Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECZ says Investigations in Kanyama violence is underway and there will be consequences


The Electoral Commission of Zambia(ECZ), has instituted investigations into the violent incident that occurred in Kanyama Constituency in Lusaka, which resulted in loss of lives.

Speaking during a press briefing in Chongwe District, ECZ Acting Chief Electoral Officer, Royd Katongo warned that appropriate action will be taken against those involved in the alleged murder of the two Patriotic Front (PF) supporters.

Mr. Katongo noted that the Commission strongly condemns the barbaric act which has led to loss of lives and violation of the Electoral Code of Conduct.

He said ECZ is disappointed with the continued acts of violence among political parties even after issuing warnings in the recent past.

“ECZ is deeply saddened by the incident in Kanyama Constituency in Lusaka in which the lives of two Patriotic Front (PF) supporters were allegedly murdered,” Mr. Katongo stated.

He reminded that the Commission has in recent past issued warnings to political players to conduct themselves in line with provisions of the electoral code of conduct.

Mr. Katongo appealed to all political stakeholders to remain calm and avoid any retaliatory acts as the Commission was carrying out investigations for appropriate actions.

Vice President Inonge Wina lectures the PF aspiring parliamentary and council candidates in Kabwe on PF manifesto in kabwe
Vice President Inonge Wina lectures the PF aspiring parliamentary and council candidates in Kabwe on PF manifesto in kabwe

Meanwhile, Vice president, Inonge Wina has commended the people of Bwacha Constituency in Kabwe in Central Province, for conducting peaceful campaigns.

Mrs. Wina said it is important that peace is maintained in the country during and after the August 12 general elections.

She stated that President Edgar Lungu has on many occasions condemned violence during elections hence the need for peace to prevail.

Mrs wina said the President Lungu has indicated that it is not violence that wins an election, but a vote that will change the scenario of political leadership.

Speaking when she held a meeting with aspiring candidates for Bwacha constituency in the August 12 elections, for both constituency and local government in Kabwe this morning, Mrs. Wina said the country has committed itself to upholding the democratic tenets of governance.

Mrs Wina said Zambia should pride itself for the stance the forefathers took of uniting people under the one Zambia one Nation motto.

” It was not easy during the colonial time, the country was divided into tribes which came into urban centres. That’s why the late Kenneth Kaunda came up with the idea of unifying us as a country,” she said.

And the Vice president has encouraged the Patriotic Front members to be reporting the perpetrators of violence.

Mrs. Wina said she has observed that PF members always take a back sit in reporting violence and its perpetrators.

” Let us report violence acts to election conflict management committees so that we take account of what happened during the campaign. It is very important for the government to know what is going on during and after elections,” she said.

Meanwhile, Bwacha Constituency Parliamentary candidate, Sydney Mushanga said the party has worked well since the inception of campaigns.

Mr. Mushanga thanked government for the support rendered to the Parliamentary and local government aspiring candidates during the campaign period and assured PF victory in the fourth coming elections.


  1. The ECZ isn’t a Law enforcement agency therefore it has no capacity to competently investigate any crime. It’ll just bring about controversy and other complications to get involved. Leave it to the Police to do their work. Murder is a serious crime. As long as there’s no interference from above, our officers can conclude investigations within record time. However, it’s very unfortunate that our Police Service is increasingly becoming unprofessional with every election. Politics are destroying our country

  2. On this article you won’t see a single comment from the ugly upnd diasporans condemning this abhorrent act. For many years I told you that upnd are violent thugs. They have been arming themselves. Let me warn them that if this continues we will have no option but to ask our foot soldiers to retaliate. Fcuk the entire upnd

  3. What transpired in Kanyama Constituency and by whoever the culprits may be, like all areas in Zambia must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. Justice must be seen to be done without bias and be carried out none selectively by the ECZ. In Luanshya one O. Kasongo was murdered, in Mangango too a Banda was also murdered, both of these murders were carried out during election campaigns under the watch of ECZ but todate I personally haven’t heard of any prosecution of the perpetrators let alone word or action from ECZ. Enlighten us on how the law should be applied regards the party in power viz the opposition.

  4. LATEST: The Economist Intelligence Unit has predicted a PF victory in the August 12, 2021 election. They say Edgar Lungu will remain in power beyond 2021.

  5. Alleged UPND supporters… how does one conclude they were acting as such. They are just criminals and should be treated as such and not covered with a political cloth. A few days ago pf members clobbered themselves in chawama during their campaigns and this acting electoral officer and the police remained mute but are all guns blazing on this Kanyama issue.

  6. Firstly, I must convey my sincere condolescences to the families of the deceased. This PF imported political violence has really turnished our lovely Zambia.

    However, I am aware that those killed are 100% innocent UPND sympathisers who defected from PF and thats the reason why they were hacked by PF thugs . The truth will come out soon. Not long ago PF camps were fighting bread crumbs in full view of PF SG in the same area. PF Police chief Katongo remained mute. Surprising? Not to some us!

    All the fingers on the ground are pointing at PF on PF violence. I have just been informed that the PF police are busy fabricating evidence to blame UPND but they are finding it hard because every member of public they approach, is telling them killers are PF cadres. This is not the first time…

  7. . This is not the first time UPND has been accused of such and only the for state to enter a Nolle Proseque judgement and release the UNPD supporters.

    It will be interesting to see what ECZ will do this time around that it has not done when UPND youths were being slaughtered by PF cardres in plain view of the police. I have all the videos and pictures of PF using all manner of weapon to attack the UPND Supporters. Upto now no PF cardre has been arrested. All arrested have been pardoned by Chakolwa Lungu.

    In June 2021 a CB UPND supporter was murdered by PF cadres then they roughly wrapped him in PF regalia to create cause for blaming UPND. That case has also drawn a blank because the truth is embarrasing to PF and its police.

    PF thugs have now started fighting and killing each…


  9. @ Nostradamus, so Nshindano has investment in electronics and all along as elections come and go no serious interest by competing parties to investigate how Nshindano’s business could be involved in the electoral process! He could even be the sole supplier of electronic equipment for elections let alone be involved in rigging.

  10. ECZ you hopeless toothless hapless agency. You have one of the most important but easiest tasks which you perform only every 5 years (save for bye-elections) yet you still bugle it up. Hopeless. You are making a big deal out of the killing by alleged UPND cadres when you DID NOTHING when known PF cadres hacked and MURDERED UPND supporters. DO your job and please, for once, be impartial

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