Saturday, July 27, 2024

MMD condemns booing of former president


President Lungu with Daughter Tasila at the Inauguration

Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) president Nevers Mumba has condemned the booing of the former president Edgar Lungu during the inauguration ceremony of President Hakainde Hichilema at National Heroes stadium yesterday.

Mr. Lungu was booed by United Party for National Development (UPND) supporters as he was arriving the stadium to handover instruments of power to President Hichilema.

The booing of Dr. Lungu has also roundly been condemned across social media platforms and by some senior citizens.

Reacting to the incident, Dr. Mumba said it was ‘unZambia’ to boo elderly people, more especially that Dr. Lungu is a former head of state.

He explained that the dislodging of the PF from government was enough to punish the previous regime hence booing the former president was disrespectful and unnecessary.

He explained that Zambia has scored accolades on the international scene for holding three smooth transitions of power from the outgoing to the incoming president.

Dr. Mumba lamented that the booing of Dr. Lungu has however subtracted some moral values. He said Zambia missed an opportunity to paint a good picture of its moral values in the eyes of invited foreign dignitaries.

He further said if not condemned, the booing of Dr. Lungu will set a bad precedents for future former presidents.

Dr. Mumba said despite the PF causing a lot of pain among Zambians, it was not proper to boo the former president.

He has since called on all Zambians to desist from embracing the culture of booing former national leaders.

He recalled that the late former president Kenneth Kaunda was booed with tomatoes and eggs thrown at him at Independence stadium as he went to surrender power to the then president Frederick Chiluba.

He said this in a video posted on his social media Facebook page today.

Meanwhile, the Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has commended former president Edgar Lungu for peacefully transferring power to President Hakainde Hichilema following the former’s defeat in the August 12, 2021 general elections.

SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said by conceding defeat peacefully, Dr. Lungu showed respect to Zambia’s democratic tenets.

Mr. Cheembe said his organisation was happy with the growth of Zambia’s democracy, which he said is a good example to the African continent and the world at large.

He stated that Dr. Lungu ran his race and contributed to Zambia’s development.

He said the immediate past president, just like any other leaders, scored successes and failures during his rule.

Mr. Cheembe said the onus now remains on the seventh Republican President Mr. Hichilema to continue with developing the country.

He has since urged Zambians citizens, various stakeholders and other countries to support President Hichilema as his administration implements campaign promises.

“The voter turnout and the vote given to the President is a testimony of high expectations that the people of Zambia have in the President and his administration,” he said.

Mr. Cheembe further stated that many Zambians will take hope from the positive inauguration speech that gave a broad framework on various issues the new administration intends to do.

“We wish the President and its administration the best as they start their new journey to govern the country,” Mr. Cheembe said.


  1. Nevers Mumba, why don’t you go back to that little church from you, and shut up. You got all of 0.00001% of the votes during last week’s election, so absolutely NOBODY is interested in ANYTHING you say!

  2. The problem of cadrerism seems to be the oder of the day in Zambia, you may say it ended with the outgoing government , that cannot be true because those booing ECL were the incoming cadres so it is all a carry over.
    We trust something will change to right side of the story of Zambians.
    You may have been offended by his rule but he is now gone because you disapproved his leadership style but he gives in politely there is no harm in that.


  4. UPND is even justifying the booing
    My advice to ECL is never to attend State functions, because these UPND people will continue humiliating him.

  5. #3  wajimona 
    August 25, 2021 At 8:13 pm

    “UPND is even justifying the booing
    My advice to ECL is never to attend State functions, because these UPND people will continue humiliating him…”

     You mean humiliating him the way he humiliated the opposition leaders ????

  6. If ECL is clean and committed no crime,

    I see HEHH inviting him on stage to offer reconciliation and healing of the countries deep divisions ………….

  7. Nevers what do you think has been happening in the last 7 years …you expect people to cheer Lazy Lungu!!

  8. Whatever shortcomings he had, it does not justify that sort of behaviour. What picture of Zambians do the distinguished guests now carry home with them? Did’nt they come in honour and respect for Zambians for the mature and civilised way in which they brought in their new leader?

  9. “SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said by conceding defeat peacefully, Dr. Lungu showed respect to Zambia’s democratic tenets.”-LT

    If you America’s never issued this statement:)”When these efforts to support democracy do not work and fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms are violated, the United States can and does apply visa restrictions, travel bans and financial sanctions.  We apply these measures because we are serious about our commitment to human rights and democratic principles.  We will hold accountable any individuals who promote violence, undermine electoral processes, engage in fraudulent or corrupt behavior, or otherwise violate democratic rights and the foundations of free elections.”)He would have never conceded.

  10. A former VP leading a former ruling party should have been among the 3 leading contenders of last election. Instead, he came out 10th, with no parliamentary seat and beaten by people who joined politics yesterday.

  11. There would have been accolades for the former president had he realized it was worth leading honorably then. Leaders need to take care of such when in leadership so there is no clash back.

  12. #10  Ndoleshyafye 
    August 25, 2021 At 11:00 pm

    “UPND in my opinion is a heartless party. Very disrespectful including their MPs…”

    It was not UPND booing lungu , but the long suffering citizens who have suffered at the hands of PF cader thugs for 10 long years…….

    And what do you call the beatings, teargassing and detentions , some times for up to 1 year , suffered by the opposition at the hands of the then ruling PF ……..????

    Was that nice treatment of political opponents ??

    You reap what you sow………and now PF will reap what they planted……

    only HEHH is a good man , otherwise most of them need to be treated the way they treated the UPND……

  13. UPND,,,,Everyone knows who they are and i dont see any sane Zambian voting for them again,,,soon Zambians will realize that they made a very big mistake,,,,,,full of hate and now Zambia is ruled by evil

  14. I’m with Dr Mumba here. We should grow up. I was never a Lungu fan but give the guy some respect and some admiration for taking the courage to come hand over power. Unlike some coward called Donald Trump who could nt find the nerve to face the victor

  15. I’m with Dr Mumba here. We should grow up. I was never a Lungu fan but give the guy some respect and some admiration for taking the courage to come hand over power. Unlike some coward called Donald Trump who could n’t find the nerve to face the victor

  16. Nine Chale – That fence has been stuck in your backside for too long…maybe your German wife can slap some sense into you!

  17. People boo during sports matches, at speeches they don’t like, in Parliament etc. You cannot legislate for that. What do you do – ask everyone to sign a pledge that they won’t boo once they enter an arena of some kind? Whether one deems it appropriate or not, it is one way of expressing dissatisfaction at something or someone. ECL booed many Zambians indirectly when he did not defend them against many atrocities, including death. On many occasions he let things happen and still kept quiet afterwards. Do we have short memories? The week before the election he was saying he will arrest HH after he wins -and that the likes of HH would have been killed elsewhere. There are other examples. Yet, a stadium of people whose emotions you can’t control should not boo him?

  18. Nine Chale – That fence has been stuck in your backside for too long you sit on…maybe your German wi-fe can slap some sense into you!

  19. Raphael Mangani NAKACINDA and Felix Mutati were appointed and funded with one goal to destroy you and MMD ….you are foooooolish enough to condemn the people who were booing…please Never go to your church and just eat tithes!!

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  21. ”When these efforts to support democracy do not work and fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms are violated, the United States can and does apply visa restrictions, travel bans and financial sanctions. We apply these measures because we are serious about our commitment to human rights and democratic principles. We will hold accountable any individuals who promote violence, undermine electoral processes, engage in fraudulent or corrupt behavior, or otherwise violate democratic rights and the foundations of free elections.”

  22. @Spaka and Tarino
    Please Lungu is not President anymore now start talking about HH….you know HH has no clue what he is doing or where to start from..American Presidents start working on day one…in Zambia day one is for increasing the size of the Presidential motorcade….looks like we have another Chakwera in the name of HH…this guy was dreaming about power and if he loses i dont think he will attend the inaguration and hand over power

  23. Both men must be commended for conceding and embracing the outcome of the elections as eyes of the globe were focused on them. They displayed maturity and professional conduct. As a people Zambians have to grow and learn from this display of power transfer. Indeed , it’s not easy to heal from misdeeds of the past or recover in retrospect. It’s time to write a new chapter as in an aggressive economic agenda and political will and drive. The moribund slumber we have been in did not emanate from the last 7 years per se. Walk back. We have been economically comatose and politically inept throughout all the past regimes, bar none! If the new President is to succeed, he will need the help of a united, civil society, YOU. He will encounter many immediate speedbumps and potholes as well as…

  24. Saulosi your wrong American presidents don’t start working from day 1 , they get elected on Nov 4 and start in last January the following year , Also in the US its called free speech unlike here where you can get locked up for saying bad things about the president and gov’t. Lungu was a useless President and he was a Public Servant, which means he was to serve us not us serve him , after all we as tax payers paid his salary and life style expenses and will continue to pay his retirement pension and other perks until he kicks the bucket

  25. Boo the id1ot, the chap was ruthless and he had dictator tendencies, had I been there I would have booed my langs out

  26. Over the several decades of self accorded “independence ” while the iron jaws of the big congloramites continued to play hocus pocus with our economy, we lay dormant, surceptable, incompetent beggers who remain chained to indebtedness to global institutions built on our natural wealth. We need an aggressive, viable partnership confluence with international partners.. To accomplish that , as a nation, we cannot afford to be in the malaise and moribund blame game any further. These elections shone the light on African Democracy. Now let us shine on the world. Good luck and blessings Your Excellency President Hachilema.

  27. Its good that Zambians can express themselves freely without fear of harrassment. Respect is earned and is a privilege not an automatic right just because of your former position and definitely because of your age. The rules of humanity are easy, don’t mistreat people and you will find that they will respect you. Simples.

  28. After all the kleptomaniac stealing and dictatorship he exposed us to, he had to take that walk of shame before the whole world. Had it been in Sudan, he would have been caged like Al Bashir or worse in Liberia, shot off like a dog called Kanyon Doe.

  29. @Cosmos
    Am an American voter buddy….US President get to work on day one…straight from being sworn in….they make their cabinets whilst they’re called President elect….everything is put in place….January 20 is the official day for being sworn in and right away they swing into action….everything is well organized here buddy…easier said than done Joe Biden is about to give up……

  30. All UPND supporters please concentrate on your President HH….kikikikikikiki looks like you don’t know where to find Jobs for the youths ..soon they will start protests in the streets

  31. Before ECL was elected president in 2016 he was hated by UPND. When ruled they never celebrated anything he did. HH only once acknowledged ECL in the opening speech of his inauguration. UPND is bitter for other reasons. ECL was in the way of their aspirations. I knew that if PF lost ECL would easily handover, however, if he won there would be war in Zambia today. UPND must understand the Zambia voted with them therefore making this victory a tribal victory is betrayal of the people that supported them. Lets not make Zambia a one party state. Allow us who don’t agree with you to exercise our right in peace. You have won prove yourselves

  32. In a related article I tried to post about freedom of expression and some subjectively said it is different than freedom of stupidity which the blogger claimed the people at the stadium were expressing. Maybe. But freedom still stands out. I will try and say this was some sort of collective carthasis. You don’t know how anyone in tight shoes feels when they kick off those shoes. This will result in more pushback but I am not tempted to offer an opinion on right or wrong. Still.

  33. I have always said this and I am saying it again going by the unpalatable comments above. Voting UPND in government would bring in a very intolerable regime never witnessed in the history of this country. The comments above are a clear indication of what we are likely to see more and more in this country. All this is being encouraged by the UPND leader who has never been known to condemn the wrongdoing of his members. He did not even see it as an embarrassment before invited foreign dignitaries that UPND cadres had to boo an outgoing President. He could not even utter a word over the microphone to stop the unruly behaviour of his cadres. Indeed Zambia is now into a new dawn where UPND cadres will be able to say or do anything they want to do to anybody without restraint.

  34. I would boo Lungu even after this. You reap what you plant. Do not expose your short memory by thinking we forgot what he did. If you ate with them, then continue enjoying.

  35. It is unfortunate that the UPND leadership has not condemned this act which was also done in southern Province. The party has the opportunity to redeem itself as a cultured and respectful Party. In Zambian Culture, we are taught to respect the elders no matter what. Now if this Party can boo the President and humiliate him like that before foreign leaders what more a mare citizen? The anger, hatred, mistrust and malice is unprecedented. Politics and Elections are but competing of ideas and influence after that you accept the result, concede defeat, congratulate the winner, hand over power smoothly, like we saw, move on and continue were the previous regime ended. This is how it should.

  36. As for me personally I don’t feel sorry for Edgar Lungu. He deserves what happened to him. The PF regime under Lungu was worse than the colonial government. We have been liberated and we will continue celebrating the downfall of the Lungu administration. And if they enriched themselves from public resources they should be pursued and prosecuted. Every crime has to be punished so that would-be plunderers are deterred from engaging in the same vices.

  37. Booing confirmed that many voted to spite PF…hatred motivated then and not genuine reason fo wanting better life and will end in disappointment…..but true also many suffered and were tired and will see genuine change, but voters with spite will rip what is coming….its Karma even where other will praise, they will condem….generally referred to as rotten apples

  38. Our leaders should have their days in court including former President ECL and President HH for privatization questions

  39. it is time to move and forget about the past and give support to HH,no bickering it is time to work guys let us go back to our positions has you were.

  40. Those supporting the booing should not condemn the PF cadres because their behavior is the same. Some of those jeering Lungu are known thieves who steal from their working places.

  41. State house has fallen indeed.
    What do have at our hands?
    What the heck did Zambia just do?
    What club is running Zambia.
    Everything now seems upside down.
    What gang of individuals we got ourselves ruling.
    Ohhhh my head is spinning.
    Am I dreaming?
    Something is not right.
    It’s like a deadly pathogen has just entered our system of Governance.
    Outwitting all odds; what a nightmare.

  42. Booing is universal. Its an expression of disapproval of the conduct of the one who is being booed. People disapprove former President Lungu for many reasons. These include Corruption, Violence, Gassing, rigging Elections, high cost of living, PF Cadreism etc. People were entitled to vent their anger to the former President.

  43. compared to gassing and carderlism. look at what they used to do to HH…. Did he say anything……police abuse….chingola to Lusaka escort..

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