Tuesday, October 22, 2024

It makes me proud to fulfill Michael Sata’s dream and the vision of PF to develop Zambia-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has commissioned the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.

Speaking during the commissioning ceremony, President Lungu said his administration has continued on the great path of development.

President Lungu said the PF Government infrastructure development so far shows how committed it is to the aspiration of leaving no one behind in the quest to develop Zambia.

“One of the greatest things we can ever do is to see the aspirations of those great men and women who have gone before us come to fruition. Our former late President, His Excellency Michael Chilufya Sata had aspired to see that the rural parts of the country were developed to improve administration and service delivery,” President Lungu said.

“It makes me proud to fulfil his dream and the vision of the patriotic front to develop our country,” He said.

President Lungu said Government is committed to ensuring that it empowers rural communities to access Government services just like those in urban centres.

President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.

The Head of State adds that it is impossible to develop a nation and deliver services to the people if the country does not collect enough revenues to fund its programmes.

He said the total domestic resources and financing currently accounts for about 70 percent of the national budget.

“This is an indication that we must be responsible for the development of mother Zambia. It is, therefore, not surprising that the Patriotic Front Government has put tax collection as one of its top priorities since it is through our tax revenue that this nation shall be developed,” President Lungu said.

“I have noted with happiness that in the recent past the Zambia Revenue Authority has taken great strides in educating citizens about the importance of paying taxes and the role their taxes play in national development,” He said.

President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has appealed to every Zambian and everyone doing business or earning an income in Zambia to pay correct taxes regardless of their status in society or the amount they are making.

“The infrastructure development and the enhancement of service delivery that my government has embarked on would not have been possible had it not been for someone paying taxes,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu has warned tax evaders to pay taxes on time as there would be no sacred cows. The Head of State praised Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) for collecting taxes efficiently and on time.

He said taxes were important in transforming the country and commended ZRA for declaring zero tolerance to smuggling.

The Head of State said the new facility would reduce the cost of doing business for taxpayers in Chinsali and beyond through the provision of a one- stop- service- centre.

He said actualising development was the only way to pay homage to fallen leaders such as late President Michael Sata who wanted to role out infrastructure development.
President Lungu said his administration would continue on the path of the development agenda. He urged Zambians to pay taxes regularly and on time as they would eventually pay less taxes.

President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.

And Business community in Chinsali happy new ZRA office Chinsali, August 4, 2021, ZANIS—The business community in Chinsali District in Muchinga province is elated with the opening of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Munsonko house in the area.

Some traders expressed happiness that the opening of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) offices will easy access to services.

Haggai Ng’andu, a resident of Chinsali, thanked government for bringing the services closer to the doorsteps of the business community.

He said the coming of the fully fledged ZRA offices will be a cost effective to the business community as they will not travel distances to access the service.

”In the past we used to travel long distances to Kasama or Lusaka to access ZRA services,” he said.

And Director of Witaya Private School, Bernard Siame, was happy that the business community will now be able to access tax planning and advisory services.

Mr Siame was elated as not all services were offered at the old ZRA office.

”Am happy that we will be able to access all the services we need for our businesses to excel,” he said.

President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.
President Lungu at the newly constructed Zambia Revenue Authority office complex in Chinsali.


  1. Some provinces are struggling with basic facilities such as schools and hospitals and here we are opening up an office building. Anyway, ZRA need to sort out their uniforms, they look atrocious.

  2. Where to next the hard working President to commission a project? There is a border post completed at Kambimba border post in Mwinilun’ga which has never been commissioned by any senior govt official. It has never operated at full capacity I am sure if commissioned it can bring in the much needed revenue by ZRA.

  3. How much revenue does Muchinga in general and Chinsali in particular contribute to the national basket better than Solwezi which has been unfairly neglected despite it’s massive contribution to the national cake?
    You can’t compare a district that has 3 performing Copper/Gold/Uranium Mines to a virlually economically lifeless district. This lopsided distribution must stop: we need equitable distribution of national development not based on political affiliations. Or better still let national development be based on economic contribution to the “National Cake”.
    Solwezi and any other economically well performing districts like Nakonde need their FAIR SHARE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT!

  4. Should it take a whole president to go and commission a warehouse type office or just a permanent secretary?
    The vision of developing the country I hope did not include administering rotten medicines, buying fire engines at 1 million dollars a piece, supplying the country already ravaged by HIV/AIDS with leaking condoms, and many ills including a $56 billion national debt and mushrooming houses. He is turning in his grave!

  5. With 7 days to go b4 August 12 ECL should be directly asking People to vote for him and highlight his achievements over the 7 years he has been President of Zambia. Opening ZRA Offices now will not deliver ECL votes. Its a wrong strategy. ECL tell the Voters what he is going to do if elected for another 5 years. Things are bad so what is he going to Change to meet People’s needs? Thats what Voters want to hear.

  6. Micheal Sata is smiling is his grave and very proud of you. You have really opened Zambia for more development. I will give you my vote so that you continue on this path.

  7. Edgar China Lungu is proud of his achievements. How can you be proud of HALVING THE VALUE OF THE KWACHA in six years, how can you be proud of food prices going through the roof, how can you be proud of TWO INNOCENT CITIZENS SHOT AND KILLED by YOUR police officers, how can you be proud of the RAMPANT CORRUPTION in your government, how can you be proud of YOUR OWN SON CONFISCATING NINE FARMS in Kanakantapa? Explain that, Bwana! I know what I am going to do on August 12!

  8. Tu UPND ifikansa! We wait to see. Their leader HH has told them in what is beginning to look like a self-fulfilling prophesy for the UPND “uwafikansa akaimwena on 12 August, 2021.”

  9. Makes you proud to bankrupt a country with over borrowing and stealing, just show how dull you are…. this ka worst president on earth with 0 IQ is a real peace of work… useless as they come

  10. Zambians are voting for Lungu….HH is a joke he can’t govern…he likes selling companies and he intends on auctioning Zambia

  11. ZRA is an organisation that worries me a lot. Wht’s its role in the face of expensive real estate developments in the country but especially in Lusaka by people whose incomes are unknown? Wht’s ZRA doing? I’m told it’s not for everyone to know wht ZRA is doing but I hope it’s doing something good.

  12. Infrastructure development at the expense of economic breakdown and unsustainable
    Debt .Mr President you failed to strike the

  13. If you had any capability lungu , you should not even be campaigning but let what you are boasting about do the talking… …….

    But you have been rejected , to the extent of blocking your rival from campaigning, you can not win any free and fair election.

    Who does that ? After spending billions on infrastructure, you still can’t win any free and fair election ?

    You are just a hopeless excuse of a president.

  14. So when will these ‘structures’ contribute to real Human Development for most Zambians? Poverty levels are still high and government is failing to provide funds for basic services like health, for example – in tangible medicine issues and more health staff. Where does most of this money ‘mopped up’ by the ZRA go?

  15. It is a familiar refrain. Substitute the name of any Bemba politician accused of tribalism, & you will find people invoking them in response to any report on, investigation of or repercussion for a Tonga, especially HH. These comments purport to be a defense of Zambia & a denunciation of tribally bigoted hypocrisy in responding to PF Bemba hegemony. But they serve to deflect attention from the allegations at hand & reinforce a dynamic deeply entrenched in PF politics: this country is for Bembas, and Bembas only. Whence the threat of the country breaking up because we have had enough of their stinking stupidity.

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