Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu will not seek re-election in 2026, and Davies Mwila rules out continuing as Party CEO


Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davies Mwila has maintained that Party President and former Republican President Edgar Lungu will not seek re-election in 2026. Mr. Mwila said that Mr. Lungu has already made it clear that he is not standing but wants to ensure the PF is rebranded ahead of the next general election.

In an interview with ZNBC News, Mr. Mwila explained that this is why Mr. Lungu and himself are working at ensuring that there is a smooth transition and new leadership of the former ruling party as quickly as possible.

Mr. Mwila who has also ruled out continuing as PF Secretary-General, said both him and Mr. Lungu do not want to abandon the party they worked hard for.

He disclosed that to this effect there will be a Central Committee meeting tomorrow, where the issue of a smooth transition of leadership in the PF will be discussed.


  1. By the time PF recives all the bills for lungus campaigns that used GRZ money , you will need more than just rebranding…..

  2. In the US if the incumbent uses Airforce 1 for campaign then he has to pay for all expenses incurred. Lungu might have to do the same.

  3. Why should he? He knows this is the end of the road. PF is a dead brand. You caused a lot of sufferring , have treated public funds like your personal funds and the scandals are too many to itemise.

  4. Yes , lungu and PF thought power was forever and so they abused public funds as though the money belonged to them and was infinit………

    The main reason PF will not survive is they thought GRZ money was PF money……..

    Now the PF are about to find out that GRZ money is for the people of Zambia, not PF the party……..

  5. The death of PF has begun . These two men have correctly read the history of former ruling parties which always die after leaving office.

  6. This is the same Lazy Lungu who gave ZP to reform and rebrand …you can not go forward with selfish dinosaurs like SG Mwila as if he didnt make enough from those payments from Parliamentary and council candidates PF adoption

  7. This is the same Lazy Lungu who gave ZP 6 months to reform and rebrand …you can not go forward with selfish dinosaurs like SG Mwila as if he didnt make enough from those payments from Parliamentary and council candidates PF adoption. We want a strong opposition but the problem with PF supporters is the let Lungu bring in bootlickers and chancers in the party pushed out loyal founding members.

  8. Its sad that PF is dying soonest than later. That huge bill will cause the party to seriously disappear in thin air because even Lubinda will be scared to have such a huge bill on his shoulders. The bill should be in the range of K280billion. If less then the government is just being economical with figures. It was nice to enjoy stolen cash. There are always consequences for stealing or embezzling government cash.

  9. Its sad that PF is dying soonest than later. We need good opposition for checks and balances. That huge bill will cause the party to seriously disappear in thin air because even Lubinda will be scared to have such a huge bill on his shoulders. The bill should be in the range of K280billion. If less then the government is just being economical with figures. It was nice to enjoy stolen cash. There are always consequences for stealing or embezzling government cash.

  10. Kange Kainyokolola Zulu ka nyokolokile kanamunungu ka mutanganyo kani! Kuli nika bone konji nika tabe lilumo mwa munungu wakona, kanja ka sikuba kani.

  11. He shouldn’t have stood because he wasn’t eligible. He’s still ineligible, so it’s not news nor exciting to anybody that you’ve made this announcement.

  12. Sorry, its too late Sir. You missed an opportunity to retire gracefully as a statesman. Your name is now dented with opportunism, corruption and tribalism and will go down in the history of our books as such. Wish you listened to the wise counsel of many Zambians who cared for you.

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