Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu happy with church-Sumaili


Former Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Godfridah Sumaili says President Edgar Lungu is happy that the church has collaborated well with the government in executing the country’s programs.

Reverend Sumaili says this is the reason the voice of the church is critical on national matters.

ZANIS reports that Reverend Sumaili was speaking during a meeting with the pastor’s fellowship in Mongu district of the Western province today.

She said President Lungu is aware that the church has ensured people are kept morally upright and that it should continue to preach peace.

“The voice of the church has been coming out clearly on issues of national interest hence President Lungu saw it fit to collaborate with the clergy in running the affairs of this nation,” Rev. Sumaili said.

“We are in an election year; the church being in the forefront should ensure there is no violence, insults of demining each other, character assassination. The church should be summoning politicians involved in politics of violence,” said Rev. Sumaili.

And Jesus Anointed Ministry Overseer and advocate for the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, Billy Mfula said the functions of the church have been enhanced by President Lungu through the creation of the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs in the country.

Bishop Mfula said Zambia is poised for economic recovery because it is a beacon of peace in the World.

“It is now 30 years when Zambia was declared a Christian nation. This is a great year for Zambia, as it has reached maturity to demonstrate its achievements,” said Bishop Mfula.

Meanwhile, Western province Pastor’s Fellowship Chairperson, Alick Kalonga appealed to both President Lungu and Vice president Inonge Wina to shepherd the people of Zambia in peace and love during this period of campaigns in the country.

Reverend Sumaili is in western province to encourage church leaders to preach peace during this campaign period.


  1. Godfridah Sumailli the Reverend to the Criminal Enterprise of a Government that is PF ,freely going on the Election Campaign Trail . She has spent the last four years wielding the Holy Bible , blessing the Chinese Overpriced Corruptly procured infrastructure projects.
    No Zambia Police in sight to Hinder or Harass her ,as she goes around the country preaching.
    Where is the Level Playing Field here.

  2. This silly shameless woman will not shut up…she knows that if Lazy Lungu loses that’s her grave train of free taxpayers money gone!!

  3. Razor – That was easy money for her …all that power she had with greedy Pastors begging for empowerment funds from her

  4. What is worse than that clumsy corrupt Edgar China Lungu? A totally incompetent and ineffective reverend who has been “empowered” by PF!

  5. Reverend, you are no longer a minister and you are no longer employed by the President or the Zambian people. Go!

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