Saturday, July 27, 2024

Over 7 000 tobacco users die daily in Zambia – Research.


The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD says its research on Tobacco in Zambia, indicates, 7,142 people die each year and 60 percent of deaths are of people under 70 years.

CTPD Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Isaiah Mbewe says it is for this reason his organisation has embarked on a project dubbed Tobacco Taxation Project ( TTP ) to reduce the affordability of Tobacco and its influence in Zambia.

Mr Mbewe says increasing taxation will reduce consumption of the substance which mostly affects the youths.

“We also aim to boost domestic resource mobilization for the country, but the ultimate goal is to reduce the consumption of tobacco in the country among the youth,” he said

CTPD Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist said this during a two day media training with members of Western Province Press Club in Mongu.

Among the objective of meeting was to build their capacity on media advocacy around tobacco control in the country.

And Provincial Press Club Chairperson Sifuwe Mwangala nodded the importance of concerted effort in setting the media agenda on the life threatening substance.

Ms Mwangala said the training was a wakeup call for most Journalists to commit to covering issues pertaining to tobacco control.

“Some of us didn’t know that the health of farmers is always put at risk as they grow and harvest tobacco. Now that we know, we shall sensitize farmers on its dangers,” she revealed.

The Journalists from various media houses attended the meeting.

Meanwhile, A Researcher at Centre for Primary Care Research, UNZA School of medicine, Richard Zulu said the concerns surrounding Tobacco are urgent because of its harm to health.

Mr Zulu discloses that tobacco constitutes poisonous gases, cancer causing chemicals and contains toxic metals.

“Farm workers, often women and children also absorb nicotine through their skin during harvesting and processing causing diseases like green tobacco sickness and at times causing abortions, he explained.

Meanwhile, Paxina Phiri, a Communication Expert from Centre for Primary Care and Research (CPCR) , said collaborating in media advocacy is a powerful strategy to highlight a point of view.

Ms Phiri who is also the Chairperson of the Zambia Media Network against Tobacco (ZAMNAT) emphasized the importance of research and the dissemination of correct information to the audience for meaningful media impact.

And the Chairperson has strongly called on government to pass the Tobacco products and Nicotine control bill designed to domesticate the World Health Organisation Framework convention on tobacco control (WHO – FCTC).

The development of the bill which started in 2009 when enacted will reduce tobacco related diseases and exposure of the public to Tobacco smoke as it will ban indoor smoking, and advertising.


  1. I love my Cuban Cigars.
    People, try Cuban cigars they’re a gift from God himself. Trust me, with a cold whiskey, Lord Jesus have mercy I feel like preaching.

  2. If the heading is that wrong, imagine how flawed the research is. These organization they aim to milk the masses and they see an opportunity to suck the smokers. Surely there is no data to prove this research is not doctored to influence the taxation policy. I would like to see more data and how they came up with this conclusion.

  3. That math ba LT doesn’t add up. If 7,000 people died daily in Zambia who’d be left? Not even you ba LT. Correct that headline.

  4. Zambian journalism is still in the dark ages.

    Anyone can wake up and decide on that very day to become a journalist.

    Just like before, anyone would wake up from hangover and decide to become president.

    Your days are numbered.

  5. Arrest some of these so called Journalists. 7000 daily ??? Mussatanyoco!!
    This is why that thug Mosho thing of ECL closed and steal The Post Newspaper monies. SOME Zambian Journalists are styupid.

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