Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND is a bunch of liars and they never tell the truth-Given Lubinda


Patriotic Front (PF) vice president Mr. Given Lubinda has challenged the United Party For National Development (UPND) to tell the nation about the hidden debt they said the party, whilst in Government, had accrued.

This follows the ministerial statement to parliament yesterday by Minister of Finance and National Planning Situmbeko Musokotwane who said the stock of Central Government external debt as at the end of June 2021 stood at US $12.91 billion external debt and $ 1.5 billion domestic debt bringing the total Government debt to $14.48 billion dollars.

Mr. Lubinda said following the ministerial statement, the UPND Government should come out clean and tell the nation where the insinuated hidden debt is, adding that the UPND Government is full of untruthful people who are bent on destroying the nation.

Mr. Lubinda commended PF parliamentarians for standing up to what he described as the UPND lies.

“The UPND is a bunch of liars and they never tell the truth. The UPND Government was lying about the country’s debt burden and they have been caught napping. They should tell the nation where the hidden debt is,” Mr. Lubinda said.

“The borrowed money went into improving the welfare of Zambians through massive infrastructure development and am proud of the PF parliamentarians for standing up and call their bluff,” he said.

Yesterday, Dr. Musokotwane said that there was a need to institutionalize the practice of an outgoing Government to state the status of the economy as it leaves the administration of the country, and that, similarly, the incoming administration should also give the status of the national economy indicating what it has found, in order to serve the much-needed data for national development.

Dr. Musokotwane explained that the practice of that nature requires that the data set for making the report be comprehensive and accurate.

In a statement, the Finance and National Planning Minister pointed out that currently, the data sets are not adequate in some critical areas citing employment data as an example.

Dr. Musokotwane emphasised that the national economy is faced with challenges such as sluggish growth, fiscal deficit, inflation and high interest rates which have brought about the suffering of the people.

“It is desirable that an economy must grow, all the times. In simple terms, this means that the production of goods and services must increase from one period to the next. In practical terms, farming produce must be higher than it was in the previous period. The same must happen in other goods and services such as mining output, manufacturing, tourism visitors and so forth,” the minister stressed.

Dr. Musokotwane, who is also Liuwa Member of Parliament, said in 2020, the economy contracted by 2.8 percent, whereby the production of goods and services became smaller than levels attained in 2019.

He underscored that the shrinking of the national economy could be attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic and the blowing up of the debt crisis as well as huge payment of external debt.

The Finance Minister disclosed that the national debt as at June 2021 stood at US$14.48 billion, which is broken down as US$12.91 billion for Central Government and US$1.57 billion for parastatals that government guaranteed to the creditors.

“The debt that I have highlighted above is just external component. But there is also substantial domestic debt including areas to suppliers that the government must deal with and this makes the situation worse. Very soon I will provide to the house a comprehensive statement on the national debt and measures being undertaken to deal with it,” he said.

He revealed that the external debt has risen from less than US$2 billion in 2011 to the current levels of about US$14.5 billion.

He said this reflects one of the worst economic blunders made in the last ten year.

On economic growth, Dr. Musokotwane explained that for 2021, preliminary estimates indicate that the economy grew by 0.5 percent in the first quarter while it registered 8.1 percent growth in the second quarter.

Delivering his ministerial statement on the state of the economy in parliament today, Dr. Musokotwane further projected that the economy will grow by 2 percent for the whole year.

And Dr. Musokotwane said the ‘new dawn’ administration has already recorded progress in the quest to turn the economy of the country around.

He explained that that reduction in the prices of basic goods and services as well as an appreciation of the local currency, the Kwacha, are pointers of the UPND administration’s efforts.

He explained that within the shortest period of time, there will be massive employment opportunities for youths and the general citizenry.

Delivering his ministerial statement on the state of the national economy in parliament today, the minister, who is also Liuwa Member of Parliament, emphasized that the government has laid a strong foundation for development that will start manifesting next year.

“There are various sectors of the economy that will provide massive opportunities for jobs and these include but not limited to tourism and arts, agriculture and infrastructure among the others. Members of this August house, the new dawn administration has started to retain positives in the economy such as, reduced exchange rate, prices for most goods and services are going down, among others,” he stressed.

He said the rising copper prices that are expected to be higher in the next 15 years is a gateway to the retention of the economic boom.

Dr. Musokotwane projected that the government will upscale the production of copper from one million metric tonnes to three million metric tonnes in the following years.

“Government remains keen on the economic growth through copper prices that will remain high in the next 15 years and the government will improve the amount of copper extracted in terms of volumes and tonnages, “he said.

Meanwhile, during the time of clarification to the statement, Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya wanted to know the exact debt of the country to the lenders.

In response, the Finance Minister urged fellow lawmakers to exercise patience as he will issue a statement on the country’s debt to the house later in the week.

He further stated that towards the month-end on the instruction of President Hakainde Hichilema, he will present the 2022 national budget.

Dr. Musokotwane projected that the budget will point to the ambitious transformative journey of no return to poverty, but one to prosperity for all.



  2. Soon the man will run out of money and remain quiet, ask MMD, UNIP etc Even Sean Tembo has released that not every pot that makes noise prepares good food


  4. 1. When Obama took over from George Bush, he found an economy that was laying off 800,000 employees per month. The Car Manufacturing was collapsing. The USA was had just spent $5 Trillion on War-on-Terror, which was monies USA had borrowed from China. The cost of living went up. The Dollar was weakening every week. Unemployment rate was 12%. And there was a Global Credit Crunch

    Obama did not point the figure on Bush or the republicans or play “Blame Games”. He just got down to work because he knew that it was no longer the responsibility of the Bush or the Republican. But that, the onus was !00% on him. And he turned around the economy and reduced the Unemployment to 4.5 % in 8 years.

    • Did you say 8 years? So wait for the presentation of the UPND budget at the end of this month, check what direction we’ll be heading into then pass your comments a few months thereafter. On Lubinda, well, maybe it’s within his democratic right to voice out but if I may ask him as to who is worse off a liar and someone who takes something from one who is entitled to it for him/herself as was the case with his people in the markets and bus stations and also in the various ministries and parastatals? The Minister is not done yet with the national debt issue.

  5. 2. Bill Clinton did the same thing when he found a collapsing economy from George Bush Senior. Clinton just got to work, and USA experienced an Economic boom. Hence in 1992, James Carville the Democratic Strategist coined the wordings. “It’s The Economy Stupid.”

    ++ You don’t advance forward by keeping your eyes on the past. You learn from it and quickly move on. There is a saying in the (i) Corporate World (ii) Investment Banking World
    If you take over or buy a sinking company – don’t ever talk about its past culture and ethics, but focus on finding solutions, new ideas and improving its products and services to make it profitable.

  6. Lubinda must shut up, PF ws given 10yrs ad nothing ws done to better the lives of Zambians, u did nothing apart from robbing from the nation. Am really disappointed with your mafia type of ruling this country. You didn’t hv time for us ad now those the people hv chosen are liars, jst less than two months u calling names. Better shut up

  7. He is a loser tough road ahead of him if he will survive the political Tsunami.

    Just wait patiently very soon you will be frequenting court cases.

  8. 2. Bill Clinton did the same thing when he found a collapsing economy from George Bush Senior. Clinton just got to work, and USA experienced an Economic boom.

    Hence in 1992, James Carville the Democratic Strategist coined the wordings. “It’s The Economy Stupid.”

  9. 3. You don’t advance forward by keeping your eyes on the past. You learn from it and quickly move on.

    There is a saying in the (i) Corporate World (ii) Investment Banking World.

    If you take over or buy a sinking company – don’t ever talk about its past culture and ethics, but focus on finding solutions, new ideas and improving its products and services to make it profitable.

  10. 4. Yes, we know PF messed up big time, but they also succeeded in some form.

    They invested in infrastructures such as:

    Roads, Schools, Farming Inputs, Bridges, Hospitals, Power Stations, Airports, etc… which you need as the bedrock to open up development.

    Mind you some of these projects were started by MMD. But the onus was on PF to complete them.

    HH will also complete some of the projects PF initiated. That’s how it works. And he will be judged from now on till 5 years.

  11. 5. PF is gone and now let the nation just focus on moving forward !!

    Let’s stop behaving like a woman or man who remarries but spends the whole time with bitterness- talk – about how bad the ex-partner treated him, “left him or her” instead of working on the new marriage and move forward.

    UPND.. this is your time. Not PF and focus on your strategic plans. If you keep sight on the past, you advance nothing but just hot air.

  12. Musokotwane was in MMD and he is in Pilato’s bufi song….that explains why Pilato featured him in his bufi song….

  13. Please running government is not like running a kiosk were one is solely answerable to themselves… the ills of the previous administration have to be brought to light so that the electorate who voted can scrutinise for themselves the kind of people they entrusted with their resources…
    Given you are a weasel ,,,you and your pf deserve no third chance.

  14. Lubinda and PF ought to be remorseful of their Chimbwi no plan and “borrow so that we plunder” borrowing that has inflicted so much pain and economic burden on current and future generations. Blah blah blah on a full stomach while people are suffering

  15. Can’t Lubinda do anything else in life, except politicking?
    Why cant he let others Serve the people of this country as well? Why does he want to live on Government coffers, rather than be productive and contribute real Taxes to Government?

    • You have a valid point. Just look at “Namakau House” before pf got into power and now.though it may have changed hands or management by now, I’m not privy to that but the truth is then it looked like being run by someone with little or lacking in monetary resources.

  16. UPND can’t develop Zambia.Five years is enough with HH.Look at the Kwacha.We told you that Kalyalya is just full of papers but no actions.Parick the kwacha at 22.3 but he left it at 15.5 kwacha.HH has made speaches Kwacha has not appreciated.UPND chaps are bunch of liers

  17. But PF lied to too about “more money in your pocket in 90 days”….which ended up being 10yrs of increasing poverty & debts.

  18. Why would Zambians listen to a thief like Given Lubinda? That’s why HH should stop that forgiving nonsense and start prosecuting these looters!

  19. It’s fine, Lubinda. Let the UPND work with whatever it is they have found — including lies. We shall see both you and them in 2026. Osaiwala mambala. You might be talking yourself into a walloping anytime soon.

  20. As PF grass roots the whole country we don’t want Given Lubinda as our leader, we don’t even support his confrontational stance towards UPND, and this is because UPND is very new in their position, and they have five years ,for any reasonable person to say they have not fulfilled their promises is not in order , PF themselves told us of more money in our pockets which we never saw, instead it was more money for our PF leaders pockets

  21. So says the justice minister from the worst GRZ where untruths , uturns , nolie proscuties and falsehoods are concerned….

    No one in their right mind would belive anything comming out the then PF GRZ……

    The only reason they cobbled together a patchwork of truths was to borrow moreoney from the IMF……..

    Even then , the Financial World did not belive them………

    Even the Chinese government did not want anything to do with them…..instead leaving them to the mercy of crooked Chinese firms …….

  22. Why do we see GL in the media all day every day? Because reporters are maybe a little too happy to dance to his tune? Hey reporters, GL actually belongs to the BIG LOSERS of the election, so he doesn’t deserve all this attention! You can leave him alone for a week! And why is nobody asking any intelligent questions? Just taking notes and we go home again!

  23. Lubinda has become mental. I think he can’t believe HH7 is president. PF was everything bad in the dictionary. Please stop wasting time even giving this useless chap media time. He has never made sense in anything he says. PF was worst at lying, corruption, violence among a lot of things compared to any previous president. Lubinda if you want to join UPND just ask – stop been like a talkative woman who wants attention for no reason. Instead of been remorseful and talking about what they would done better (none in 7 years) he decides to talk about gay rights and irrelevant things.

  24. PF a scale of 1 to 10 I would give Pf 10 and UPND 7 in terms of trustworthness. That’s how low your PF ranks? sir. A cabal and axis of evil

  25. If we are not careful this term will finish with nothing but finger pointing. UPND should realize that they are no longer opposition. The very reason why you opposed PF and we voted for you is what you are still saying yet you said you come with solutions. I wonder if I could have just slept that day instead of waking up 02hrs for this.

  26. Surely with all that money pumped into Zambia developmental agenda, Zambia should have been by far in development. No wonder millions are found in people homes and cadres in PF were showing off their stolen wealth. many of this borrowed money went to fund luxury private life style. Shame on these PF chaps who are still raising their heads high especially people like Lubinda. Behaves as if was not part of the system. Under his watch the justice system in the country collapsed. It was used to punish political enemies. Yet is now trying to stand on top of a hill pointing fingers at new govt.

  27. LUBANDA Shut up, we are tired of your lies with your LUNGU. Where are your cadres? My brother you will not manage to fight the whole Zambia alone. People voted you guys OUT because of your Evil behaviors. Apologize, otherwise we don’t want to see you here.LT why are you covering this man?? Frankly he is so useless. Why being made a VP after the Party Lost. Where is Mama LUO? Is she planning how she will Jump in to UPND. Boss PF is gone and go back to your MMD.

  28. Freindly advice swallow your pride Given then you will start see things differently. At the rate you are going I feel sorry for you.

  29. UPND, stop using useful energy on blaming PF. One thing that stand out is that PF with its infrastructure program has left evidence for all to see.
    All the staff you ve been promising may not be fulfilled with this atitude you ve gone with into the govt.
    Our belief was that u are reach in solution to eradicate the challenges encountered b4 12 August 2021.
    Like ve said so many times, Bally should reduce the usage of media and focus more on working. It’s this rhetorical that has engulfed the party in govt that in as much as President went USA via commercial flight to save more cash, yet see the police officers lining from indepence to Mosio tunya, Tokyo road, the can not advise him to quickly shift to govt house.
    UPND it’s your time and quickly set the changes in motion with…

  30. Sir you were among those Politicians well respected in the country, but now you are pulling yourself down in the mud. I know there`s suppose to be checks and balances, but sometimes what you say, just don`t make sense. you were in Power for 10 years and what promise did you fulfill? You are busy wanting to see results from your friends in less than a 2 months. How does that work? All we need is common sense here !!! I don`t belong to any political party and did not vote for either one them. Here is my thing, I have not seen a political party that has gone down, bouncing back in my beloved country Zambia. Maybe this will be the first time. In short, your friends have managed to bring the party down and they turned to you, so that your name is finished off completely . why don`t you…


  32. You are the biggest lier. Please give the government a little bit of time; they barely less than 60 days old. You messed up a lot of things – the swamp will be drained with much greater commitment & discipline as already shown by President HH & team. One Zambia one nation. God bless Zambia !

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