Saturday, July 27, 2024

10 African Heads of State, Government to attend HH’s inauguration


Ten Heads of State and Government from African countries have confirmed that they will attend President-elect Hakainde Hichilema’s inauguration ceremony in Lusaka today.

Secretary to the Cabinet, Simon Miti, disclosed that Heads of State and Government from Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, the Kingdom of Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe will be present at the inauguration ceremony.

Dr. Miti said in a statement to the media that Angola will be represented by its Vice President while Ethiopia and Rwanda will have their Parliament Speakers at the swearing-in ceremony.

“The former Heads if State of the Republics of Botswana, Tanzania, and Nigeria as well as the former Prime Minister of Kenya will attend the ceremony,” he said.

He revealed that dignitaries from the United Kingdom, United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Ghana and high level representatives from the African Union Commission, the Commonwealth Secretariat, COMESA Secretariat, SADC Secretariat and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region Secretariat will also be among those in attendance at Heroes Stadium in Lusaka.

“The attendance of the high level dignitaries is a testament of Zambia’s continued growing bonds of cordial relations with other countries and its effective participation in regional, sub-regional, continental and international organisations,” Dr. Miti explained.

He added that the response to attend the ceremony by these dignitaries was in recognition of Zambia’s stature on the international stage and its conduct of foreign relations.

“The Government of the Republic of Zambia remains committed to the principles that underpin its foreign policy in furtherance of strong relations with other countries and international organizations,” he said.


  1. How many heads of state attended Biden’s or Boris Johnson’s inaugurations? African leaders have lots of time/money to waste no wonder we’re the poorest continent.

  2. Number one, don`t compare African culture with USA or UK. we are Africans and we do things different. These heads of State are not using your money, let them enjoy the moment. Just don`t write anything if you don`t have anything good to say.

  3. “…..He added that the response to attend the ceremony by these dignitaries was in recognition of Zambia’s stature on the international stage and its conduct of foreign relations……”

    They are attending to make sure the corrupt humble one is gone……..

    Could not wait to see the back of him……

  4. The Chinese don’t respect us we do business with them but they did not send anyone to represent them here..

    We shall see them ..
    And this is Personal..

  5. @Spaka
    You need healing. You hateful obsession of Lungu and PF is no different from that exhibited by many for HH and UPND! The so called humble corrupt has been voted out and moved on. Now it’s time for righting the wrongs and charting the way FORWARD. Factually contribute on what you think the new regime ought to do to sustain the kwacha at the current dizzy heights it has soared to. First it was claimed the corrupt humble leader and his ilk were artificially propping the currency to gain political mileage. Then it was attributed to the confidence of the investors in the incoming regime. Remember, we have been down this road before! KK was said to have stashed away sums of money equivalent to the country’s debt. $5 bn in resources could not recover the Chiluba embezzlement. RB and…

  6. I don’t see any reason some of you headless chickens to comment.

    Africans we have our own culture don’t compare to Europeans or any. Let African leaders celebrate.

  7. Bro35d – I think that you are missing the point. It is really extravagant for African leaders to embrace this habit of moonlighting. A Presidential trip is very expensive – question the morality of doing this when there are no medicines in hospitals, kids committing suicide because they do not have money for school despite good results. It has nothing to do with Africanness. Africanness was the converging of these leaders to escort KK.

  8. #11  David N 
    August 24, 2021 At 8:41 am

    You need healing. You hateful obsession of Lungu and PF is no different from that exhibited by many for HH and UPND! The so called humble corrupt has been voted out and moved on. Now it’s time for righting the wrongs and charting the way FORWARD. Factually contribute on what you think……”

    There can no healing after the trauma inflicted by lungu with answers from him or a truth commission………

    Apart from the allegations of rampant corruption, 50 people were lynched in our towns like culled diseased animals by irate mobs of fellow Zambians………such mass murder blood letting has never been seen in zambia before.

    We need answers , ……….

    least we forget and history repeats itself …

  9. I think we must now stop Lungu this HH that. We must unite and move forward. We have lessons to learn from the past but we have a future to shape for the better. And so hate speech and character assassinations must be things of the past.

  10. #14 Spaka
    Take a leaf at Rwanda. It is now the envy of the entire Africa because it devoted it’s energies to development rather than pursue the perpetrators of the genocide. I am not supporting the heinous acts by the “PF commanders” and the “Amelicans”, they immensely helped de-campaign the regime and what good riddance! I am simply alive to the fact that the process of trying to hold the culprits to account will call for resources which we can ill afford at this point as a country. Maybe you need to start an organisation along the lines of the selective Hague and use crowd funding for the cause – Remember , Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord

  11. #17  David N 
    August 24, 2021 At 1:19 pm

    “#14 Spaka
    Take a leaf at Rwanda. It is now the envy of the entire Africa because it devoted it’s energies to development rather than pursue the perpetrators of the genocide…”

    Every country, including Rwanda went through a sort of truth and reconciliation process where the perpetrators admit their wrongs……..that is what zambia needs ,least we forget and embolden future thugs in GRZ……..

    For zambia to move forward and develop , future generations must be taught the wrongs cader thug rule and state capture by thugs……

    I can tell you , had the election against lungu been anything less than 500,000 votes , he was not going to go anywhere…..

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