Saturday, July 27, 2024

COBUSU takes over student umbrella body


Leaders of the Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) have emerged victorious to take over the Zambia National Students’ Union at the close of the 2021 ZANASU General Congress.

Cartwright Siyumbwa of the CBU Michael Chilufya Sata School of Medicine assumes the top position of Congress Chairperson in the ZANASU National Congress while Steven Kanyakula has been elected new President of the student umbrella body after polling 78% against his rival Keegan Halusunga who polled 22 percent of the votes cast

COBUSU President Lawrence Kasonde becomes the new ZANASU Vice President after amassing 74.42% against his Bertha Musonda who got 25.58% of the valid votes polled.

Isaiah Mambwe of Eden University becomes the new Secretary General while COBUSU Vice President Mutale Mumba went unopposed for the position of Deputy Secretary General.

Others elected into office includes Kaoma Kaoma of Mulungushi University, Justin Zwao from Mukuba University, David Bokolo of CBU, Emmanuel Sakala and Chembo Steven are new leaders in the ZANASU NEC.

The 2021 ZANASU General Congress was graced by representatives of the Norwegian student body, SAIH and the Zambia National Congress.

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