Tuesday, October 22, 2024

PF urges international media not to fan instability but propagate a peaceful electoral process


The PF has urged the international media not to fan instability but propagate a peaceful electoral process ahead of Zambia’s general elections next week.
Zambia’s ruling party, the Patriotic Front (PF), cautioned the international media and election obsevers to clearly state what they wanted if peace and stability were not their agenda.

PF Political and Media Committee Spokesperson Amos Chanda has said the ruling party supported the executive decision to enhance security by deploying the military following the death of two PF members by suspected UPND criminals in Kanyama Constituency in Lusaka City.

Mr. Chanda, a former Presidential Press Aide and Diplomat, said the absence of peace and security would not allow for any credible election adding that Zambia Defence Force operated within the Constitution.

He urged the international media to reach out to ruling party organs for accurate information and that the Ministry of Information would be readily available to be accessed by the international media.

Some sections of the international media reported that President Edgar Lungu deployed the military to intimidate voters. Mr. Chanda said the military was constitutionally mandated to prevent any internal and external threat to peace and security.

He said the regretable killing of two PF members by suspected UPND criminals in Kanyama Constituency in Lusaka was in public domain of which everyone condemned the violence. Mr. Chanda said PF welcomed the enhanced security decision as it was an assurance that Zambia would hold a credible election.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chanda questioned if the international media wanted to promote voter apathy instead of larger turnout. He stated that the high voter registration in PF strongholds was a patriotic decision to mobilize people to vote. Mr. Chanda said PF created a conducive environment for party members to register and it was not a responsibility of the party to mobilize for other parties.

And Mr. Chanda urged all stakeholders to follow the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) rules. He further stated that the ruling party welcomed the foreign observers big delegation currentlyin the country. Mr. Chanda said PF never objected to the presence of foreign observers as there was nothing wrong with them coming in.

He said there was no official comment as they were welcome clarifying that whoever verbally attacked the observers did so in their personal capacity. Mr. Chanda also declined to comment on transfer of power next week because he only sawa sense of continuation. He said the Zambian currency, the Kwacha, was rebounding because it sensed continuation. Mr. Chanda emphasized that the ruling party had worked hard to secure a clear victory.


  1. What I wanted to hear was a comment about reports of an impending internet shut down, that’s the news! We want an assurance that what’s been reported isn’t true. If you can’t comment on that then shut up

  2. Another crook at the helm. The international community should slap sanctions on these thieves, that’s the only way they will learn.

  3. I assume the headline should read “not to fan instability, instead of “not to fun instabiliy” – the two words are spelled differently and they have completely different meanings. “To fun instability” does not make sense, whereas “to fan instability” would imply to fan the flames of a political conflict and this is a widespread usage. If you have to address international media, then please make sure the language is flawless, lest you run the risk of being misunderstood.

  4. The international media – BBC and CNN – don’t see the horrible PF government as being serious. They have been confronted with all the lies (see above article as example) from Edgar China Lungu and GBM, CK, EN, AM, KZ etc and just can’t believe that any serious Zambians voter will even consider voting Edgar China Lungu back in. CNN even said Edgar China Lungu is just as ridiculous as Donald Trump…….


  6. Another crook being shielded from prosecution by Lazy Lungu in return he has to beat the drum for him. Remove him and all these vermin will be exposed!!

  7. This crook who connived to rig the 2016 elections and was later fired as Press aide, has been brought back for the same purpose under the guise of “PF Political and Media Committee Spokesperson”. It’s clear – that in spite of Antonio Mwanza being basically in the same role, that Chanda is here for the evil election schemes being hatched by this despicable regime.

  8. What are you talking about kakoswe iwe, our memories are fresh;
    “Awe kachepa sana. We are in charge …we are serious operatives. In fact kulefwayika fye kafwile mu jele. Ni mweba Amos you are too soft this should have been done immediately we came from Mongu,” said Kampyongo.
    However Chanda who was seemingly concerned about the media backlash said he had already instructed the public media to stop any form of coverage.
    “We need to manage what comes out of the media…otherwise abantu must not be fed on this ka HH. We discussed naba Mwamba how we must handle the who thing. We managed to turn the incident in Mongu against UPND. A ka perfect opportunity presented itself kaili nomba balamba ukupapata and they will now recognize P1 as President,” said Chanda.
    Chanda who was drinking Savannah…

  9. You are busy fighting amongst yourselves while the territorial thieves are scheming on how to steel your country. Why us you may ask? Because your copper is the next oil you f00l. Wake up…since when did these so called international community care about you?

  10. Under 5…poor tactics1. Look at your adoptions genuine candidates left out 2. Drag racing eagle 1 3. Boycotting all national events 4. Missing the international send off of KK ending up showing us who you really are…5. Not condemning violence including destruction of voter registration 6. Insulting at a public rally claiming its some lingo you know 7. You now with veep number 8 ……imwe awe…please bring the 12th tomorrow….you will lose again…ask yourself where are your alleged right hand men its only you who speaks ?

  11. When I remember how this boy attacked princpleless Kambwili, with derogatory language, even stigmatizing him that he was an aids patient as if there is something wrong with that, and how Isaac has brought dignity to the Press aide office at state house, the arrogance has disappeared

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