Sunday, February 9, 2025

Do not be used by HH, he does not stand for National Development, Nawakwi tells Southerners



Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) Leader Edith Nawakwi has appealed to the people of Southern Province not to be used by the opposition UPND to get into government.
Mrs Nawakwi said the Opposition UPND is not interested in developing the province but uses it to get votes.

She has since called on the people to say no to divisions and tribalism brought by the UPND to the province.
“No one owns Southern Province and Hakainde Hichilema should be taught a lesson for saying ‘ Ichi Chesu’ and not delivering development to the area,” she said.
“The people of Southern Province should say no to tribalism and divisions brought by UPND.”

Mrs Nawakwi said the people of Southern Province are just used by the UPND to get into parliament but are left behind in development.

She has called on them to teach the opposition a lesson by voting for President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who is committed to bringing development to all parts of the country.

Mrs Nawakwi said that only President Lungu can bring development to the province and should therefore be voted back into office for continued development.

She stated that President Lungu is rebuilding the nation and leaving no one behind therefore the province should rally behind him.

Meanwhile, North Western Province Patriotic Front Chairperson JACKSON KUNGO has thanked the people of that province for the overwhelming support they gave to President EDGAR LUNGU during his two days working visit to the province.

Mr KUNGO says people came out in numbers to welcome the President in all the districts he visited, an indication that they are resolved to vote for President LUNGU during the August 12 general election.

He added that people of North Western Province are tired of voting for the opposition and that they are now determined to work with the rulling party in order to partake of the national cake .

Meanwhile Mr. Kungo has assured the People of Mfumbwe that the President would visit the district on his next visit to the Province.

Mr KUNGO said the President was going to reach Mfumbwe district as well on his visit to the Province but could not do so owing to a tight schedule.

Kungo has since urged the people of Mfumbwe and NORTH WESTERN PROVINCE as a whole to turn up in large numbers and vote for President Lungu and the Patriotic Front for more development in the area, come august 12.


  1. Ah! Nawakwi….. She claims to be leading the FDD, but she ONLY talks about UPND…… Nobody knows what her party stands for? But that she is scared sh!tless of HH???

  2. This woman is up to no good. Every time she’s talking about HH. Whatever say you about him, I will vote for him and you together your PF friends should find somewhere to hide after 12 Aug.

  3. Thanks Ms. Nawakwi for clarifying matters and expossing who some of this opposition leaders are.

  4. Nawakwi is a very sick woman. She thinks she can still HH’s victory the way she stall Hambulo from a Tonga woman. Why can’t she talk about her FDD and the plight of the people. This is lunacy. Ulisondokede.

  5. @1 No Corruption Zambia Nawakwi certainly stands for PF because she’s not contesting the Presidency herself and the only person she’s been antagonizing is Hichilema. The only people who support the PF are those who benefit from their bad leadership

  6. @1 No Corruption Zambia Nawakwi certainly stands for PF because she’s not contesting the Presidency herself and the only person she’s been antagonizing is Hichilema.

  7. But what God said UPND will always be in the opposition forever for them not to be able to be in charge of National coffers and see how they will fail to offer, carryout developmental projects not only to the areas you are referring to but countrywide?

  8. Edith Nawakwi knows the Great Mwene Mutapa and his cohorts very well. We are ready to deliver a resounding defeat to these masholi. He has created a cartel of companies that specialize in swindling workers of their pensions. Please continue to expose this man. We need to deal with UPND from its inception up to where it is now. The petition for ECL to release the Joshua Mumpanshya Commission of Inquiry on ZRL still stands! We can’t allow criminals to run this country

  9. Madam Nawakwi you have to tell Zambians
    How you picked HH and his company grant
    Thornton to do valuation for privatisation
    Assets.HH is what he is because of you as you were minister for finance that time.So all
    Blame comes back to you.

  10. @ Ayatollah
    You are showing a blind eye on what is going on “criminals are in control since 1991”
    Lawlessness at its worst.. Cadres superiority over police officers why they beat. In which country have you ever seen such things happening.

  11. There is so much beef between HH and Edith Nawakwi because she has gone ballistic launching one attack after another non stop. There is or to it than meets the eye. Edith should come out smart because her continued attacks on HH are not making sense. What is that HH did which did not go well with Edith because it like a cancer.

  12. Tell us what your party the PF will do. We are not interested in what you are saying, in any case nobody takes you seriously including your audience

  13. But why does Nawakwi always look so damn stupid in the face? The things she says especially about HH are just as ugly as her damn repulsive face. Looking at this she-baboon, one can’t help realising that it’s ugly women like Nawakwi and Luonyokolola who lend much credence to be belief that people are descended from apes!

  14. The easiest way to get recognition in PF, no matter how lazy one is, is just to mention the name of HH

  15. Imagine with all those qualifications and experience being reduced to this shameless woman? You same your retirement doing this?

  16. Zambian politics over the last ten years: you only see less than ten of the same retarded faces…. and Nawakwi is #1. Has she ever, even once, told anyone what she and her party stands for? She can only foul mouth HH!

  17. We want issues based Campaigns. Nawakwi should address the Hard Economy, High Cost of Living, PF Corruption, PF Cadres Violence and thuggery, PF Gassing of Citizens etc. Address those things. Edith Nawakwi is wasting her time. The more Nawakwi demonises HH the more People want to vote for him. HH is the Man of the moment. On August 12 vote 4 HH and UPND Alliance for Peace,Stability and Progress.

  18. She, like all the other blackmailed minions, has what we call “icikongwani”. She is earning her keep. It is a very sad state of affairs. You know when you work for something you don’t believe in and greedily pocket the cash once the deed is done — successful or no.

  19. Don’t know if this woman is trying to survive politically or economically or both. Maybe she just wants to avoid jail time so better to stick with crooks you know.

  20. According to News Point TV, Nawakwi is married to HH’s cousin, Geoffrey Hambulo, and that it was actually HH who sponsored their wedding and was the best man. HH did not want to marry her according to the report. HH is a damn rich man, and she could have been swimming in money had he married her. The sausage business is not doing well and this is fueling her anger. As one blogger said above Nawakwi herself in her capacity as Minister of Finance then, picked HH and his company grant Thornton to do valuation of the mining Assets. Maybe after Privatization, there was a deal HH did not honour. That was the beginning of this animosity we see today. It’s personal.

  21. My first question to Nawakwi would be….why are you in opposition. They should deregister your party because you have no followers and don’t mean well for the advancement of Zambia economically or otherwise. Nawakwi should be ashamed of how she has reduced herself to being a ‘covered up PF cadre’ and to continue to peddle blatant lies especially against HH. Ubulanda ine shuwa….Nawakwi knows PF time is done. She knows politics but lacks the brain for it. HH mwaume Bali uno muku alewina. Viva HH viva UPND alliance.

  22. Poor Nawakwi, how are you going to pay your Kaloba now that it’s evident that PF are headed for the exit door?

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