Saturday, July 27, 2024

You’re accountable to Zambian people- President Lungu tells Judges


President Edgar Lungu has expressed optimism that the newly appointed High Court Judges will help reduce the workload that High Court is currently engulfed with.

And President Lungu says the appointment of more Judges in the Judiciary is government’s policy of encouraging career progression in the judicial and public service.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu was speaking during the swearing-in ceremony of 10 High Court Judges who took oath of allegiance and judicial oaths at State House in Lusaka today.

“It is important, therefore, that as you take up your new roles in the High Court, you should use your individual previous experiences in the administration of justice, to improve service delivery in the courts,” President Lungu advised the Judges.

The President reminded the new Judges that they are not accountable to him but to the people of Zambia.

“You are accountable to the people of Zambia who desire to see a positive turnaround in the judicial system, in as far as handling of court cases is concerned,” he said.

The 10 Judges were sworn in today, after their appointment and subsequent ratification by Parliament.

The sworn-in Judges have increased the number of High Court Judges from forty one to fifty one.

The newly appointed Judges are Dorcus Munkombwe-Malama, Charles Kafunda, Daniel Musonda, Joshua Banda, and Marriam Matandala-Bah.

Others are Twaambo Shalwindi-Musonda, Willie Sinyangwe, John Harrison Mbuzi, Mwaka Chigali-Mikalile and Lameck Mwale.

Judges being Sworn in


  1. As long as those judges are appointed by Edgar China Lungu, they will always be indebted to him. One phone call from state house, and the outcome from the court case is changed! PF: Lying about everything, not delivering anything!


  3. We have serious governance issues in our constitution we never thought about what would happened when the President was incompetent and corrupt like Lazy Lungu. This guy is covering all his tracks meanwhile some “good” Judges are being retired.

  4. “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.”

    “So, as we begin, let us take inventory. We are a nation that has a government — not the other way around. And this makes us special among the nations of the Earth. Our government has no power except that granted it by the people. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government, which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed”-Ronald Reagan

  5. The man has been appointing Judges left , right and centre.
    The Zambian judiciary is tainted with PF party cadres

  6. Upnd donkeys still don’t understand what changed in the 2016 Constitution. From KK to Sata, president appointed the committee that picked judges, he appointed the tribunal to investigate them and fire them. From 2016, a new body called the Judicial Services Committee was created that is accountable to the judiciary. The JSC picks and recommends these judges for the legislature to ratify. While the president finalises the process with the appointment, the power to fire these judges lies with the Judicial Complaints Committee (a body with a lawyer as its member!) who is the only constitutionally mandated body to set up a tribunal against a judge. So just like their leader hh who doesn’t understand how GRZ works, his donkeys above continue to make unnecessary noise.

  7. I have known most of these newly appointed judges over the past 10 years and I am wondering if they have fully matured to hold such high positions. How come parliament is said to have ratified by parliament was it before dissolution or after. Apa judicial bayi loading at be accountable to the people of Zambia or the appointing authority as well. I am wondering why Simusamba is missing from the cut appointees. In any case May I take this opportunity to wish them well and wisdom as they discharge duties and how I wished if each one of them was proportionally appointed to provincial capitals instead of being based in Lusaka.

  8. No they are not. They are accountable to you. The judiciary is a farce, see how kambwili can have adjournments on defamation but Tukuta cannot. Shame on you lawyers, judges, it is more reputable to be a truck driver in Zambia.

  9. So many Judges but hundreds of stalled cases that go nowhere or take years to resolve. So many people are equally in detention without trial for long periods or in Police cells without charge. Part of the role of Judges is to declare the illegality of such detentions and release all those they can where there are opportunities to do so. But the silence or feeble mumbling from the Judiciary and bodies like LAZ over these abuses of civil liberties is eerie.

  10. Zambian Judiciary is a Joke……Edward Chagwa Lungu is in control of the Judiciary…..These are all PF cadres

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