It is time for people to move away from the old methods of farming and start practicing Smart agriculture, this will enable people produce a lot of crops within a short time and have improved yields,” she added.

Meanwhile, Nalolo District Council Secretary Imuwana Mwanamwalye says 2, 000 beneficiaries have been enrolled on the Social Cash Transfer scheme bringing the total number to about 8, 000 in June last month.

Mr Mwanamwalye says the district has also been allocated 3, 000 farming inputs under the Food Security Pack program being implemented by the department of community development and social welfare.

“Out of the 3, 000 allocated packs of farming inputs, 600 by 50 bags of Urea and 600 by 50 bags of Compound D fertilizer has already been received.

Mr Mwanamwalye added that the district is expected to receive a total of 3, 000 bags of Compound D and 6, 000 bags of Urea for the 2021-2022 farming season.

And representing Lukungu Silalo Indunas in Sikana area, Induna Mulako Mubiana thanked President Edgar Lungu for the infrastructure developmental projects such as the construction of the District Administration offices in Liliachi area of Nalolo West bank.

Induna Mulako also commended President Lungu for the upgrading of schools and new health facilities and many other developmental projects taking place in the district.

“We are pleased with the developmental projects being implemented on the west bank of Nalolo, however we still appeal to the government to roll out these projects to other areas in the district so as to improve people’s livelihood in the entire district,” he said.

The traditional leader further mentioned that from the time the Patriotic Front took over power, unprecedented development has been witnessed in Sikana area hence the need for continuity.

Another developmental projects are the fish ponds which are transforming people’s lives economically.

The Indunas pledged to continue supporting the ruling party for more continued development.


  1. Edgar China Lungu mentioned the term “climate change” 49 times in his annual speech to parliament. Not the last one, but the one before that. And absolutely NOTHING happened, NOTHING was done. And now the old hen brings it up, three weeks before the election. And believe you me, NOTHING will happen again! PF: Lying about everything, not delivering anything!

  2. Look at this grandma …I can not wait for her to go next month…shameless old hen busy campaigning in WP

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