Saturday, July 27, 2024

All polling stations have now closed-ECZ


The Electoral Commission of Zambia has announced that all polling stations have officially been closed. Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chief Electoral Officer Kryticous Nshindano says the last polling stations closed at 05:00 hours in the morning, in Mwenshi ward of Lunga district, Luapula Province.

Mr Nshindano noted that there were also late closures of polling stations in Nalolo district, in Western Province, due to them only commencing the voting process late at 15:00 hours.

He stated that the commission has started receiving results, however, the commission is yet to receive consolidated results at constituency level.

“The commission shall give an update of the results at 15:00 for all the constituencies that would have been consolidated by then,” he said.

Chief Electoral Officer has since called on stakeholders and the general public to remain patient with the commission, as they remain determined to announce the final results within 72 hours from the close of the last polling station.

Mr Nshindano said this during a briefing held at the National Results Centre, in Lusaka today.

However, the announcement has been received with mixed feelings by some political parties.

New Heritage Party Deputy Secretary General, Edwin Zulu commended the Commission for the tireless work done so far, but however called on the ECZ to begin announcing the results that have been received without further delay.

“The ECZ have done a good job from post-election planning till now, we just hope that they do not disappoint us now,” he said.

Meanwhile, United States of America Embassy Charge’ D’Affaires to Zambia, David Young has expressed sadness over the loss of lives due to political violence.

Mr Young said the death of North-western Province Patriotic Front Chairperson, Jackson Kungo was a terrible tragedy, adding that all the perpetrators must be brought to justice.

He stated that the US government will continue to support peace as all Zambians want peace.

“I would like to pass my sincere condolences to the families of their loved ones during this election period,” he added.

Mr Young Also appealed to the residents to maintain peace as the results are being announced.


  1. The upnd are again prematurely celebrating like premature ejaculation even before the results are tallied. They will cry again because pvt is showing ecl has won

  2. Chagwa, wagwa mambala iwe kikikikiki

    The same people you have been belittling are voting you out of office. Mupando wa President belongs to the Zambian people not to one person.

    I wonder if Kaizar can even sustain an erection for a minute kikikikiki
    Premature ejaculation is what you are good at Kaizar

  3. Kaizar, you were a poor chap before the PF won elections. Your civil service salary can’t buy the items that you have accumulated in the last 10 years.
    That’s how we know that you stole from all of us Zambians
    Shame on you Kaizar. Shame on your boss Lungu and anyone who enriched themselves at the expense of the Zambian people

    Bye bye PF and good luck in your future endeavors

  4. @ Kaizar -By 15:00 hours when we get the official results. We don’t want to see your stupid profile on this platform. You are done. We told you this day was coming. *****.

  5. Has the consolidated results been announced, it is 10am here (4pm now Zambian Time) and results were due an hour ago.
    The ECZ website is useless, and still not updated, anywhere we can see up to date results?

  6. Let ECZ officials all go for fresher courses on
    How to tabulate votes and announce.Even
    Countries with ten times our population
    Manage to declare winner in two days.

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