Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The PF Prof. Luo, HH, Homosexuality, and the Christian Nation Mantra


By Kapya Kaoma

Prof. Nkandu Luo’s execrable claim that Hakainde Hichilema is paid by the African Liberal Network to allow same-sex marriage, and revoke the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation once in power made me wonder if being PF turns public intellectuals into Political Fools. Prof. Luo’s claims are ridiculously insane except for the outlandish harm it may cause to the already demonized gay community.

The homosexualization of HH was expected, but coming from Prof. Luo is simply jaw-dropping. In Trumpian style, and with her mouth covered in a mask, she openly buried her reputation in Kasempa among pastors–ignoring the ninth commandment–“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). The Zambian Constitution does not allow same-sex marriage, and the declaration is enshrined in the Constitution. HH couldn’t allow same-sex marriage or remove the declaration without amending the Constitution. Only a fool can be duped by such a fib

Prof. Luo’s goal is to use the public disgust attached to homosexuality to enchant Christian fundamentalists into voting for the PF. History is not starved of the truth– gays have not stolen from us, her party has; gays haven’t killed or terrorized innocent Zambians for supporting the opposition, PF cadres have; gays haven’t watched our children die from curable illnesses while their own are flown to South Africa and Europe to be treated by gay doctors, Luo’s cadres have been the beneficiaries. So why sacrifice gays for corruption brought about by the Lungu administration?

Prof. Luo is highly concerned about homosexuals. Yet Zambians care more about the quality of their life than a gay person, a drunk, or sex worker roaming the streets. They want a president who fires and prosecute corrupt ministers more than the one who sniffs for “sinful” homosexuals in every hotel or guest room on taxpayers funds. Zambians want a president who treats them as human beings, who promises to protect their human rights, create jobs, and ensure that every Zambian has access to safe drinking water, sanitation and of course basic living standards. This is the Lungu she should be selling to voters!

Prof. Luo wholly knows. Hakainde Hichilema is just as homophobic as Lungu and his association with the African Liberal Network doesn’t change it. Even if he supported gay rights, he wouldn’t be alone. Many Zambians have links to gay affirming organizations–FIFA, English Premier League, World Vision, World Health Organization, Bread for the World, the World Council of Churches, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Union, the UK, the U. S., the United Nations, and African Union Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights Commission–the list is endless. Like HH, both Lungu and herself have personal dealings with some of these organizations.

On June 30, 2016, the United Nation Human Rights Council adopted the resolution to decriminalize homosexuality and protect gay persons. Two years earlier, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights called for the decriminalization of homosexuality and the protection of gay persons in Africa. Since then, Angola, Mozambique and Botswana have decriminalized homosexuality, and Namibia is to follow. South Africa is the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Is Prof. Luo suggesting that Zambians should vote out the PF for associating with all these institutions and nations?

The Trumpian bigotry expressed by Luo betrays the very title ‘professor’–she is an embarrassment to the academy! The HH team should be cognizant of her game–it is time to empty the kitchen sink. The PF loves the gay whoopla and it works–it ignites Zambians into blaming their misery on homosexuals as opposed to those in power. But life is not short on factuality; homosexuality does not put food on our table–it is a private matter. Even if gays are headed to hell, like drunkards, it is none of Luo’s or her pastors’ business.

What mournful dirge should I sing for the once respectable Prof. Luo has stooped to the level of Mwila, Kambwili and GBM? Poor young women in shame now dwell, for once a political model, her integrity and dignity in Kasempa lost! She goes down in history as a liar in a mask!

Notably despicable is also for men and women of the cloth to continue shouting the “Christian nation” mantra in exchange for brown envelopes filled with blood money–the funds that would have saved many lives had it been spent on health care. Pastors must be prophetic enough to speak truth to power. But who can when pastors compete for the President’s wallet shouting, “give me a brown envelope, and I will give you a prophecy?

Thus says the Lord. Homosexuals are behind Zambia’s economic, political and ethnic woes. Alebwelelapo! Amen!”


  1. Mr Kapya Kaoma, the Bible says in Leviticus 18
    22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. This abomination to God is what destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. It brings the wrath of God on a land and it’s people. Death, Famines, floods, fires, plagues come upon a people when they allow this in their land. Why do you want such for Zambia?. The west is suffering these consequences and hide behind it under the guise of ‘global warming effects’. Truth is they have brought curses upon themselves. Even the gays know it brings destruction to a people that’s why they adopted the rainbow colors Genesis 9:13-16. God is not mocked.

  2. Stuff you and your Christian Nation Notion
    Why are these issues only brought up before an election
    and let me tell you MOOOO Homosexuality will be acepted in future whether you like it or not
    Do you know the meaning of Human rights ??

  3. Association with a gay doesn’t make me gay. What other countries do is not a call 4 us to follow suit. A constitution an be amended. We all know how persuasive some issues can be driven. To me, this message is so much of the idea that u support homosexuality. I don’t see the link with bad leadership. These r 2 different things-parallel. Why can’t we boast of being the last country in the world to fall for it?

  4. Imwe baba read Kapya’s article again. If it be so, then delink yourselves from the organizations that he has cited which themselves support human rights including those of homosexuals or other sexual orientations. In fact, “against the order of nature”includes what some of you and your wives and girlfriends do. Yes. I mean that!

  5. Luo is a very dull professor, she was telling us that zambia is ready and will be working on nuclear energy to generate power…..

    I say no more.


  7. leviticus 20vs 13 says any one who lay down with a fellow man as he does with a woman shall be put to death and blood will be upon their hands . listen homosexuality is one of the sins that annoys the Lord almighty because it undermines his creation of a man and woman and sodom and gomorah was destroyed because of the same. so certain calamities we just bring them upon ourselves these stupid white people have always been attacking GOD hence no wonder God punishes them through various calamities .

  8. Homosexuality is not a human right, it is a choice of sex like sleeping with an animal is a choice of sex, both are an abomination to God.
    Leviticus 18
    You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion. ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.
    Zambia will never accept these abominations as long as Jesus is King over this nation.

  9. Homosexuality is not a human right, it is a choice of sex that a person chooses like sleeping with an animal is a choice of sex but both are an abomination to God. Leviticus 18

    You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion. ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.
    Zambia will never accept these abominations as long as Jesus is King over this nation.

  10. All pastors accepting blood money from PF criminals will burn in hell when it opens its doors.

    Shame upon pastors who are just mere merchants of faith. Selling faith for money is no. 1 sin the bible clearly shows that. If not why did Jesus kick all the money collection tins in the temple?

    Church collections are meant to support to he infirm the hungry and the poor in the community. But PF pastors are using it for night clubbing and prostitution services. How preposterous!

    PF and Lungu must go. Enough is enough.

    By Wanzelu.

  11. If truly we have cyber law, why haven’t we arrested this man who impersonates Kaiser Zulu on this blog? Ba LT, why allow insults and this is one thing that you should crack on. People should be free to express themselves than be insulted by others. The article is brilliant and brings out something new- Like the UN has asked governments to decriminalize homosexuality, the question he pauses is should we delink ourselves because we are a Christian nation? That we should not respond with insults. In any case, sin is sin, no small or big sin. One is sinning by lying while condemning another sin homo!! What a life of hypocrites!

  12. Joseph mwansa stay there in south Africa where they entertain your gayism. This is Zambia and we have our own values and traditions. Don’t force your dirtiness on us. Keep getting *****

  13. Christian Nation without direction. You murder people everyday, steal public funds, you commit adultery daily, etc but you worry about homosexuality and lesbians…no sin is less than the other!

  14. Even dogs don’t do it, why should we? Keep that dirty stuff there abroad. **** by old whlte men for money as much as you want there abroad like tarino but if you try it here in Zambia you will meet your maker

  15. You have misunderstood the article,. It was mot about promoting or accepting homosexuality. The suffering the Zambians are going through is not as result of homosexuality but the economic mismanagement of the current CORRUPT AND EVIL pf govt. This topic of homsexuality is brought in by desperate politicians to divert the attention of Zambians on issues that are affecting them.

    pf need to be held accountable for the economic mess they brought to this Nation, We don’t care how many hospitals or schools pf built but at what cost? They inflated prices with their Chinese crooks and stole billions of dollars leaving Zambians impoverished.,


  16. Luo must concentrate on selling what PF will do for Zambians if they are to gain any votes as all of them appear to have gone to UPND

  17. Those who scream loudest (like ‘Kaizer Zulu’ here) are the ones you should worry about. He seems to be giving too vivid a description of homosexuality – from experience, no doubt.
    PF will find any thing to distract people from what’s really at hand: they messed up the economy completely. It will take decades to fix all they destroyed through theft and incompetence. Don’t worry about gays PF leaders, worry about where you are heading when you die for all your sins.

  18. The devil is a liar, he would have you believe that it is people that chose their leaders when it is not. Regardless how the satanists come together in a rage. It is the same God you are mocking here that appoints all in authority on earth for a season and for a purpose, to bless or to punish, to bring peace or war.
    Romans 13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

  19. @1 Ndoleshyafye
    The Bible also says in Leviticus 20:10 ‘And the man than commits adultery with another man’s wife even he that commits adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.’ And Jesus condemns us all with ‘Whoever looks lustfully upon a woman commits adultery with her in his heart’ Matthew 5:28.
    So, now come on my friends, let us start killing the adulterers in Zambia. Starting with our head of state to the least among us, only the one without sin should remain standing. You must distinguish between a Theocracy and a democracy. In a Theocracy every criminal offence is a sin against GOD. In a democracy, God permits the State to punish offences against individuals and property.

  20. Homosexuals shall give an account of themselves before the God who created them. It is no one’s business what God will do with them. However, there are homosexual acts that are acts of violence against a person- for example against a minor or a prisoner or as a war crime. These acts are the ones that the men of Sodom exhibited. They are in the same category as rape. The State must protect people against such. Besides all this, many girls do have homosexual acts in boarding schools and also what Alangizi do can be construed to be homosexual acts. Who cares?

  21. Hh is very right about this issue some of people are dieing inside please allow them to go ahead with homosexual idea respect people’s lives and rights remember not everyone is a Christian here in Zambia respect others religion

  22. The most ugly woman on earth, MO like faurgly woman. Her ka boss is the ka worst president on earth, dull as they come…..

  23. I don’t think it’s right to say South Africa was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage – maybe first country in Africa would be more accurate/

  24. Prof Nkandu Luo has even said what she was supposed to say. There are more things that some opposition leaders are sacrificing the country for. Some opposition leaders are simply a no go area.Muka dabwa.

  25. Kapya Kaoma, understand, Zambia is Christian Nation and we want to come out of economic problems as a Christian Nation. Homosexuality is a disease. We should work hard to find the cure for the this disease and not to promote it.

  26. Hakainde Hichilema is a Liberal Democrat. This is where all humans are at liberty to behave and do as they wish as long as the constitution, amended, allows.
    Edgar Lungu is a Conservative, protecting traditional values. Making something lawful does not make it morally right. It is illegal in Zambia to practice gaysim.
    All countries are identified according to lifestyles, beliefs and what they stand for.

  27. Acknowledging homosexuality is not synonymous with accepting them. This article by Kapya Kaoma is written to shame, embarrass and insult Nkandu Luo without denying what she observed: that UPND will allow for gay rights

  28. IMF, EU, WB, UN, FIFA, AU, etc. may recognise or support gaysm. But these groupings have never supported a political party that has sponsored a republican president the way ALN has done apart from working with governments. Luo’s aim isn’t to demonise gays. She’s concerned that this South African ALN is pushing for an agenda that is not Zambian. Only time will tell the direction Zambia will take soon.

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