Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH’s leadership of tolerance and love is for Zambians from all the ten provinces-Liswaniso


UNITED Party for National Development(UPND) National Youth Chairperson Gilbert Liswaniso says the UPND Alliance presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema’s leadership of tolerance and love for people continues to attract Zambians from all the ten provinces.

And Mr. Liswaniso says it is not by chance that the UPND leader is increasingly becoming a preferred presidential candidate in the race toward a citizen being elected as a Seventh (7th) Republican President.

Featuring on University of Zambia (UNZA) Great East Road Campus UNZA 91.7FM Lusaka Star programme on Wednesday 4th August, 2021, an optimistic Liswaniso said the crowds following Mr. Hichilema are largely new young people and first time voters, a majority of whom are eager to vote out the incorrigible PF due to lies and deception floated in the last ten years.

“We have had figures as UPND Alliance for victory during the time that PF was busy building mansions and denying us space to campaign through the draconian Public (POA), thus HH, Vice President, Mutale Nalumango, UPND Alliance partners and all of us were mobilising privately in all parts of Zambia’s ten (10) provinces, namely; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western. l can tell you that we were all over Zambia, even to places we previously had no numbers and these are the crowds you are seeing,” noted Liswaniso.

And Liswaniso has advised school going children eligible to vote to turn in large numbers and cast their individual and collective vote for free education on UPND Alliance ticket.

“l urge my youths still in school to exercise their inalienable right to vote on Thursday 12th August 2021. l know that the young people who are going to vote for the first time love Bally (HH) and I am confident that he is going to give us all free education and most importantly I plead with all Zambians to turn in large numbers and vote for change and economic liberation,”prayed a determined Liswaniso.

Meanwhile, the UPND die-hard activist is expectant that the inclusion of the security wing to help provide peace and order during the much anticipated victory is going to protect all citizens regardless of their individual and collective political affliation.

And Mr Liswaniso has directed all UPND youths and symphathisers to remain calm, united and fearless.

“With a few days remaining to poll day, we must remain united and all stakeholders in the electoral process need to guard Zambia’s credential as an oasis of peace,” said Liswaniso.


  1. Too be honest Zambian politics is based tribal grounds!!!!!! People with Surnames of Lozi such as this Liswaniso and Tonga origins will never hear them saying anything good regarding PF because they believe PF is for Bembas and Nyanjas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know the true hates many people will condemn my statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One Zambia One Nation but the truth is somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Did you just say Love of Tolerence? SMH When whoever does not agree with you is labeled as a DEMON and DULL?

  3. Thieving has no tribe, it just exposes the ones who do it regularly and also a measure of eroded values from those communities. Anyway back to the subject. How do you add a tolerance tag to someone who refuses to be challenged as a party leader even after loosing 5 times? HH can never concede graciously. We are in this mess because of his selfishness. Had he given someone else a chance after his third loss, maybe UPND could have formed government sooner.

  4. … killed by suspected UPND cadres. They have since been buried and there has been no condemnation of this from UPND. Where is the love and tolerance in all this?

  5. Tribalists thought HH will never draw numbers in the ‘Bemba land’ and eastern regions! To their shock and surprise people are finding time to show their support to the UPND Alliance in these regions. I am aware that showing up for campaigns and voting are two different things, however am very confident that the PF time in Govt is OVER, this exact time next week. Can feel it in the air

  6. Just vote wisely on the 12 August. HH is constitutionally on the ballot as well as other 15 presidential candidates. Let the votes of the Zambian people be counted and accounted for on the 12 August. It takes time for an opposition leader to gain a foothold in Zambian politics especially when POA and other illegal tactics are used to rig elections. When there are referees such as Diramba, Zambian footballers had to continue playing regional and international football knowing that Dirambas will not always have their way of denying Zambian footballers their victories!!

  7. This useless die hard tribalist….no wonder he is a UPND…..this moron chased GBM from UPND…..he has so much hate for other tribes especially Northerners and Easterners……

  8. Ask Hichilema to condemn violence by UPND cadres, at least let him say something. Please ask Hichilema to censure his supporters who celebrate whenever they hear that HE President Edgar Chagwa Lungu is sick. They used to celebrate whenever they had that President Michael Sata was sick. To celebrate one’s misfortune isn’t a gesture of love and tolerance. Those of us who are affected by the behavior of UPND members think that Hichilema doesn’t care about us, we can perish as long as he becomes President then it’s ok within him. Please ask him to say something


  10. HH has always been popular and draws crowds and there is no dispute about that but popularity is relative so when you meet the opponent who is equally popular like ECL then you can’t claim that your popularity will automatically win you elections. It depends on other factors like how long you’ve you invested in your brand for people to pay you with their loyalty? How well have you sold your message does it resonate with people on the ground? How do you relate with others? Are you a know it all or you’re a team player? People are ready to gloss over certain weaknesses if you show genuine love for them. Thats what makes the difference between champions and losers in a mass competions devoid of propaganda.

  11. And “Bally” lied in Mkushi that he is flying around Zambia in his “own”…plane…..really HH is this how you lie to Villagers so that they can think that you have all the money…remember when HH wrote a letter to the Chinese government and asking for money in exchange for favors and massive contracts once he becomes President…in short HH is far worse than Edward chagwa lungu…so DONT VOTE FOR HH…

  12. Zambians should learn to synthesize the information the writer is communicating to the public. More often comments lack putting forward intelligent arguments to the writer. I believe at this time and after many years of political independence most Zambians should be able to disassociate themselves from arguing merely to protect the sanctity of their political parties. In most cases, some people resort to demeaning HH even when the article does not relate to him. For example, the under 5; die hard tribalist; this moron…etc. There is too much negative pot-rial of HH as a tribalist, coming from some party leaders who don’t mean well. It is clear that through out the campaigns some individuals have instinctively raised negative tribal sentiments against HH, Such tribal prejudices are…

  13. An article must be read with a neutral eye and comment on its content and not based on the name or surname of the writer. Anyone who analyses an article based on the name/surname lens exposes themselves to be tribal to the core. It is the same as those that make comments on issues written by black people from a racial perspective. We must be above this fellow Zambians. We are one people different tribes and tongues, but united as one nation, Zambian.

  14. People seem to miss the fact that what is posted all over social media (UPND videos and the like) is whats happening on the ground. You don’t do a drive show online first and then post the video on the ground….lol. PF has invested in online campaigns, live streaming and trolls everywhere. The battle ground is on cyber space also. HH has broke through road blocks upon roadblocks this time around campaigning, from Lsk to Nakonde. They are real roadblocks on the ground not online trolls. PF is online and HH is on the Ground. This time around, HH has abandoned the NAREP kind of Politics, you know what i mean…

  15. People seem to miss the fact that what is posted all over social media (UPND videos and the like) is whats happening on the ground. You don’t do a drive show online first and then post the video on the ground….lol. PF has invested in online campaigns, live streaming and trolls everywhere. The battle ground is on cyber space also. HH has broke through road blocks upon roadblocks this time around campaigning, from Lsk to Nakonde. They are real roadblocks on the ground not online trolls. PF is online and HH is on the Ground. This time around, HH has abandoned the NAREP kind of Politics, you know what i mean…

    Rebel Music 3 O’Clock Roadblock (1974) – Bob Marley & The Wailers

  16. Some of the comments here are so childish jut like we are seeing on their virtual rallies. There is a demonic spirit in PF that is from the pit of hell. Guys you need to stop this nonsense and repent. This is what mr Lungu likes – people singing praises to him all the time and now he’s become so big headed. Guys you who love him have actually destroyed him because you have not given him good advice. If you really love a person you will tell them the truth. You have only been interested in money. Now you are worried where money will come from.

  17. Nonsense.You have started killing people.You burnt houses of people from other regions when HH lost.Your party is too tribal.Even the same people from different regions supporting you will be beaten by your thugs when you lose election just bcoz they don’t come from the UPND region.We saw what happened in 2016 in Itezh tezhi and namwala.Those p[eople voted for HH but were stoned when he lost.What kind of leader ?Those who support you should bve careful

  18. Yes PF is using virtue and online but you must remember they have been on the ground since 2016 through development and grassroots structures so UPND doing a roadshow in one day in a place you’ve not been for 5 years is as good as blowing hot. The formula is being with people for a longer period, walk with them and try to mitigate their challenges like social cash transfer, early distribution of inputs, favourable price of grain, a hospital there, a school there and a road. Once HH is done with the roadshow in one particular area then people remain to debate whether they should shift or not and guess what its a toll order for them to shift camp meaning the roadshow was just for chimpwena.

  19. Yes PF is using virtue and online but you must remember they have been on the ground since 2016 through development and grassroots structures so UPND doing a roadshow in one day in a place you’ve not been for 5 years is as good as blowing hot air. The formula is being with people for a longer period, walk with them and try to mitigate their challenges like social cash transfer, early distribution of inputs, favourable price of grain, a hospital there, a school there and a road. Once HH is done with the roadshow in one particular area then people remain to debate whether they should shift or not and guess what its a toll order for them to shift camp meaning the roadshow was just for chimpwena. PF has invested heavily in brand royalty..

  20. The problem is they’re only the three tribes who seems to always side with HH. NORTH WESTERN, SOUTHERN AND WESTERN. WHY for once don’t these people want to diversify?. HH can be seen drawing numbers everywhere, clouds everywhere, but take an Easterner or Northern name to campaign in these 3 provinces the numbers will be very disturbing to see.

  21. They are reminded by the hunger in their homes. Social cash only during elections plus a bag of mealie meal every 5 years I would be stupid to vote for PF. Hospitals with expired medicines and unfinished buildings. If you fail to steal this election you are goners ba PF.

  22. What I don’t understand is that PF cadres and supporters do not seem to know the difference between the ruling PF party and the opposition. UPND is not running the government but PF has been for the last 10years so when you comment about UPND not bringing development it sickens me to the core because the PF is the government that has failed to deliver in the last 10 years therefore don’t blame it on the opposition whom you always block from all manner of government funding and equity distribution to develop their respective constituencies.

  23. I did not choose to be born Zambian but “One” who organized world order destined me to be born Zambian and I have to live with the mediocrity of some of the siblings I was assigned to being Zambian! Glorifying and celebrating lesser than deserved is the Zambian trademark! Christianity is a blindfold, truth and empathy a joke, ignorance by choice is lauded, jealousy and malicious gossip makes leaders, while raping of natural resources and thereof that God meant to service the wellbeing of a nation lines pocket change for a few! I would not be alone if reincarnation is a given with opportunity to have wishes granted I’d be placed where the Zambian kind of political circus doesn’t exist probably in places like small islands where living is pristine bonded to nature!

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