Thursday, February 13, 2025

President HIchilema Fires Dr Simon Miti and Dissolves boards of ZESCO, ZR, INDENI and ZAMTEL


President Hakainde Hichilema has, with immediate effect, dismissed the secretary to the cabinet Dr. Simon Miti and dissolved boards of ZESCO Limited, Zambia Railways, Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company, and ZAMTEL.

According to the press statement issued to the media this evening by statehouse, the President has since appointed the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet for Administration Mr. Patrick Kangwa to act as secretary to the Cabinet for administrative convenience.

The statement further said that Dr. Oliver Kalabo, who is currently the Permanent Secretary at State House will act as the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet for Administration.

The president further thanked Dr. Simon Miti for his services to the country and wished him well for the future.

Apart from dissolving the boards of ZESCO Limited, Zambia Railways, Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company, and tZAMTEL, the companies under the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), the president has terminated the tenure of the Board Chairman of the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings PLC (ZCCM-IH)


  1. They said he was not acting but he told you that he makes well thought decisions. That is how tongas work. Strategic leadership not that lazy Easterner lazy lungu. Remember there is a reason tongas were the first inhabitants in Zambia. It is time for me to relocate to Zambia

  2. They said he was not acting but he toId you that he makes weII th0ught decisions. That is how tongas w0rk. Strateglc Ieadershlp not that Iazy Easterner Iazy Iungu. Remember there is a reason tongas were the first inhabltants in Zambia. It is time for me to reIocate to Zambia

  3. When is he going to fire the chap that put a zebra cross at the flyover bridge. He either smoked a lot of weed or he’s a defector from the Green Party

  4. I had advised these guys to resign own their own but in Zambia people don’t have integrity just like Andrew Kamanga. There are indications that all Permanent Secretaries will be fired so why pretend? Get out on your own than wait for the boot. Some are even fasting that their jobs are secure, not even a miracle will stop Bally from doing what he has intended. As long as you were appointed by either MCS or ECL you’re gone

  5. The President is moving slow ..I surely hope State House is methodical and some prosecutions will follow as some of these sackings are backed by investigations. Simon Miti should have been fired in the first week I mean he is the CEO of the Civil Service or the Chief of Staff. All boards should have been dissolved as well…when is he going to sack those people at IDC?

  6. When you want to see true colors of a man give him power……of course he this was expected….Miti was ready for this…meanwhile youths are waiting for jobs…fuel still expensive…..stick getting more kaloba…HH WILL END UP AS A ONE TERM PRESIDENT NO DOUBT

  7. Bloggers be wary not to engage the UK based impostor using my alias…I have been posting on LT for 10 years I never post tribalistic claptrap or mention any tribes.
    Be wary ..some people have nothing to do with their time #N£z its hard for them to adjust gone are the days of insults, thuggery and name calling under previous govt.

  8. Saulosi – Have you seen Simon Miti’s profile? His previous role was at State House with LAZY LUNGU and old man Sata sacked him surely would you retain such a Secretary to the Cabinet in your govt? Hand on heart

  9. Thats the only development we getting now firing till 2026…..and replace them with loyalist…so they can continue stealing from where PF left from

  10. How can you have boards of companies that are continually failing ????, ……….

    year after year , making losses and these boards are still having meetings earning allowances……….

  11. Saulosi – You make it look like everything has come to a stand still whilst contracts are being terminated? You dont know what you really want …would you still keep chaps like Mr. Eric Silwamba, SC as Board Chairman of ZCCM? Have you seen the scandals there..c’mon be serious

  12. Wow! How Anthony Bwalya came from the backdoor, overlapped and knockout SLUGGISH and SLEEPY established media CRONIES of UPND to become HH’s Right Hand Man & Press Aid. Wow! How Anthony Bwalya came from the backdoor, overlapped and knockout SLUGGISH and SLEEPY established media CRONIES of UPND to become HH’s Right Hand Man & Press Aid.

    Dear Mr President

    Please give jobs to these UK UPND Branch chaps. They all celebrated and boasted that they were to get diplomatic jobs. They are a bunch of scroungers who really overate themselves. Some guy even quit his job and now he is so stuck because that phone call from Lusaka has not arrived.
    In the meantime, please be careful, as some Tonga Tribalist Blogger on Lusakatimes may just have a heart attack, now that you have given this job to Mr Kangwa ( a bemba ) to become acting Secretary to the cabinet. Yet another inside Technocrat taking over from Dr Mitti. Where are the intelligent Tongas?


  13. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    A bit late for some of these dismissals but it is being done. There is no way we would expect HH and his administration to deliver when some of these PF and Lungu stooges are still around. The corruption, incompetence and laziness of the Lungu administration were characterised and facilitated by these same people. So it makes sense to let them go.
    What I’m not sure is if replacing them with their deputies would solve anything and achieve the desired outcome. These deputies were complacent in the incompetence of their bosses. But it’s a good start.

  14. If you are MD or CEO for ZESCO and ZAMTEL you hear that your company’s board has been dissolved by the President just know that you are between a rock and a hard place…Sydney Mupeta and Victor Mudende the Hatchet man is coming for you next!!!

  15. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    The UK based troll, pretending to be Kaizar Zulu is really getting desperate, now pretending to be Tarino Orange. Very sick and insecure lowlife if a human being. We can easily tell who is the real Tarino Orange.

  16. Clinical ,precision ,methodical and surgical strike by HH ,well done Bwana Boss. More firings to come to clean Zambia of Lungu’s dirty webs.

  17. Can the President or new Airforce commander halt further development at Kingsland on Twin Palm Rd? I was there at the weekend in a wedding party and the Chinese developers are destroying prestine forest. That’s where Chalimbana river starts from. It’s going to dry up completely. How was this development even allowed in the first place? Lungu Lungu ku konda ndalama ufuna paya bantu sure.

  18. I ve always advised people here, that is HH said he will provide jobs for Zambians – indeed he ll so jst that. And if HH said he ll fire you, he ll equally also do jst that – regardless of how long he ll take to decide.

  19. HH will do everything that he promised you in his compaigns – everything. But as usual, in his systematic way. The man is supersonically intelligent in a way even Zambians themselves have no idea. He is a kind of guy that says nothing to rumors but strikes back accurately when u jst began to think he is sleeping.

  20. Continue the cleaning up. Fire more and replace them with well meaning Zambians willing to help grow the country. We need a better Zambia. Dissolve all boards and fire all CEOs.

  21. If you listen to liar in chief HH’s interview with Costa Mwansa when he was in opposition then you will understand that HH is full of kaaaaka….he is doing exactly what he said Lungu was doing wrong…let’s not just support mungulu mungulu…HH is finishing Zambia and now busy surrounding himself with loyalists so that he can finish all our assets….HH himself said it in an interview…” if you borrow more when there’s no more room to borrow that means you’ve sold all your assets”…HH.
    Again he said ” what Lungu need to do is manage our current debt because if he borrows more it means he will get into Kaloba and Kaloba will finish Zambia”….HH

    OK now you be the Judge

  22. Finally… don’t forget other parastatals like Public Service Micro Finance, you have big PF cadres there!!!

  23. But the pace is quite slow bwana HH. move fast. zesco owes people k200million for unconnected households. that is stealing form pipo. jail mundende.

  24. What took you so long to make such decisions President HH? Some Edgar Lungu-appointees are still servicing in your government. Get rid of them also quickly before they completely finish covering their tracks. I hope it is not too late

  25. Very slow indeed in acting. You cannot fight corruption through piece meal overhaul of government institutions. It has to be complete disruptions so that all thieves scamper in these govt institutions. PF corruption is very entreched in govt instituitions. If the president is being methodical, the question is to who when supporters are complaining of slow pace especially with huge mandate he was given. Currently president is behaving as if was part of the establishment. When you come in and you have never been in govt before, it gives the opportunity to really disrupt the system for the benefit of the supporters and Zambian people. So far no massive disruption has occured. Further, there should economic cluster within the govt comprising of ministry of finance, small business, green…

  26. Further, there should economic cluster within the govt comprising of ministry of finance, small business, green economy, science and innovation and agriculture to come with deliberate funding mechanism for the youth and key sectors. In a country like Zambia surviving on donor money, you need to priotise sectors that matter to supporters and Zambian people. Hence having a cabinet economic cluster is key. In the same way, to fight corruption, you need a cluster among cabinet ministers that speak and have same goals that comprise of home affairs, justice. These deliberate clusters within cabinet are supposed to enhance performance and move with speed like what other countries are doing. There are a lot of best practices out there that can be adapted for Zambian situation. I am afraid with…

  27. Get Rid of all PF old broom! This action should not only end at Firing and Dissolving boards but follow up and prosecute all those who were engaged in Stealing govt funds from the coffers, Corruption and embezzlement. The secretary to the treasury was just fired without prosecuting him and yet some unexplained huge amounts of money stashed in bags were found at a house of a church girl in your neighbourhood Sir.

  28. HEHH (BALLY) meant his words that he needs to methodical in doing things, others were quick to state that he was moving at tortoise pace. One has to take time when dealing with serious national matters. In Lunda they “WADA CHOVU DIYU WEKUTAN”GA” Meaning he who eats slowly is one who gets satisfied, not eating quickly quickly as if one is being chased. Let u learn to be patient to avoid making mistakes. Now for those that are seeking jobs opportunities are now there. But I advise those that lining up for jobs in the 1st wave to be careful, the man has made it clear no deals of any sort but delivering services and goods at the right time, high quality and right price, NO VAT. To move this country forward, service to the NATION FIRST NO SELF FIRST. Some ministers are not using the powers…

  29. It is not a ONE MAN SHOW its the position we gave HEHH and when appointing and disappointing he quotes “In accordance with section so and so of the constitution of Zambia, I am exercising the powers vested in me I therefore “. .Appoint or Dismiss.. So whatever the President is doing is NOT ONE MAN SHOW. How do you expect him to implement his vision with a team that does share in his vision.

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