Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government planning to enhance castor production-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has proposed for the creation of a multi-disciplinary taskforce to develop a roadmap on how castor can be promoted in the country.

Speaking in Serenje yesterday at the Zambia Castor Industry Multipurpose Cooperative Society, President Lungu says more work and research needs to be done in order to boost castor production in Zambia.

Mr Lungu expressed confidence that castor has the potential to reach standards that have been set for crops such as maize, soya beans and wheat in the country.

The President said the growing of castor is in line with government’s policy of diversifying crop production.

“The promotion of castor production sits very well with my government’s goal of ensuring that the agriculture sector is diversified, climate resilient, export oriented and private sector driven,” Mr Lungu said.

The head of state however cautioned against repeating past mistakes made during the promotion of new crops.

President Lungu cited mistake such as limited investment in training of farmers on how to grow and market new crops.

Mr Lungu also enlisted lack of a sustainable strategy, which ensures regular income for farmers, as they await returns from the new crop as another challenge in the past.

He added that previous castor projects failed to take off, because of the lack of strategic partnerships.

“Therefore, partnerships with people experienced in Castor Bean production is critical in ensuring the success of this project,” Mr Lungu noted.

The President pledged his government’s total support to producers of the crop.

Mr Lungu advised the farmers to avoid shortcuts and ensure that the art of producing castor beans is not affected.

He thanked the traditional leadership in the area for supporting the project.

“I wish to express my gratitude to their royal highnesses, Chieftainess Serenje and Chief Kabamba for the support they have rendered to this castor project,” the President said.

Castor seeds are used as one of the chief ingredients in a wide variety of medicines in treating Rheumatism and Arthritis among other diseases.


  1. Few days away from the national election the front runner from each party PF or UPND supposed to counter react, to minimize uncertainty. PF you like yourself too much. You don’t care about democracy.

    “Democracy is government in which power and civic responsibility are exercised by all adult citi- zens, directly, or through their freely elected rep- resentatives. Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights.”

  2. Is somebody actually COUNTING how many empty promises Edgar China Lungu makes in the last week before the election?

  3. He has proved more times than not that he delivers on promise. He can be trusted than those that promise heaven on earth.

  4. It’s like a guy who goes on a rampage with women promising them marriage and planning to support the kids he is sowing… wild.

  5. 7 years in govt still going around making promises about his govt planning something…he can not even keep count of his promises, in the nations interest just go to rest you have no leadership qualities your bootlickers know that but because they are eating and fattening its all good.

  6. I remember a certain young man by the name of Ingimbu an ex Solwezi Boys (brother to former Minister Christable Ingimbu and Col. Teddy Ingimbu made efforts to promote large scale growing of castor oil ( Imonu) in North Western Province some 20 years ago. There was much hope but later the whole concept just died until this time around. I am sure the information is gathering dust at the Ministry of Agriculture.

  7. Our incoming president ECL is encouraging us to put our resources to good use. The key words are;
    Castor seeds are used as one of the chief ingredients in a wide variety of medicines in treating Rheumatism and Arthritis among other diseases.

    The President pledged his government’s total support to producers of the crop.

  8. Rants of a “A LAME-DUCK PRESIDENT”, Lungu where were you all these years when real patriotic Zambian’s were calling for your leadership. Unfortunately you will have to leave with your LEGACY of deceit which includes “fake humbleness”, violence, corruption, tribalism, covid-19 neglence, election rigging (eg stolen ballots buried in a grave in Kalulushi).
    Bye the way, which Zambian will allow you to continue abusing power, including your planned arrest of HH.

  9. This is what Lungu’s mentor Mugabe and best friend Mnangagwa have reduced Zimbabwe to and a culture he is embracing with both hands.
    The history of torture in the Zimbabwe body politic has been too blatant to miss and at the centre of it has been the State, the current, former and departed leaders.
    From the Gukurahundi atrocities that killed over 20 000 people in the 1980s, to Murambatsvina atrocities, the chaotic land reform programme and the never-ending cycle of election violence and lately the killing of civilians for exercising their right to protest, Zimbabwe has known little peace.
    In fact, peace has been an occasional episode in the regular drama of pain, torture, abductions and even murder of perceived anti-government proponents.
    Jestina Mukoko is one of the many victims of…

  10. Continue
    Jestina Mukoko is one of the many victims of torture at the hands of State actors and her testimony is painful.
    Discussing her ordeal with Alpha Media Holdings chairperson Trevor Ncube in the latest episode of In Conversation with Trevor, she points out that torture is one thing no one can recover from, because there are always reminders.
    Mukoko was abducted from her Norton home in 2008 at the height of terrifying State fury targeting perceived anti-government elements.
    Her heart-wrenching story at the hands of State agents reads similar to the abduction, torture, arrest and the continued harassment of Harare West Member of Parliament Joanah Mamombe together with two MDC Alliance youth assembly leaders, Netsai Marova and Cecilia Chimbiri, which started last year.
    Many people…

  11. We have thus far devoted a great deal of time and space to PF failures to address the unprecedented levels of poverty, inequality, unemployment, corruption, national debt, declining economic growth, and so forth. The Republican president, however, has devoted his time to commissioning and re-commissioning projects initiated during the reign of other presidents and funded mainly by our development partners, threatening to cage his political opponents on imaginary charges, showering gifts and donations on chieftains and other members of society, and soliciting for endorsements of his candidature from chiefs and members of the clergy. The people’s quality of life, though, extends beyond these issues. I am right now watching the Olympics in Tokyo – a young lady by the name Sifan Hassan,…

  12. … Kenyans, Ethiopians, and athletes from other countries are competing at their highest levels. But Zambians cannot enjoy such luxuries due to the fact that most of them do not have TV sets and those who have such electronic devices are trapped by ZNBC that has a monopoly on nation-wide programming. Talk about the general lack of places or parks where citizens can go for relaxation and rejuvenation! Socialist institutions like the IDC (an imitation of INDECO) cannot invest in the provision of such facilities; and neither can private investors for fear that the government may eventually decide to nationalize or expropriate their businesses. Whither my beloved country?

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