Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND does not anticipate any challenges in re-aligning the 2022 national budget with the party policies-Musokotwane


Former Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane says he does not anticipate any challenges in re-aligning the 2022 national budget submissions to the policies of the (UPND) administration.

Dr. Musokotwane said that there is still adequate time for consultations and scrutiny of what has been prepared so far by the previous government, adding that there is need to re-open consultations for the 2022 National Budget which is due for presentation within 90 days.

Dr. Musokotwane, who is also UPND Liuwa Member of Parliament, was speaking to ZNBC News in Lusaka today, but acknowledged that even if the 2022 national budget will be a UPND government budget, not all things need to be changed.

The Former Finance Minister said that he does not see any dramatic changes to allocations towards paying salaries for civil servants and for allocations towards the health sector.

Dr. Musokotwane, who is also the chairperson for the UPND committee for economics and finance, has however projected reduced budgetary allocations towards public debt servicing in the 2022 financial year.

He said the UPND is confident that its vigorous negotiations for debt relief will unlock the funding the International Monetary Fund -IMF- has been holding back from bailing out Zambia owing to the failure by the previous government to effectively negotiate with the Fund.


  1. Musokotwane is a master defector, he crossed the floor multiple times. I truly hope HH leaves him standing on the wayside!

  2. Kikikikiki same mwankoles yaba…Spaka and Tarino Don’t run away both of you…this is me Saulosi….you know me very well I finished your blogging careers in 2015…
    Zambians you made a very big mistake…Zambia is now ruled by our former colonial masters macheeende yabo

  3. I see AGONY for the party cadres!
    Voting for their party in order for them to take over the bus stations/markets and enrich themselves just like their predecessors only for the trend to be abolished. Anyway, bally will create EMPLOYMENT.

  4. Musokotwane own a massive piece of land he in Mikango barracks…chongwe district which he acquired whilst masquerading as MMD die hard during MMD rule….and then he switched to PF and now he’s become self made UPND spokesman and incoming finance minister…this man is a crook….

  5. Musokotwane had switched to PF? Whn did he ever do that? Anyway, he’s talking sense on re-aligning the 2022 budget to the UPND’s preferences. That’s wht being a governing party is all about: to call the shots on economic priorities.

  6. Leave those semantics to the intellectuals. The ordinary Zambian wants the physical fruit…chapwa… not ati oranges are red, they are blue etc

  7. I’ve never known Situmbeko to have been a PF member. Most grant aided institutions are still compiling their estimates of expenditure for next year so there’s still a bit of time although not much. Most critical decisions are the policies on education, health and emoluments, and of course the outcome of debt service negotiations without default. I see emoluments suffer because of the unsustainable wage bill

  8. One will need to see beyond more funding initiatives and see the potentials therein Yes SDRs that started being SDRs can make Zambia with its weaker reserve balance sheet to reduce exposure and reliance on more expensive domestic or external debt but realizing the seriousness of the challenges that are in Government Financing will be helpful Its also important that these SDRs are used wisely to realize economic transition As discussed confirmation bias could be a sinful trap and sometimes we break the old and make the new to promote the correct economic sentiment to promote investments and move FDIs in proper and actualize the Zambian productivities frontiers, Also to accelerate…

  9. As discussed confirmation bias could be a sinful trap and sometimes we break the old and make the new to promote the correct economic sentiment to promote investments and move FDIs in proper and actualize the Zambian productivities frontiers, Also to accelerate growth we need for the Zambian economy in future Business activity and effect positive change in leading economic indicators in the most meaningful way ,there could some break or fresh way of doing Business

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