Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Bishop Joe Imakando Slaps President Lungu in the Face: Is this the end of Rev. Sumaili?


By Kapya Kaoma.

On August 1, 2021, Bishop Joe Imakando of the Bread of Life did the unorthodox of a Pentecostal Preacher–he slapped President Edgar Lungu in the face; the very man the Reverend Godfridah Sumaili has repeatedly designated as the only God fearing president to ensure Zambia remains a Christian nation. In the presence of Rev. Sumaili and Miles Sampa, Bishop Imakando employed the power of the sacred pulpit to prophetically call on his followers to vote out Lungu in the forthcoming elections. Upon receiving the sacred oracle, in his rage, President Lungu sent the Rev. Sumaili demanding an apology from Bishop Imakando. We won’t know how the story will end or whether the Bishop will double down. But should Lungu be voted out, the Reverend Sumaili, an ordained pastor of Imakando’s Bread of Life Church, will surely become unemployed.

Regardless, the report that President Lungu sent Rev. Sumaili to “express displeasure” to the Bishop, if true, is troubling. Bishop Imakando is not accountable to President Lungu, but to God. The separation of Church and State, and the freedom of expression enshrined in our Constitution stops the President from monitoring what pastors say in pulpits. We should not permit this abuse of power to grow–the president has no power to monitor sermons in Zambia. Preaching is a divine act that must be left free from political manipulation. That Rev. Sumaili and Sampa were in attendance does not mean that the contents of the sermon must change. As a preacher, Bishop Imakando is declaring God’s word to God’s people.

President Lungu and Rev. Sumaili are disappointed by the Bishop’s sermon because they have been used to hearing from the betrayers of the truth–men and women who call black, white and white, black. They are not upset because of Imakando’s sermon, but because of the bishop represents. Unlike those Kaponya pastors whose interests are brown envelopes, Imakando has a legitimate understanding of the sociopolitical and economic stress of the nation. So to hear the bishop speak the truth to power is betrayal of the highest order.

No doubt the relationship between Bishop Imakando and the Lungu administration has been mutually beneficial. The Lungu administration has sought Joe Imakando’s guidance on social and spiritual issues. Zambians, for example, have been saved from false and selfish prophets because of Imakando’s alliance with Rev. Sumaili. Shepherd Bushiri and Uebert Angel hate Imakando for a reason. As a cabinet minister, Rev. Sumaili has raised the profile of Bread of Life in the nation. In a promising close election, the PF wants any Christian vote it can get, and Bread of Life is one major basket. Sadly for Sampa and Lungu, rather than getting the clenched fist, Bishop Imakando slapped their faces–this time the hand of the man of God is pointing Forward.

As the late UN Secretary General, Dag Hammarskjöld, whose plane crashed in Ndola lyrically wrote,

“Never accept what can be gained by giving in.

You will be living off stolen goods,

and your muscles will atrophy.”

Since 2016, one can safely argue, President Lungu has lived on stolen goods of the Pentecostal Christian Identity. Like King Herod in the time of Jesus, his Pentecostal credentials have been particularly shallow. The appointment of Rev. Sumaili to Cabinet sought to Pentecostalize Lungu; it was an attempt to give an aroma of Christianity that he badly needed to attract the overtly Christian electorate. But it also sought to use Rev. Sumaili as an ambassador to Pentecostal Christians.

Both President Lungu and Rev. Sumaili, however, seem to think Imakando’s interests exist solely to serve the PF agenda. This may be true with simple pastors, but not Bishop Imakando whose church would endure beyond the Lungu administration. Hence he has to follow the wind or the spirit. Moreover, unlike Anglican, Reformed, United and Roman Catholic Churches, Imakando’s Church is predominantly urban, thus he needs to address the political aspirations of his urban electorate who are exposed to the social, economic and political challenges of the moment. His sermon could be characterized as a pastoral letter to his members as they head to the polls. This is in direct contrast to the political rants of Rev. Sumaili whose goal is to get president Lungu re-elected.

It is shameful that the PF has been at the forefront of politicizing apolitical institutions–from Unions to Chiefs to Churches. Father Chikoya of the Christian Council of Zambia, Roman Catholic Bishops, and now Bishop Imakando are among the demonized for not endorsing President Lungu in this election. Yet the same people celebrated when over 700 clergy pledged to campaign for President Lungu on the Copperbelt– Rev. Sumaili was there too. President Lungu was excited when Pastors in Kasempa pledged to campaign for him over HH–Prof. Luo graced the event. Is it only right when pastors endorse Lungu, but wrong when they endorse HH? Why the hypocrisy? Didn’t Jesus teach that “do to others what you would have them do to you”? (Matthew 7:12). Rev. Sumaili should know better.

Please vote wisely for the sake of the future of our nation. Change or no change, your vote is your sacred duty through which you declare what matters most in your life. On Thursday August 11, 2021, go out and vote! Take your neighbor with you. Remember your vote may be the one that can make the difference between Lungu and HH–it is 50+1. You may be the 1.


  1. Above article; provide a lot of information about constitutional Court decision to ignore the problem speaks volumes about its lack of leadership.

    “Mr. Kampyongo said the Constitutional Court has already ruled on the eligibility of President Lungu in the 2021 general elections and President Lungu will be on the ballot paper.
    Mr. Kampyongo said President Lungu has taken development to all parts of the country because he loves all the Zambian people.”-LT

    • Imagine, how has our constitution changed from 10 years to 12 years when a president rules for 2 terms. As for me, a Zambian full of love for mother zambia I see all the people behind mr ECL as ALIENS to our nation. Amano yena tabakwata

  2. No body, especially the men of God should be happy with the current state of affairs where PF caders even raid the main police station to beat up police officers , where the same PF caders harass and hold the public at ransom at bus stops and in markets…….

    PF caders smash radio stations hosting opposition,

    Lungu has allowed this to happen……..

    Even the blatant tribal attacks against tongas , it is lungu allowing that.

  3. No body, especially the men of God should be happy with the current state of affairs where PF caders even raid the main police station to beat up police officers , where the same PF caders harass and hold the public at ransom at bus stops and in markets…….

    PF caders smash radio stations hosting opposition,

    Lungu has allowed this to happen……..

    Even the blatant atta.cks against ton.gas , it is lungu allowing that.

  4. Excellent article. Theft, gassing of innocent civilians—“the thief comes to steal and kill…” john 10:10. This has been the experience with Lungu and these pf thugs. Nothing Christian or humble about this at all so kudos to the man of God for calling a spade a spade!

  5. Every citizen has the right to call for the lawful removal of a non performing President through the ballot, so Joe Imakando hasn’t done anything wrong. Lungu must know that he hasn’t behaved in a dignified manner during his presidency. So what is he annoyed about? The only reason some of us have opted to support him is because we don’t want the UPND agenda of promotion of Tonga superiority

  6. Because Kaoma has been publicly poking against PF and ECL for a very very long time he feels so consolidated the fact that Imakando seemed or seems to be sounding like him. The disparaging pulpit task embarked on by Imakando strictly state that preachers too need to observe the separation of Church and State as prescribed by Christ. The freedom of expression enshrined in our Constitution should not be politically inclined and the bias used in Churches otherwise the separation of state and church will be shredded. We know Kaoma Kapya as an unhinged compromised LT Post author/writer and his satire is weird. This weirdo scoundrel can’t stomach a third consecutive beating of h² by ECL and the eminent firth fall of h² in this polls.

  7. Above article; provide a lot of information about constitutional Court insufficiency.

    “Mr. Kampyongo said the Constitutional Court has already ruled on the eligibility of President Lungu in the 2021 general elections and President Lungu will be on the ballot paper.
    Mr. Kampyongo said President Lungu has taken development to all parts of the country because he loves all the Zambian people.”-LT

  8. The only problem with this article is to call those pastors who think President Lungu has done well, Kaponyas and Bishop Imakando a true man of God because his message resonates with this author and his like minded. When Father Lupupa issued sentiments in favour of PF from the pulpit, I said it was not right because people don’t go to church to hear politics or who they should vote for because that’s a personal decision and church members are politically diverse. One thing I would not agree from Bishop Imakando’s message is that the current economic challenges and sufferings of Zambians were as a result of PF being in government. Hasn’t he seen any good done by PF? I don’t think rural members of bread of life who didn’t have electricity since independence, hospitals, schools,tarred…

  9. Psalm 2

    The Messiah’s Triumph and Kingdom

    2 Why do the nations rage,
    And the people plot a vain thing?
    2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
    And the rulers take counsel together,
    Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
    3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces
    And cast away Their cords from us.”
    4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
    The Lord shall hold them in derision.
    5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
    And distress them in His deep displeasure:
    6 “Yet I have set My King
    On My holy hill of Zion.”

  10. Romans 13

    Submit to Government

    13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also…

  11. “As a preacher, Bishop Imakando is declaring God’s word to God’s people.” Says Kapya Kaoma. Is there any declaration of God in preaching about change of Govt in politics? Joe Imakando just lost it, he must apologise unreserdly or throw away the white collar and the black robe and enter into the political ring you cannot be both. His young brother is in UPND and naturally he would be inclined to that party but only at individual level you cannot hoodwink the followers to a political party using the pulpit. Whether he likes it or not not all his followers would like to vote HH.

  12. Leave the Rev. out of you ulterior motives Kapya. Leave Miles out of your confusion and just join forces with Imakando. But from where I stand Joseph Imakando is not likely to double down rather unlike you he is quoted as saying his message was misinterpreted. Unlike you, Imakando commands a crowd of people called Christians. Within Imakando’s church the every membership could support any one of the 16 presidential candidates. It is wrong for gentleman in the pulpit to turn a church service into a political rally yangu ba Kapya. Why are you so excited over this? This kid is as possessed as upndead cult general membership. Calm down sick puppy.

  13. Dear troubled Kapya.
    Leave the Rev. out of you ulterior motives Kapya. Leave Miles out of your confusion and just join forces with Imakando. But from where I stand Joseph Imakando is not likely to double down rather unlike you he is quoted as saying his message was misinterpreted. Unlike you, Imakando commands a crowd of people called Christians. Within Imakando’s church the every membership could support any one of the 16 presidential candidates. It is wrong for gentleman in the pulpit to turn a church service into a political rally yangu ba Kapya. Why are you so excited over this? This kid is as possessed as upndead general membership. Calm down sick

  14. Dear troubled Kapya.
    Leave the Rev. out of you ul.terior motives Kapya. Leave Miles out of your con.fusion and just join forces with Imakando. But from where I stand Joseph Imakando is not likely to double down rather unlike you he is quoted as saying his message was misinterpreted. Unlike you, Imakando commands a crowd of people called Christians. Within Imakando’s church the every membership could support any one of the 16 presidential candidates. It is wrong for gentleman in the pulpit to turn a church service into a political rally ya.ngu ba Kapya. Why are you so excited over this? This k.i.d is as possessed as upnd.ead general membership. Calm down

  15. Did imakando endorse HH or he said there is need to change? This is where chaps like kaoma get it wrong. Come next week, people will decide and next, it will be petition.

  16. Dear troubled Kapya.
    Leave the Rev. out of your ul.terior motives Kapya. Leave Miles out of your con.fusion and just join forces with Ima.ka.ndo. But from where I stand Joseph Ima.ka.ndo is not likely to double down rather unlike you he is quoted as saying his message was misinterpreted. Unlike you, Ima.ka.ndo commands a crowd of people called Christians. Within Ima.ka.ndo’s church the every membership could support any one of the 16 presidential candidates. It is wrong for gentleman in the pulpit to turn a church service into a political rally ya.ngu ba Kapya. Why are you so excited over this? This k.i.d is as possessed as upnd.ead general membership. Calm down

  17. Lungu needs to grow a pair. He has all the other pastors, he won’t rest until he has Imakando too?

  18. I thank God tha God is going to raise real men and women of God who have the backbone of iron like John the Baptist. Men and women who are prepared to have their own head on the chopping board. In Paul’s time we had Christians jailed for saying the truth. I pray that bishop Imakando will not backdown from what he said. Just because you are a preacher doesn’t mean that you stop seeing the suffering of the people. We are praying for you bishop Imakando. Let those who want the brown envelopes keep up but judgment is coming. Ngariyende vangeri. Fire, fire vangeri. Keep the fire burning bishop God is with you. God bless you.

  19. Lazy Lungu is lucky vocal men of god have either retired or passed….and I am talking about religious men who preached from rural areas with nothing in their pockets and incorruptible. Lazy Lungu would have been flying all over with sacks of money attempting to bribe them. Rev. Sumaili is a shameless hen not worthy of any religious title.


  21. I personally respect Ba Bishop from my school days but this one is wrong. How can he turn a church service into a political rally?
    Who gives him the right to decide for his congregants who they should vote for? If the current president is doing something wrong, why not use your influence and cousel him?
    Mr. Kapya, what kind of writer are you? You are so biased, it is embarrassing. Learn to balance things. There is nothing spiritual or christian about a pastor using the pulpit for political messages.

  22. PF Exchange rate to dollar K23 MMD K6
    PF Inflation 22% MMD 6%
    PF Fuel per liter K17 MMD K6
    PF Mealie meal K130 MMD K30
    PF 1 month reserves MMD 1 Year
    PF GDB 19 billion Dollars MMD 25 billion
    And Bishop Imakando must say vote for PF, How surely

  23. Its very encouraging to know that we still have real objective men of God like Imakando. And others like George Lungu, Telesphore Mpundu, John Mambo and others who do not sugar coat things and say the truth. If all economic indicators are down what would be the rationale for one to vote for PF, vote for PF based on what, Fly over bridges? Defies logic

  24. The Economist intelligence “PF CAN NOT WIN A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION” , that is why you are saying dictatorial tendencies like keeping the public media like ZNBC TV to themselves to the exclusion of opposition who are tax payers used to run ZNBC. Who does that?

  25. I am a Roman Catholic, I sided with the catholic bishops in USA who, with respect to abortion, preferred Trump. I did not side with Pope Francis who preferred democrats. Imakando get it, HH and UNPD have no workable song, ECL has demonstrated good leadership. Imakando, as a man of God, assure as that HH will not legalise homosexuality and bring abortion for business in Zambia. You should openly be preparing your church members to resist political parties with disorganised beliefs. ECL has stood against homosexuality, he is a God fearing person.

  26. Please Zambians I am neither PF nor UPND but surely PF must go, because what are they going to come and do that they have not done in 10 years with failure written all over unless if you have eaten that fly over bridge and mwakuta

  27. Even if they cancel flight permits for HH to many parts of Zambia to campaign, we are still voting for the man, these tricks don’t change anything.

  28. Nah it wasn’t a slap actually the pasta was saying change the political landscape by sending under 5 to his seventh loss… yes hakaluser nafuti nafuti ….

    • Martin, I know not real name but you are the people telling these leaders that things are working and then as Zambia you start breaking records of having the worst performing currency, and being the first to default on loans, and that is why one head of state in East Africa said our economy is okay we are not defaulting, also check these stats assuming you know what they mean, inflation, exchange rate, reserves, GDP, debt, corruption perception index, once you have checked, lets chat

  29. Everyone knows that things MUST change. If it were not so, President Lungu would have handed over to someone else knowing that he has run his race and FINISHED his course. But no. As you can see this week, he has made more promises in the last month that he has made in 7 years on the seat! It shows that he too, deep down in his heart, knows that things are not ok. He wants taxes to come down. He wants employment to go up. He wants cost of living to fall. He wants people to be healthier. Lungu wants to do good by the country. So, Bishop Imakando’s message was also for Lungu to change course. Every sensible person must be appraised. No one is perfect. We all must learn from past mistakes.

  30. The change zed needs was after all your preference…come home and vote..lest change remains in your head only…ukupwilafya muchisungu

  31. There is nothing that Bishop Imakando has said that is not true the man is being truthful, if things are not working you change, that is a simple real life truth. You think IMF was not going to give us money if all was well. Its because they know all is not well here

  32. #32@Monica
    “Please Zambians I am neither PF nor UPND but surely PF must go, because what are they going to come and do that they have not done in 10 years with failure written all over unless if you have eaten that fly over bridge and mwakuta”
    Development bane is a process and a country as big as Zambia is not akantamba and with so much inherited challages coupled with the external shocks that ravaged the nation, it’s just appropriate to appreciate what PF has done in the last 10 years regardless of the weaknesses we have noticed in the governance of the nation. Afwilefe ukubwelelapo bane in all fairness.

  33. Is ECZ going to ban PF campaigns in shiwangandu arising from the violence on the socialist party candidate. And this is a place where in the past the PF caders were always stoning helicopters carry opposition leaders during campaigns

  34. Unless Imakando is a coward. Did he apologise to appease someone? What was his apology for if he really mean that there must be change of govt? Either he has no backbone or he is dead scared. Because he represents the body of Christ he didn’t lie, he us not a coward; he means what he said: he was misconstrued by everyone.

  35. Unless Imakando is a coward. Did he apologise to appease someone? What was his apology for if he really mean that there must be change of govt? Either he has no backbone or he is dead scared. Because he represents the body of Christ he didn’t lie, he IS not a coward; he meant what was corrected: he was misconstrued by everyone.

  36. No rid!culous and insulting comments from the troll from the UK? Is KZ sick? Has he seen the light? Has he been silenced by his former boss? Moderated to death?

  37. I will not vote for someone who will lead this nation into homosexuality..Jack mwiibu is on record saying Zambia is a member of UN that speaks of human rights, gay people,Jack mwiibu said national day of prayer is a congregation of willful sinners.

  38. What makes people think hichilema will change things for them, If he has failed to uplift the living standard of his mother in law! Wake up deception is real

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