Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mixed reactions for the crowds that booed President Edgar Lungu at inauguration ceremony


There are mixed reactions from Zambians from all walks of life at the booing of President Edgar Lungu as he arrived at the Heroes Stadium for the inauguration ceremony yesterday.

Some say the former President showed statemanship by peacefully handing over power and therefore did not deserve to be disrespected in such a manner.

Others say their memories are still fresh at how PF leadership humiliated the now 7th president.

“People are still mad..they’ve been mad for a long time, they couldn’t say anything because they were afraid of being jailed so now it’s like unleashing the anger that has been boiling. I understand. Sorry ba lungu,” said Lea.


  1. It was primitivity at its worst! Whether you are still mad about the things that went wrong during ECL’s time in power is besides the point. You had your chance to vote him out of power. So, what more do you want to do to him? You are only setting a bad precedent for the incoming President, HH. It is a pity HH never said a word to stop his cadres from exhibiting that primitive behaviour and should therefore expect to be treated the same way in future by those who still support ECL and PF should things go bad for HH. Continued hatred for ECL will not give you a job, buy you groceries or put food on your table. ECL still remains Zambia’s sixth President and is going away with a state pension that will take care of him and his family for the rest of his life. Government still owes him a…

  2. … decent retirement home. Some Zambians may choose not to respect him, but there many other Zambians who still recognize his notable achievements as President and hold him in high esteem despite his shortcomings. In addition, the international community will still continue to recognize the important role he has played in ensuring a smooth transition. Whether you are still mad with him or not ECL’s name will go down into the annals of Zambian’s political history as that Sixth President who handed over power to HH in a very peaceful manner.

  3. One can only feel for lungu ,

    but we warned lungu again and again that those caders you are using to brutalise the opposition will turn against you one day ……..

    We warned lungu again and again , your time will surely come as sure as the sun will rise………

    You reap what you sow , Mr lungu.

  4. Ati humble , Christian this moron deserves all what he his getting. At one time he said he was the alpha and omega.
    How the mighty have fallen. Remember how Zuma in SA used to behave? He his now in jail.
    African president just never get it.
    We will never forget what our people have gone through under this humble moron. This is always a day of accounting like I have written here before, all bootlickers are no where around him not even his wife

  5. Your comment is awaiting moderation
    Ati humble , Christian this moro.n deserves all what he his getting. At one time he said he was the alpha and omega.
    How the mighty have fallen. Remember how Zuma in SA used to behave? He his now in jail.
    African president just never get it.
    We will never forget what our people have gone through under this humble moro.n This is always a day of accounting like I have written here before, all bootlickers are no where around him not even his wife

  6. But really why the wife was not there for him? For his inauguration ceremonies she was there but hard times like this one just to be left alone facing the booing alone…. Shame Ba Ester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was suppose to be there to also surrender the first lady title….Anyone she was stripped off the title in her absence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Lesson to learn to incoming presidents.
    Don’t wait till they tell you through the ballot
    box. Leave the podium while people are still
    Clapping.Wind of change could be seen.

  8. The man should be respected and not booed. The only challenge I see is that he did not have leaders in both his government and party that would complement his weaknesses, people like Kampyongo, Kambwili, GBM, Bizwell, Davies Mwila, Bowman Lusambo , Antonio Mwanza, Sunday Chanda were big subtractors to his leadership but he did not see this. He had his time, lets respect him

  9. Most of us didn’t vote for him, we wanted him to lose and so he lost but he didn’t deserve to be humiliated like that.

    He may have angered us when he was president but he didn’t deserve that hostile treatment.

    Mrs. Lungu did very well not to accompany her husband, she too could have been humiliated.

  10. This is a good lesson to all leaders…surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth and I dont see any reason to cheer him after presiding on a corrupt lawless govt.

  11. My take: Lungu should ONLY BLAME his st.u.pid advisors who for many years cheated him and shielded him off from reality, by making him believe that he was annoited by God and Adored across the country. That’s what dictators do, they force themselves on people. Now he had an opportunity to see and understand what the mood across the country was. If HH forgave Lungu, that is his personal choice, but it can not be expected that the general mass should do the same. HH got his satisfaction, he is the President. The ordinary people have NOT gotten their full satisfaction as they were also oppressed by Lungu`s regime, HH can not force them, if he does we will call him a dictator too. Let the will of people prevail, let them express their dissatisfaction, something that they were not given a…

  12. So we have to cheer Edgar China Lungu on for ripping up the economy? Or for the devaluation of the Kwacha? Or all the deaths along the way? The rampant CORRUPTION? The selling out of the country? I don’t think so. Edgar China Lungu has done untold damage to Zambia, and then I am allowed a bit of booing!


    “It takes decency and character for a leader to graciously accept an election defeat and accept the will of the people.”

  14. Am neither PF nor UPND, and am very ashamed of what happened yesterday. Yes, ECL made mistakes but booing him? no! that was uncalled for and should be condemned by every patriotic Zambian. the Man deserved and still deserves some respect.

  15. Five years from today the same crowd may boo the current president. Jesus Christ fed five thousand men, the same crowd called for his crucifixion. Yes like any human being, Lungu made mistakes and as human being he was removed from power by the vote that brought him in power. If Lungu was bad, by booing him we become worse than him.

  16. Only wait and see. This is a person and tends to err. Governing a country is not a joke. HH will be booed by the same citizens who booed ECL. It was a revolution like the way it happened to late KK. We will appreciate if HH can appoint chief herblist to be Minister of Chiefs

  17. Booing is know all around the world as expressing dissatisfaction. In the UK the prime minister is booed in France etc
    We are not going to clap for a moron who thought he was the alpha and omega period. He had us time to disrespect us it now our time. It’s called Kama

  18. #15 Martin….yes some even boasting in bars ati twaciciwela ci Lungu. At what price? An elderly person maybe wrong but in our tradition we don’t respond with insults. It’s taboo. Elections are like football, you beat a team, you say to them ‘hard luck’ you don’t add to their misery by insults and stoning.

  19. It is called freedom of expression. Get used to it. When you call the youth disgruntled and then arrest them when they try to answer back, they bide their time. Now is. It is time for all lily-livered politicians to leave the stage now. It will only get hotter. He who has eyes to see and ears to hear…

  20. The Engineer. We’re African and our does not allow one to retaliate by insulting back at elderly person. If an adult insults, I report to other elders who will know how to deal with the matter. In our scenario the election was the elder which dealt with the matter. You don’t flog a dead horse and remaining bitter can only result in irreparable disappointment. I hope you don’t take offense.

  21. People remember today it’s Lungu being booed, tomorrow might be HH who knows. Let us learn to respect elderly people and that was a shame. Iminyama shilakonka, No one will recognize you to put nshima on your table. kusalapuka chapwa. ECL still has his immunity and will still be respected as the sixth republican president.

  22. Whatever Lungu did in his leadership. Elections were held and the man went to Heroes Stadium to handover power to the people’s choice and so why boo him in front of high profile visitors.? That was very primitive. Infact Lungu look more mature and composed than the thousands who were booing him.

    Then the new President put a national symbol on a private vehicle? Why not just drive without the eagle? I am happy if the new president would not want the government to buy him a new vehicle. But Lawyers – Sangwa – is it okay to put the presidential eagle on a private vehicle?

  23. @ Deja Vu
    That’s the reason why Africa remains poor today because of your useless elder thinking. You need to move out of the Stone Age

  24. @Deja Vu
    If you need to be treated as an elder go and be a village headman or a chief. This is government my foot

  25. In a democratic society which upholds the fundamental freedoms of people, expect current and former leaders to be booed when such leaders makes fundamental mistakes which hurts the feelings of citizens!! Some comments above shows that we still have people who would be dictators if given an opportunity to be leaders.. they would be dictatorial rulers!!

  26. Our mothers are subjected to expired medicines and you expect us to treat this moron with kid gloves?
    Take a break

  27. Well, he earned the booing. What did you people expect the people to do. Had he won HH was going to be arrested the following day. How many professional careers of good people has he destroyed prematurely so far just to get have his way? And which organisation did he leave untouched? How do you appoint yourself as chairman of the IDC as a president? What was happening at IDC? He’s the only one who knew what was happening. It was his Kantemba. For a person in that position of power to rely on cadres to keep power and protect the cadres at any cost means he does not care about anyone’s feelings except his and you expect the people to behave and give him respect? Lungu was a terrorist and the sooner his conduct in office is investigated the better so he can be prosecuted and sent to jail…

  28. @Deja Vu,
    You bulsh!ting about morals, taboos, erderly ….and whatever…..young man take sometime and think. Just because he is an elder doesn’t mean he can’t be corrected. And other elders that you are comparing Lungu to, those did not commit the atrocities that Lungu did, you are comparing apples to Mwankoles…that doesn’t work. And the fear that it can happen to any other person e.g HH in 5year’s time? So be it, if he does the same or similar things that Lungu and his administration did, if HH suddenly becomes a Mwankole, then Boooo him, why NOT? He is reaping what he sowed, this is just the reality of 2021 and beyond…Thats a voice of democracy! You can stage a hunger strike, demonstrate, etc the choice is yours.

  29. As I know mr lungu he is a good man indeed there is no one 100 percent good in this world if God forgave The worst sinners who is Mr lungu not to be forgiven who has not even done great bad things may God bless your life

  30. Kalok – To a lot of people, the line between freedom of expression and freedom of stupidity is very thin. Ba Lea is actually a very uncivilized woman.

  31. Engineer it’s okay believe in what you want but African poverty will not be eradicated by copying habits from the rich West. As for Kanene, you already show that you not different from Davis Mwila… your language says it all.

  32. #22 The Observer especially that one Donald Trump wanted to overthrow the election results after losing….we are better than others in this regard.

  33. Me? I’m just looking forward to the day when ECL’s face is not all over the front of LT.

    He’s taken enough of our attention – let’s move on!

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    He’s lucky he only got booed… he could have been lynched or pelted with missiles like drink bottles and what not.
    Lungu’s corruption, dictatorship and terrible policies likely contributed to many people actually dying and many others losing their jobs and source of livelihood… just think about that for a minute and compare that with the ‘pain’ and ‘humiliation’ of being booed. Unfortunately those who died due to this man’s bad policies were not there to boo him. These were not just mere ‘mistakes’ as you would want to call them. And there should be no reward and praise for conceding defeat after losing badly in an election.
    By the way, the guy should have arrived before HH and got his a$s seated and not take the limelight from the “groom”.

  35. There was nothing wrong booing the former Head of State as it was the rights of those who did that and its reminder that Lungu had become very unpopular leader. But I was very touched by one thing how lonely Lungu had become to see him being a accompanied by one very brave soldier that was his daughter Tasila Mwansa. For whatever reason the first lady was prominently missing. salute the young lady she stood by the father in a very emoti0nal situation. Losing power and accepting defeat is not very easy because Lungu never expected such to happen.

  36. Even mu wrestling ba booing what more a dirty game called politics worse more the big man ruined everything . It only takes a presidential pronouncements to end some of these things like caderism violence, now look at his successor whose already showed glimpses of better things to come

  37. Today will mark 1 day since hh officially became president. I can rest assure you that although the same crowd managed to boo EL, it won’t be long before they start rebuking hh. It will start with appointments especially as they relate to cabinet posts and then frustration with overzealous youths.
    That aside, remember that EL was not liked in the 3 provinces. Also remember that one chief in the area decided to invite hh to grace a traditional ceremony.
    It takes alot to mature sometimes. I hear of heinous happenings in some offices as upnd cadres position themselves to take up positions illegally.

  38. Please Lungu did not do us a favour when he handing power to his successor. He obeyed the law. Just because other African despots don’t hand over doesn’t make him special or a hero. Infact he did himself a favour. This country would have erupted to ungovernable levels if he hadn’t and may have brought potential harm not but to the country but to him and his family too. Booing was embarrassing but I accept such free expression even if I don’t like it myself

  39. Please Lungu did not do us a favour when he handed over power to his successor. He obeyed the law. Just because other African despots don’t hand over doesn’t make him special or a hero. Infact he did himself a favour. This country would have erupted to ungovernable levels if he hadn’t and may have brought potential harm not but to the country but to him and his family too. Booing was embarrassing but I accept such free expression even if I don’t like it myself

  40. is this the kind of generation we want no no nooooooo even the newly elected president is agains this HH is principled so my appeal to youths is that learn to respect the elders ECL has done alot for zambia all u youths need to do is to work hard dont be lazy thinking jobs will come at a silver platter no no nooooo.Too bad to behave like that cos it shows how one when differ with his parent will react shame shame.

  41. Yesterday, Vice-president Nalumango was on BBC being interviewed by Peter Okwoche. One of the questions she was asked was what her government was going to do to improve the situation in the country. One of her responses was to provide jobs. Okwoche asked where the jobs were going to come from and she of course recited what we all know about growing small to medium scale businesses. She did not talk about formal jobs that the foul-mouthed youths on this site are expecting. In other words, there is need for a mind-set change among the many youths in Zambia. They have been cheated big time by UPND that it will provide jobs. But if the youths we see today are not ready to make their hands dirty, then they might as well wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Jobs will not be created…

  42. You now feel sorry for this violent and corrupt thief, he deserves the booing, He humiliated all us by destroying the Economy, thuggery by his thugs who he never condemned or arrested. Humble what humble, my foot, this is the worst and unchristian President Zambia will ever have in a hundred years. This election was a referendum on that Lungu of yours. He gagged/ muzzled all voices that is why he couldn’t tell that he was unpopular and that his time was up, so the booing was a pay back time by the suffering masses. He was booed for a few minutes but he humiliated us for seven (7) long years. This man gassed us and when we complained about the price of bread his ‘kandiles’ told us to eat sweet potatoes which are more expensive than bread and are seasonal. Sani Abacha once said ‘ if…

  43. … overnight by UPND. A lot will have to be done by the new government in mining, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, ICT through the creation of value chains among them to provide the formal jobs the Zambian youths are dreaming about. As we speak, there are over 50,000 unemployed teachers that need to be employed. Government has to find money to employ them from taxes. But when you talk of our country going through an economic recession, you are talking about reduced economic activity and growth which does not translate into increased revenue for GRZ to provide formal jobs.

  44. Handing over power is not a favour, the man had no option, he lost and lost by 1,000,000 votes, what else was he going to do? By the way booing is not an insult so don’t patronize us and the Youth about how not to insult elders. When Lungu was humiliating us for 7 years didn’t he know we are elders? Again, if you don’t want to be insulted don’t be in Politics and don’t humiliate your people/ voters.

  45. Boeing is an act of disapproval of the Person being booed. Lungu should have been wise to realise that he should have left the Stage when the Crowds were still clapping for him. This is a Lesson to all Heads of State. Lungu’s insistence on the Third Term didn’t help matters. As things turned out the Supreme Court of Public Opinion rejected Lungu’s Third Term. People have spoken.

  46. @ Matumbo, No. 34; In the civil world any Vessel that carries the President generally assumes the Presidential Call-sign and Insignia. In the US, for example, any Aircraft that would end up having POTUS on board, under any circumstances, immediately becomes “Airforce-One”.

  47. President Lungu deserved the booing, that man took Zambians for granted and tolerated his cadres running amok while he controlled the police with his ministers. People were within their rights to Express themselves now. A few weeks Lungu behaved badly to the extent of saying he will be handing over power to himself. Those are some the words people remembered and were in order for booing him. He needs to even apologise to the people of Zambia for his poor leadership during his presidency.

  48. #60 The Observer. I tell my children that the time we got indepence the population was less than three million with very few people form two standard of education. It was so easy to get a job…or the job to get. As at 1991 we had more than 200 companies owned by government apart from the mines. The population had trippled with thousands holding university degrees. All these companies were sold and the buyers simply dismantled the machinery for exportation to RSA. Now unofficially we are somewhere around twenty million so who is going to employ who? So for us without connections I have encouraged my to use their professions as private businesses. It has helped a lot.

  49. UPND are sowing their own seed of hate. Do unto others what you would have them do to you. Just remember, you can be president for some time but not all the time. You could become just like them or worse but your time will be cut short because the people of Zambia have discovered the bluff and they ain’t playing that game no more.

  50. What has changed is only the president, everything remains the same…. unruliness still there. Don’t forget the saying of people not telling the difference between A and B if B argues with A

  51. People boo during sports matches, at speeches they don’t like, in Parliament etc. You cannot legislate for that. What do you do – ask everyone to sign a pledge that they won’t boo once they enter an arena of some kind? Whether one deems it appropriate or not, it is one way of expressing dissatisfaction at something or someone. ECL booed many Zambians indirectly when he did not defend them against many atrocities, including death. On many occasions he let things happen and still kept quiet afterwards. Do we have short memories? The week before the election he was saying he will arrest HH after he wins -and that the likes of HH would have been killed elsewhere. There are other examples. Yet, a stadium of people whose emotions you can’t control should not boo him?

  52. My observation also is on the Master of Ceremony programme arrangement. The former Head of State and his entourage is supposed to be released and escorted just after handing over the instruments of power. The ceremony was then supposed to continue minus ECL he already had his inauguration. How do you leave the incumbent with cadres for the President Elect in the stadium?

  53. Ba president and ba pastor, Dr. Nevers Mumba, with much respect you deserve, Zambian are not all what you believe in much more to say I would have loved to see above all those who praised the former president ECL every day. Traditional Chiefs, some pastors, most leaders in PF namely some like Lusambo, Kampyongo, Sunday Chanda, Antonio Mwanza, Davis Mwila, Lubinda, his own choice of his heart Nkandu Luo – the list is long- PS Amos malupenga, GBM, CK, etc. Look at the escort not even a body guard was closer to ECL apart from his daughter Tasila.
    Where is the entire PF leadership? If I may say something that “Not everyone who claps for you is with you but some do so to slap you on the faces like what I saw yesterday”.

  54. @Future Zed and DEJA VU
    Preach brothers……tell the UPND under 5 that they will fall hard if they continue with their nonsense….i made sure HH didnt get elected in 2016 and now i can mobilize a massive protest to kick HH out of office…..the youths are very easy to mobilize

  55. @Future Zed and DEJA VU
    Preach brothers……tell the UPND under 5 that they will fall hard if they continue with their nonsense….i made sure HH didnt get elected in 2016 and now i can mobilize a massive protest to kick HH out of office…..the youths are very easy to mobilize..

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