Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF appoints Given Lubinda as the Party’s Vice President


The opposition Patriotic Front has announced the appointment of the former Justice Minister and the National Chairperson for Information and Publicity as the Party’s Vice President.

In a statement released to the media and signed by Party Secretary General Davies Mwila, the party said that, the party President Edgar Lungu in making the appointment took recognition of the intellect, charisma and massive political and governance experience that Hon. Lubinda possesses.

The statement further said that the Patriotic Front is re-organizing itself in an effort to rebrand and rebuild hence the appointment of Hon. Given LUBINDA as the Party’s Vice President could not have come at any better time.

Hon. LUBINDA has since expressed his gratitude to President Lungu for the trust and confidence that the President has showed in him and he has promised to use his knowledge and experience to contribute to the re-organization of the Party.

On Sunday Mr Lubinda said announced that the Party is doing an introspection to establish what went wrong to loose the 2021 general election to come out on the right trajectory.

Mr Lubinda said the party has a strong membership base that gives it the confidence of bouncing back after the loss.

“We are going to remodel, rebrand, and emerge even stronger. This we are determined to do and have confidence it will be done,” he added.

Hon Lubinda further called on party members to work hard to ensure that the PF becomes the best choice for Zambians.

He has further urged party members and cooperating partners to feel free to offer advice to the party leadership on how the development of the party.
“There will be changes after the review and the public will only be formed by the decisions made by the party leadership. We are confident that many issues will be dealt with,” he added.

Mr Lubinda said the soon-to-be-done introspection and postmortem shall take the form of candid review of all policies, occurances, statements and all commissions or omissions made especially by those of in the Central Committee entrusted by the members with the mandate to provide leadership.

MCC Lubinda said the process shall involve all the party structures and organs adding that all the supporters and ordinary members alike would be encouraged to submit their views and no one shall be ignored and the lessons drawn from that would be necessary for the party to make amends.


  1. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    Given Lubinda, the lost Lozi Buga Buga (as we used to call mixed race kids back in the day) who found himself among corrupt, power hungry ‘sharks’. While he himself and Bo Kuku Bo Inonge were sleep walking, others were busy amassing unprecedented amounts of wealthy. Now he’s being used again to rebrand and change the perception of PF as a party of th!eves and uneducated. How many times will you allow yourself to be used?
    I just hope this will bring a return to civilised, issue based politics. What happened to Nkandu Luo… she’s been dumped?

  2. Let me give you advice right away. Your Party is finished, just resign also and form a different one. Mr Lubinda you must be a Jocker yourself. You were beaten by Cadres and your SG and Party President who is now seeing some sense in you never reprimanded those Thugs. Instead you were forced to reconcile and forgive them. Do you know who sent them ? You were left out of Parliamentary nominations- do you know what they had planned for you if PF won the last elections ?

    I am sorry, If you could not read the Political barometer then and now, I say, I admire you.

  3. PF leaders should stop hand picking its leaders. There is need to call for an extra ordinary General Conference where new leaders will be voted into office to chart way forward failure to do such will signal the death of the once MIGHTY PF.

  4. The PF can’t rebrand with Edgar Lungu as its leader, the must quickly replace him. As for Edgar he understands the consequences of continuing to hold political office, so let’s not waste time on that. If he insists on being PF President then he loses all pension benefits pronto! Are there no people in PF that can tell him that his time is up?

  5. How will a rebranded PF operate without using GRZ resources and most of its backers and MPs visiting courts and the ACC ?????

    PF reiles on state capture by crooks to survive…….by the time an audit is done and bills for lungus campaigns are processed for payment , PF will be bankrupt and disbanded……..

  6. Kikiki!!! laughable indeed. Nkhandwe luo was the running mate and i thought thats where the interest was until 2016 when PF could choose their own choice. Its like 2016 has just come too early for ECL – disaster!. Its now dawn on Lungu but wait a minute that was a strange choice for a running mate. And UPND did not even have to sweat a lot tell people that the running mate is cruel and did nto need their vote. We need a strong opposition dont defect bane and contaminate UPND – let them drive also and offer good checks and balances after all you have experienced how to loot government coffers and there UPND can trust you can offer good checks and balances.

  7. This party called PF is in total disarray, the same people who failed the party are being promoted. Isn’t their running mate supposed to be the automatic vice president of the party. Have they just discovered that they had a wrong choice for a running mate

  8. Even with the overwhelming votes for UPND country wide, Davies Mwila is the only Zambian who thinks UPND stole the vote. From which planet is this man? And now they are trying to launder the party through misfiring Given Lubinda

  9. Let the PF choose their leaders as they deem fit; it’s a private club so they do as they like. I’m indifferent to their choice of vice-president. In other words, I don’t care.

  10. Very good. PF needs these seasoned politicians in the forefront. The introspection is cardinal. Rafa for SG??

  11. @Corruption scandals: Calling mixed kids Buga Buga is down right racist. Why is it necessary to label a person based on their color or lineage??? Hurling racist insults at mixed people is insulting. Zambians must be accepting of every race, creed and refrain from racial name calling. The Adults are the one who must set a good example for the younger ones. One Zambia One Nation

  12. Judging by their racists blogs, I have a feeling these UPND bloggers are scared of Lubinda. He is intelligent, charismatic, confident, and not tainted by corruption. They know he will be a tough customer for HH to deal with.

  13. Well PF lost and lost badly for it angered the Zambian people in so many ways that the electorate got fed up with PF insensitivity to “Ubuntu” and gave it the boot! Let’s not write off PF as incapable of bouncing back citing the experiences of UNIP and MMD and Zambian reactions to ejected parties! PF with its followers are licking their wounds because it had been taken for granted that HH would lose this election having lost five times previously thus it would be a historical repeat! Zambians proved the belief wrong! Thus PF could bounce back!

  14. PF members need serious introspection Indeed. 1. Cadre should remain as cadres and not security function. 2. Corruption should be a detestable occurrence. Listen to the people, don’t use arrogant members to be in front, they will just kill the party. HH has won, the cameras have squarely turned on him and his party. Peoe want action and progress the inoculation euphoria is ehind us. Jobs, free Education, favorable economic environment, infrastructure development etc. PF did their part.

  15. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    @Matt, #14… that was when I was young living in Zambia. We had no idea “racism” even existed in this world. Buga Buga was a compliment then which if I recall meant “white person”. I only discovered racist was a thing after I moved to the West as a young man.
    We had few whites at the hospital as medical doctors and some fathers and sisters at Catholic church… we viewed them as the closest thing to God then, and not in a racist way but different.
    Please don’t get it twisted mate.

  16. Hahaha ,PF is closing the doors after the horse has bolted out.This party is finished and no band aid will heal its wounds.

  17. With Given Lubinda at the helm the PF ship will soon sink. That can only be good news! Down with the arrogance that was your downfall

  18. They can appoint him whatever they want, Councilor, Headman, VP of the dead party. But he can’t be presidential candidate. The presidential parentage clause and grade 12 certificate or degree. May be later he managed to get from street universities.

  19. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    You must have grown up in a dysfunctional house. The only person who is twisted is you. You are bitter and a very frustrated soul. You are sick and racist. Do you know the meaning of the word compliment ?


    There nothing here to justify your racism. The fact that you admit that you only knew racism when you went to live in the west, show that you are actually very dull. Because if you really knew what racism is now that you are in the West, you could have avoided posting your comments about Lubinda. You sound like a small brain in a big mans body. Your comments tell a lot about you. You have no peace and its time to grow up.

  21. They say that assumption is the mother of mistakes. Upnd bloggers are assuming that PF cannot bounce back simply because they have lost this election and so far no defeated ruling party in Zambia has bounced back into power.
    But alot can happen in five years. Big mistakes can be made by the government. Just as other parties have come and gone, upnd has come and will go one day.
    So allow PF to reorganize, in any case we need a strong opposition to offer checks and balances. They have the highest number of opposition seats in parliament. And after all, it’s a PF affair, if one is not PF, it doesn’t concern you.

  22. PF bouncing back??? Kikikiki…. MMD was a bigger and stronger party with serious intellectuals …. have they bounced back? What can this ka party of opportunists and ba lazo do. Forget about that PF

  23. @Corruption scandals: Thanks for clarifying .I appreciate you explaining it was when you were young and living in Zambia. It is very noble of you.
    By no means was i getting it twisted. Your posting of “buga buga” may be harmless, but to some on this social media site who have a malicious mind set could easily start using those same exact words on Mixed people or rather bi-racial’s. As Zambians we must all be advocates to speak up against those that hurl racial labels to mixed people or any other race.

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