Saturday, July 27, 2024

The dismissal of ZRA Director General Dr. Kingsley Chanda gets Condemnation


PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema’s dismissal of Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda with immediate effect and replacing him with Dingani Banda has received contamination from Green Party President Peter Sinkamba and Golden Party Zambia (GPZ) leader Jackson Silavwe.

According to a statement issued by State House chief analyst for press and public relations Cecilia Mulenga, President Hichilema was exercising his powers in accordance with Section 19(3) of the Revenue Authority Act.

Reacting to Dr Chanda’s dismissal. Mr Sinkamba said that he received with shocked the news of the firing of former ZRA Director General, stating that Dr. Chanda performed exceptionally well and that at this point when resource mobilization is imperative, it was fatal to change an exceptional performer like him.

“Much I have issues with ZRA that I am taking to court for intervention concerning the winning tax for bets, and withholding tax on rent, overall, ZRA under his leadership has been a marvel,” Mr Sinkamba said.

“I understand that his contract was renewed four months ago or so. If it is true, then the decision to fire him reminds me of issues I raised concerning the appointment of Governor at Bank of Zambia.

“If true, this decision would entail that ZRA will have a heavy burden of paying salaries and other emoluments to two DGs till 2026. Yet, only one will be actually working.

“If true, this sort of wastage of public resources in the New Dawn Government should be brought to an end, especially where the rationale is irrational,” he concluded.

And the Golden Party Zambia (GPZ) leader Jackson Silavwe said that it is an abuse of his prerogative to fire a highly performing officer and is dismayed by the firing of Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda.

In a statement last evening, Mr. Silavwe said he does not support President Hichilema’s decision to terminate the employment contract for Dr. Kingsley Chanda, adding that the Head of State has just deprived himself of a brilliant mind, affirming that Dr. Chanda’s performance qualifies him to be a national asset.

The opposition leader said ZRA performed exceptionally well under Dr. Chanda leadership.

Mr. Silavwe said the moment Zambia’s politicians start recognizing local professionals, the country will see unprecedented development.


  1. Condemnation by two party leaders who got less than 0.00001% of the votes during the last election, and ZERO seats in parliament. Maybe we just don’t care what these LOSERS think.

  2. “I will not retire anyone in national interest’ ‘they say retiring in national interest and yet it is in their own interest’. Sincerely I wish HH success but he must be very careful when people are advising him to do something against what he said when addressing the nation. Both as an opposition leader and as a president. In life people will only respect you to the extent you can keep your word, especially as a leader.

  3. i see no concrete reason why people should open their mouths to condemn a straight forward thing…if he wants he can fire everyone as long as the law provides for the president to do so.
    Ma rubbish ya opposition

  4. These decisions won’t be without consequences. The most common reason that’s being advanced by Bally’s cohorts is that the dismissed officers worked with ECL so they can’t be trusted. But how about Denny Kalyalya? Felix Nkulukusa rose through the ranks under PF so what can he do that he didn’t do under PF? Chipoya was fired by Sata from State House, Sylvia Masebo bought the Beijing Jeeps at an inflated price. What’s Bally fixing? He’s just a Johnny come too late fela! One day he’ll wake to find that everyone has gone home. My advice to those PSs and others that are clinging to their positions thinking they’ll be spared is that resign now than wait to be humiliated

  5. The constitution must be looked at, firing civil servant like this is not good. the moment new government comes in, civil servant are the casualties. If so then, allow the civil servants to campaign with a party in Government to balance the equation. we are all Zambians. we all voted. power to the people not the president, He is a Servant as he says.

  6. The fallacy of African politics is that there are vultures always waiting for appointments. I tell you even this Banda will soon be replaced with the RIGHT PERSON.

  7. The moment this man went and paid for Stephen Kampyongo’s illegal ministerial salary is the moment I lost respect for Peter Sinkamba…he calls himself Green Party but does not understand anything about green ideology…he is in the same boat with Fred Meembe who wears an Army fatigue hat , Khaki military shirt and thinks he is a socialist.

  8. Why is no one questioning the PF for renewing this man’s contract …one month to elections? Please someone do an audit on KC….Lungu and PF were a criminal organisation they can not reward anyone just like that unless he has assisted them in the plunder or looked the other way.

  9. Deja Vu – There you go again..hiding behind oxymoron quotes so as not to reveal your biasness towards Lazy Lungu and PF…go and tell the clearing agents in Chirundu not to celebrate let’s see if you will come back in one piece. How can you have a grave for me when I am not in public office stealing from the poor.
    You can foooool other bloggers for likes but you can not foooool us who have been on here for a while.

  10. #13 Tarino I don’t know why you deliberately twist my posts. You don’t laugh at someone for their mistakes, you learn from them. I can tell you that there’s not single honest whistle blower in this country those who report like those agents do so because they have been left out. I know because during my working days I handled contracts worth millions. Each time a bid failed, people accused me of being corrupt. But time vindicated me. I can neither condemn or defend KC because I don’t have personal experience with him and his work.

  11. And Tarino Orange thinks Saulosi is a small boy….i don’t just criticize…am very objective….exactly what I said and that’s what everyone learned Zambian is saying…I might be driving UBER for a living but am do understand simple arithmetics…by default ZRA now has two commissioners…it’s not a surprise what do you expect from Chimbwi no plan President HH

  12. It has come to my attention that someone here has been for the last few weeks cloning my account and posting a lot of garbage. I suspect it is that village pig tarino. Lusaka times I urge you to protect us from people using our identities. You have an obligation to protect those that trust you by blogging on your website. Failing which I will seek legal redress.


  13. Saulosi – Really laughable..yes even Hiltler was a devote Christian. I have nothing against what you do for living or space time in fact I am proud of you as I have friends who moonlight as taxi drivers on weekends and are very successful.
    All I am telling you is take a break of LT like you did when Lazy Lungu was in State House as much your criticism is premature and you’re scraping the bottom of barrel to connect everything to Bo Situmbeko.

  14. #17 Where have I supported KC. Look I told you I don’t express opinions subjects I don’t know…. like the Hakainde privatization issue you can read all my posts, I have never committed my opinion in one way or another because I didn’t see it.

  15. Tarino you upnd supporting son of a f00I make sure I never meet you when you visit Zambia. Because I will beat the f00Iishmess out of you. Don’t think because hakainde *** is in power you can disrespect me or any person for that matter. I am not scared of any upnd thug or cadre. I will beat you all up

  16. Any copper resdue left by your PF father will be rooted out.. complain or not he’s out of office..
    Forward chabe..

  17. It is here for one thing only to troll…really laughable..cry some more for Lazy Lungu and PF thieves!

  18. Tribute to hard working ZRA workers who were achieving targets year in and year out with a very ineffective Director General like Kingsley Chanda. ZRA will continue achieving its targets infact even before Kingsley Chanda went there ZRA was already achieving its targets.

  19. Just being myopic for this one man party to think Kingsley was behind achievement of those targets. You don’t even have details about him that we have so why not just go and join former trouble maker Kaizar in mourning your immeasurable loss

  20. Only one President at a time and it is HH this time, those who want Kingsley can appoint him in their homes, not ZRA no no please, stick to your lanes. There are no checks and balances with appointments, it is the prerogative of the President, I know you are slow learners but pretend you are learning for us to make some progress please

  21. First of all isn’t it you people who complained about Dr. Chanda on “corruption”? HEHH is merely following the cries of the people. You are the same people who cried foul on Dr. Chanda now you cry foul on his removal. If we go on like this UPND might not achieve most of its promises before 2026. (This is my opinion and I’m not affiliated to any political parties)

  22. Kingsley Chanda has been dismissed because he is not from North Western Zambia. The North Westerners demanded for his dismissal and their North Western leader decided to give in to their demands. Banda is being used to cover up for their regionalism. It is just a matter of time before Banda is dismissed and a North Westerner is appointed. One Zambia, one region!

  23. Look at me I am one Mushota. Sometimes I go by the name of Kaizar Zulu. I live in the UK, please give me some love.

  24. Look at me I am one Mushota. Sometimes I go by the name of Kaizer (or Kaizar) Zulu. I live in the UK, please give me some love.

  25. Fackson – When has ZRA failed to hit their targets even before KC …the authority was hitting targets. Its laughable you are talking about tax collection targets…I would love you to say the same about IDC companies.

  26. No look at me I’m Kaizer Zulu, but sometimes I go by the name Mushota. It is the same me with my fiancee Nick. Please go easy on me and my alter ego Kaizar Zulu.

  27. The first townga president in power and Zambia is changing for the better . Why did it take this long to vote in my fellow tribesman? I am now thinking about relocating back home. I will do so once I am confident that homosexuals are safe back home.

  28. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! That was a sweet move Bally!!!! They were beginning to think that things were continuing as before. Wipe them all out. Theirs was a 30 year project, and they are entrenched from the roots to the branches. Prune them at the top, and uproot them at the bottom. There have been 7 elections after Chiluba removed the curtains from our faces, and we were able to see what they really do. We won in 2001, they rigged; they won in 2006 due incumbency; they won in 2011 by deceiving the people of Western Province. We sorted them out in 2015, but they rigged; we sorted them out in 2016 but they rigged again. This time, we did not give them a chance to rig, but still want to rig the system by holding on to ill-gotten and performed power. It is time to go, and this is the…

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